Conservative dentistry and endodontics
Recent papers in Conservative dentistry and endodontics
Fusion is defined as two separately forming teeth joined together while gemination refers to partial development of two teeth from a single tooth bud. Fusion may be either complete or incomplete depending on the stage of development. The... more
ABSTRACT : The root canal system is an arborizational, anastomotic, byzanthine, labyrinthine complexity, morphologically comparable to a mosaic. While primary canals exist, the tributaries, accessory branches and lumina of dentinal... more
Complicated crown fractures that involve more than 50% tooth loss and with the fracture line extending subgingivally are of great concern to the dentist. The final restoration should be aimed to provide the adequate retention without... more
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of dens invaginatus among patients visiting AIMST Dental care centre. Materials and methods: Intra oral periapical radiograph was taken on lateral incisor of 102 patients... more
Key words : Demineralization and remineralization begins with historical prespective on caries. Caries were identified as a major public health problem in 1940s. Demineralization is a process of removal of minerals from dental enamel.... more
ABSTRACT: Success or failure of endodontic treatment depends, among other parameters, on an accurate determination of the working length. Electronic apex locators (EALs) are a routinely used procedure in endodontic practice; yet their... more
3D printing generally describes a manufacturing process that creates an object by building one layer at a time adding multiple layers which results in the formation of an object.3D printing can be precisely described as Additive... more
Introduction: Esthetic restoration is a prime concern for everyone in todays' world. Dentists are in search of a durable and tooth coloured restorative material. All ceramics with high strength are better alternative to composite, amalgam... more
Background: Whether to band molars or bond them during Orthodontic treatment has now become a dilemma to many Orthodontists practicing across the country. Both banding and bonding have their pros and cons.The terminal attachments of fixed... more
Aim: To evaluate and compare the cytotoxic effects of commercially available root canal irrigant sodium hypochlorite and herbal extracts Turmeric & Neem. Methodology: Sixty samples with 2ml of RBC suspension was randomly assigned to four... more
ABSTRACT Background: Ultrasonic irrigation has been proved for its remarkable cleaning efficiency in the field of endodontics. But its role in endodontic re-treatment has been understated. There is not much data available to understand... more
Introduction: To know the effect of surface coating agents on the fluoride release property of conventional Glass Ionomer Cements (GIC) when stored in different storage media. Materials and Method: Forty-five pellets were fabricated from... more
Management of non-vital teeth with open apex is a challenge to dental practitioners. In this scenario, it is difficult to maintain the obturation material within the confines of root canal without encroaching into periapical area.... more
Context: Hand washing by a dental health professional before having contact with a patient's oral cavity is considered a fundamental dental clinic infection control measure. Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate bar soap and... more
The root canal system of mandibular incisors often have three pulp horns and a single root canal, but it has also been demonstrated that there is presence of bifurcated and lateral canals also. The bifurcation of a root canal is the... more
Success of endodontic therapy is multi factorial. Starting from good case selection, proper treatment, thorough cleaning and shaping, fluid tight obturation and good seal achieved by post endodontic restoration. One of the reasons for... more
Objectives: The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the efficacy of different irrigating solutions on root canal system and analyzing smear layer using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Materials and Methods: Fifty mandibular... more
Fusion is defined as two separately forming teeth joined together while gemination refers to partial development of two teeth from a single tooth bud. Fusion may be either complete or incomplete depending on the stage of development. The... more
During routine dental procedures like root canal treatments, it is unusual that a foreign body gets entrapped or lost in the adjacent soft tissue of the oral cavity. But sometimes due to unexpected movement of the patient or careless... more
A fundamental principle in traditional dental practice has been the preservation and rehabilitation of natural teeth. Endodontic treatment procedures have played a key role in this context in the retention and restoration to function of... more
Anatomic variations may be present in any tooth. Knowing the typical morphology and their variations helps in better prognosis of the treatment performed. The result of successful endodontics revolves around knowledge, respect, and... more
Aim: Comparative evaluation of the fracture resistance of endodontically treated maxillary central incisors restored with prefabricated glass fiber posts and experimental dentin posts prepared human root dentin. Materials & method: Thirty... more
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with persistent poor glycemic control which inturn has an impact on the oral cavity, resulting in oral manifestations. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of caries risk factors such as... more
Aim: To compare the incidence of flare up between single visit and multiple visit endodontic therapy in mandibular molars to find the best possible treatment for the patient in minimal time and cost. Method: A retrospective study was done... more
Context: Hand washing by a dental health professional before having contact with a patient's oral cavity is considered a fundamental dental clinic infection control measure. Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate bar soap and liquid... more
Aim & Objective: To detect and compare micro leakage of nano composites and zirconia restorations done on extracted teeth using nano composites and zirconium restorative material under confocal microscope. Materials and Methods: 20 caries... more
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the precipitate and its thickness formed by interaction between 5.25% sodium hypochlorite and 2% chlorhexidine and its prevention by using 18% etidronic acid and 99% absolute alcohol.... more
Preserving the pulp vitality is the main aim of present day dentistry. However due to a myriad of conditions, the use of posts may have to be considered as the last therapeutic option. Generally, endodontically treated teeth have already... more