Consolidation of Painted Ancient Stone Surfaces
Recent papers in Consolidation of Painted Ancient Stone Surfaces
This publication, a slight revision of my MA thesis from 1967, is the first published report showing the modern Maya use of palygorskite (then called attapulgite), a clay mineral used by the ancient Maya to make Maya Blue, an unusual... more
Scanning microscopy techniques have emerged as powerful scientific tools for analysing materials of architectural or archaeological interest, since the commercialization of the first scanning electron microscopy instrumentation in the... more
Phase three of the project for the restoration and rehabilitation of the Peristyle took in the northern part of the western colonnade with the first, second and third floors of the Cipci Palace, and the arch of the ancient portico... more
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, in Washington, DC, is an institute of Harvard University dedicated to supporting scholarship internationally in Byzantine, Pre-Columbian, and Garden and Landscape Studies through... more
An onsite experimental procedure was used to identify and quantify acid rain damage to carbonate stone, based on the change in rain runoff chemical composition. Observed changes in runoff from stone are attributed to the interaction of... more
"Studies of industrial sites have tended to focus on purely functional understandings of their origins, layout, design and meaning. Industrial buildings have often been seen as an entity apart from other forms of post-medieval... more
You can access this article online, for free! Here's the link: This article explores how themes and questions developed within the field of reception studies can be usefully... more
Las características gráficas y tipográficas de esta edición son propiedad del INAH Todos los derechos reservados. Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra por cualquier medio o procedimiento, comprendidos la... more
The Mosque of Emir Ulmas al‐Hagib was built by Prince Sayf al‐Din Ibn Ab‐dallah in 1330 AD (730 H). The mosque mausoleum contains several stucco ornaments representing seven units (Sorra) with high and low reliefs executed with moulds.... more
3 rd International Conference on Machine learning and Cloud Computing (MLCL 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of on Machine Learning & Cloud... more
The church of St. Peter the Great was built within the walls of the part of the city which also got its name from the church. It was the citiy's oldest cathedral, corroborated by the archbishop's palace adjacent to it until the middle of... more
The text presents a book by esteemed fellow, professor and mentor Ivo Donelli. The topics in the book are related to conservation and restoration of stone.
Scanning microscopy techniques have emerged as powerful scientific tools for analysing materials of architectural or archaeological interest, since the commercialization of the first scanning electron microscopy instrumentation in the... more
In 2005, the historic defences at Lyme Regis were examined and recorded during a large scale environmental improvement scheme undertaken by West Dorset District Council. New light was shed onthe construction phases of two famous local... more
A device for the infusion of grouts in murals’ substrates is introduced. Additionally, the results of its application for the consolidation of a wall-painting’s surface with respective pathology, is examined. A short literature review on... more
In this paper, the consolidation and conservation works that have been carried out since 2012 within the scope of Olympos Ancient City excavations are introduced. The research initiated in Olympos in 2000 has been continued as a site... more
Joint paper co-authored with Dr G. Verri, Dr P. Collins, Dr J. Ambers and T. Sweek proving the effectiveness of a new scientific tehnique in the detection of traces of Egyptian Blue on ancient sculptures. The results on this case prove... more
Virtual Reality: Color Reconstruction on 3D-Models The originally polychrome figures in the tomb complex of the first Chinese emperor Qin Shihuangdi show hardly any color today. Therefore the motive for this project was to demonstrate... more
da intraprendere nei confronti dei beni sommersi è sempre parsa quella di recuperare, adeguatamente trattare, restaurare e, quindi, conservare in spazi museali climatizzati tutto il recuperabile 4 . Il patrimonio architettonico, immobile... more
Since the 18th century, Punta de San García has been the background of several fortification projects, given its geographical position in Algeciras Bay, opposite Gibraltar. This paper is a brief description of three kinds of military... more
Riassunto: in questo articolo si affronta il problema della sopravvivenza, della musealizzazione e valorizzazione dei siti e giacimenti del Pleistocene inferiore-medio in Italia. Partendo dalla storia degli studi e delle ricerche, si... more
The Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage (ADACH) is responsible for the conservation and management of historic buildings and archaeological sites in the Emirate. Laboratory analysis has been critical for understanding the... more
In several Italian archaeological sites, the presence of the so-called emblemata has been attested to the Republican Roman Age (2nd to 1st century B.C.). They are small mosaics made on a stone or terracotta tray using the opus... more
A joint paper giving the first results of a scientific investigation into evidence for polychromy on first century Parthian architectural stuccoes excavated in the nineteenth century at the site of a large house in Uruk/Warka. This is... more
Il lavoro di ricerca propone, su una base metodologica ormai consolidata, un risultato globalmente nuovo e di interessante utilità applicativa. Nella ricerca sui marmi storici piemontesi mancava un approfondimento sui marmi bianchi... more
Mining and quarrying activities in Europe generate approximately 55% of total industrial wastes, according to a recent Eurostat report. Most of these wastes are directly dumped on land or deposited in landfill sites. The first solution... more
In 2006 I was invited to join a small group of archaeological researchers who were exploring the origins and development of Moor Hall, a private house near Wixford, in Warwickshire. The first part of the paper is a summary of the... more
Obiteljska grobnica obitelji Vodanović na mjesnom groblju u Supetru na otoku Braču djelo je kipara Ivana Rendića, jednog od poznatijih hrvatskih secesijskih umjetnika iz vremena prijelaza iz 19. u 20. stoljeće. Prof. Duško Kečkemet... more
This article is a part of the results of the master thesis, which aim was to improve significantly the studies of the conditions of pictorial elements in a rock art mural, that is, to know the materials that were used and their... more
It has not been expected that a PhD study (2009-2014), which concerned historic sandstone epitaphs from 16th – 18th centuries in Lower Silesia (SW Poland) located on the outer walls of churches, would lead to such interesting results.... more
SUMMARY The research of stone creation of sacral objects from the Pre-Romanesque period begun actively at the end of the nineteenth century. By broadening the perspectives on the processes of creation of some artwork one reaches new... more