Conspicuous Consumption

741 papers
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Conspicuous consumption is a social and economic theory that describes the practice of purchasing and displaying luxury goods and services to signal wealth, status, and social prestige. It emphasizes the role of consumer behavior in demonstrating social status and the desire for recognition within a societal context.
The trend of utilizing luxury brands among Generation Z in Indonesia is on the rise. The shifting landscape of priorities among young individuals in this evolving era often results in tertiary needs taking precedence as primary... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate how envy of others affects the conspicuous consumption and overspending habits of Instagram users. Additionally, the study aims to examine the effect of self-esteem and social norms on... more
This paper presents and discusses the results of an empirical research whose objective was to discuss the relationship between the concepts of conspicuous consumption, status consumption and self-expression. For this, we have used the... more
Purpose: This study wishes to explore the level of understanding of how consumers in the market perceive conspicuous consumption. Research methodology: A qualitative research process was applied for collecting and evaluating the... more
Recent scholarship in the history of modern interior design has moved beyond the rhetoric of the avant-garde to recognize the enduring importance of style as an expression of social identity and taste as a mediator between design and... more
Thorstein Veblen was one of the great scholars of the twentieth century. Indeed, his most famous concept has entered the realm of cliché: conspicuous consumption. Yet the density of his prose has meant that his wider arguments about... more
Using the example of Grand Marshal of Lithuania Jan Stanislaw Sapieha (1589–1635), the author of the article examines the subject of magnates’ consumption in the first half of the seventeenth century. On the basis of the marshal’s revenue... more
In times of rapid change, experience teaches that good management involves doing two things simultaneously: performing at a high level in the current environment and preparing for the future -a future that may differ from the present in... more
This paper aims to demonstrate the level to which Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) can be used for spatial analyses and, more specifically, Least-Cost-Path-Analysis (LCPA). To do this, ground-truthed routes which connected major... more
CONSUMER 5.0. Summary: The article examines from historical and comparative perspective the changes in final consumption as a result of transformation of technologies used in production, distribution, exchange and consumption during the... more
According to various economists, a main reason for a so-called demonstrative (conspicuous, ostentatious) consumption is a signaling of economic wealth, i.e. the aim to demonstrate a social status of the individual, or the aim to pretend... more
Consumers associate luxury with being expensive. But where do they perceive expensiveness to begin? Based on large representative samples from seven major countries this research reveals an extreme dispersion across consumers in their... more
The purpose of this study is to highlight the moderating role of organizational agility (OA) between dynamic capabilities (DC) and market performance (MP) in SMEs in Turkey and Malaysia. The data was collected from 198 managers in both... more
Impulse buying shows purchasing behavior without thinking, and contains cognitive and affective dimensions. There were many factors that affect impulse buying tendency in literature. In this research, it was aimed to analyze how store... more
The conspicuous consumption among young generation consumers is a general trend in sport goods. The purpose of the study is to reveal the dimensions of conspicuous consumption related to sport products and to analyze the effects of... more
This research investigated how the use of a prominent versus subtle branding strategy and status consumption affect consumers' intention to buy luxury products across emerging and mature markets. To this end, an experimental study with... more
This study aims to analyze the brand personalities of new generation virtual influencers such as Aypera and Alara in Turkey's rapidly evolving digital marketing environment. These rising virtual influencers on social media platforms have... more
Instagram günümüzde en yaygın kullanılan sosyal medya platformlarından birisidir. Daha çok görsel paylaşımına imkân sunan Instagram’da her kesimden kullanıcı diğer kullanıcıların fotoğraflarını, videolarını beğenebilmekte, yorum... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate how envy of others affects the conspicuous consumption and overspending habits of Instagram users. Additionally, the study aims to examine the effect of self-esteem and social norms on... more
Amaç - Bu çalışmanın amacı, modern-kapitalist toplumu mülkiyet-kültür ilişkisi bağlamında analize tabi tutmak ve Sosyolojik bir bakış açısıyla yeniden tanımlamak, betimlemek ve bir toplumsal tipoloji kavramsallaştırması yapmaktır. Yöntem... more
Kuşaklar arası farklılıklar, bireylerin hem çalışma hayatında hem de günlük hayatında farklı yönde karar almalarına neden olabilmektedir. Öyle ki bir bireyin lüks bir mal veya hizmeti satın alırken, onu işlevselliğine göre mi yoksa statü... more
The notion of conspicuous consumption (Veblen 1899) suggests that consumers spend lavishly on goods to that symbolize status and visibly communicate wealth and status to others. Analysis of multiple product categories, however, indicates... more
Emotional antecedents of schadenfreude—joy experienced when observing another's downfall—were investigated in a status consumption context. Across 3 studies, status product failure produced schadenfreude and led to intentions to... more
Consumer behavior and sociological research have recognized early on the negative externalities of exposure to conspicuous consumption: anxiety, debt and wasteful consumption. This article contributes to political economy by incorporating... more
The aim of the paper is to examine the impact of attitudes towards travel influencers on social media on conspicuous consumption and the fear of missing out (FOMO) and to present the accumulated knowledge and recommendations expected to... more
The article examines from historical and comparative perspective the changes in final consumption as a result of transformation of technologies used in production, distribution, exchange and consumption during the First industrial... more
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen,... more
Consumption involves acquiring cultural signs and symbols so that the symbols' meaning gets associated with you and your identity -this is also called consumerism Consumption also about the aspirations and desires for our lifestyle that... more
This research explores the dynamics of masculinity and the concept of the female gaze through the lens of the iconic Barbie and Ken relationship in Barbie (2023). Contrary to conventional narratives surrounding the male gaze, this study... more
In the digital era, social media platforms play a vital role in shaping the self-image and consumption behaviors of individuals, making it essential to investigate the relationships between these variables. This study seeks to determine... more
Social media refers to the platforms that were introduced during the advent of Web 2.0. These platforms permit users to create and manage their own content. Additionally, social media has been instrumental in transforming our... more
We study real estate purchases by major company CEOs, compiling a database of the principal residences of nearly every top executive in the Standard & Poor's 500 index. When a CEO buys real estate, future company performance is inversely... more
A partir del caso del Pirineo catalán, nos interesa analizar la emergencia de un discurso crítico inédito hasta este momento en la región que se opone abiertamente a lo que cada vez más se denomina como “monocultivo turístico”. En el... more
Self-financing courses are the need of the hour, not only to meet the requirement of educated labour force for attaining higher growth in the economy but also toreap the benefits of "demographic dividend". In India, the prices of these... more
Cette thèse propose de construire une ethno-poïétique, questionnant notamment la complémentarité opératoire entre la poïétique et l'ethnographie. La première, centrale dans cette étude, est considérée comme science et philosophie de... more
Using nationally representative data on consumption, we show that Blacks and Hispanics devote larger shares of their expenditure bundles to visible goods (clothing, jewelry, and cars) than do comparable Whites. We demonstrate that these... more
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston our seventh decade, the Bank moved into its current home at 600 Atlantic Avenue, and the Reserve Banks began nationwide processing of Automated Clearing House electronic payments. Today, we are doing things... more
The Cooperative Holidays Association and the cultural formation of countryside leisure practice.
This paper is an empirical examination of the process of 'super-gentrification' in the Brooklyn Heights neighbourhood of New York City. This intensified regentrification is happening in a few select areas of global cities like... more
To shed further light on the correlation between consumer product involvement and consumer product knowledge, the authors examined such correlation by treating product type and product knowledge type as moderating variables. The results... more
Veblenci tuketim yapisinin 21. yuzyilda da gecerli oldugu soylenebilmekte, esitsizlik artisiyla birlikte bireyler gelirlerindeki artisla orantisiz bir tuketim harcamasi duzeyini surdurebilmektedir. Benzer sekilde Nispi Gelir Hipotezi de,... more
We are writing as contributors to, and editors of, the volume Conspicuous Consumption in Africa (WUP, 2019), to express our deep concern at a review of this book which was published in Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44/8, 2021, pp. 1445–1447.... more
L'endossement des célébrités par les marques de luxe s'étend désormais à des célébrités quelque peu inattendues au vu de l'histoire de ces marques et de leurs égéries. Historiquement tournées vers des stars du grand écran, des mannequins,... more
Religion is part of culture that helps explain shared attitudes, beliefs, norms, values, and behaviors of a society.Therefore, the key question is how does religion predicts the conspicuous behavior of people towards the purchase of... more
This paper presents a simple evolutionary model to study the diffusion patterns of product innovations for consumer goods. Following a Veblenian theme, we interpret consumption as a social activity constrained by social norms and equality... more