Recent papers in Consciousness
This article presents three studies that were designed to map the dimensions involved in g, with an emphasis of the place of selfawareness in it. The first study involved preschoolers from 3 to 7 years of age. These were examined in three... more
The Second Annual Transpersonal Research Colloquium (TRC) was held in Northampton, UK on September 15-16, 2016. This document is the final program with presenters abstracts, bios, and contact information. For further information, see... more
Ritual alterations of consciousness are a virtual universal of human cultures, reflecting a basic human drive generally considered of central importance to religion and spiritual practices. Cross-cultural perspectives show both... more
This paper responds to continuing commentary on Velmans (2002a) “How could conscious experiences affect brains,” a target article for a special issue of JCS. I focus on the final question dealt with by the target article: how free will... more
We propose that the universe is nonlocal and that the appropriate worldview for this understanding is nonlocal realism. Currently the worldview of local realism guides and frames the understanding and interpretations of science. Local... more
In You Are the Universe, the contemplative endocrinologist Deepak Chopra and the MIT physicist Menas Kafatos offer a groundbreaking, lucid work on consciousness that is refreshingly accessible without relying upon mathematical language or... more
Purpose of the article is to identify the religious factor in the teaching of transhumanism, to determine its role in the ideology of this flow of thought and to identify the possible limits of technology interference in human nature.... more
To figure out whether the main empirical question "Is our brain hardwired to believe in and produce God, or is our brain hardwired to perceive and experience God?" is answered, this paper presents systematic critical review of the... more
This paper provides an initial, multidimensional map of the complex relationships among consciousness, mind, brain and the external world in a way that follows both the contours of everyday experience and the findings of science. It then... more
This entry examines Locke's notion of persons and, in particular, his thesis that personal identity is constituted by consciousness. It presents an overview over the most influential readings of this thesis and discusses the most debated... more
This series of articles present a physicalist account on the origin of human consciousness. What is presented is a cosmogonic model based on the centrality of Tension assumed as an intrinsic and irreducible ontological presupposition... more
The book is devoted to the analysis of ethno-linguistic and socio-cultural foundations of the identity of Dagestanis. The author discribres particularities of ethno-linguistic situation in the Mountainous and Lowland districts of... more
Previously in (Vimal, 2010a), we argued that: (i) it is necessary to link experience and function aspect of consciousness with the related structure or neural correlate(s) of consciousness (NCC); and (ii) nonconscious experiences are... more
Wolfgang Giegerich: The Historical Emergence of the “I”: Essays about One Chapter in the History of the Soul (Dusk Owl Books: London Ontario, 2020) Highly recommended for those students of depth psychology and history, particularly the... more
It is considered extended model of informational metabolism with mental control center - a function of consciousness. Various operating modes, in which the function of consciousness controls activity and interaction functions of... more
Understanding Consciousness, second edition provides a unique survey and evaluation of consciousness studies, along with an original analysis of consciousness that combines scientific findings, philosophy and common sense. Building on... more
Until the 1960's evidence for psi-dreaming (including precognitive dreams, telepathic dreams, clairvoyant dreams and mutual dreams) consisted mostly of anecdotal reports. However, at that point researchers at Maimonides Dream Laboratory... more
This thesis aims to provide a compelling and distinctive response to the Problem of Consciousness. This is achieved by offering a bipartite analysis of the epistemic gap at the heart of that problem, and by building upon the hypothesis... more
It is not consciousness that determines life but rather life that determines consciousness.
In order to better cope with the pressures and stresses of the current day, modern psychology is anxiously seeking to find new therapies to address the increasing disorders within the human psyche. In the process new fields of research,... more
A few thoughts on what philosophy and philosophizing is and what and how it could be and be done
As hundreds of so-called "psychotherapies" have been foisted onto the public, all claiming to treat "mental illness," newer understandings of how the human brain actually works and the processes which drive the formations of mentation... more
A discussion of the vibration mechanics behind the advent of consciousness of many sentient souls interacting with one another has been presented. It is emphasized that consciousness vibration is the most important phenomenon triggering... more
It is explicated that human brain functions as ‘radio’ capable of projecting thought and emotional frequencies that may be categorized to operate on two distinct bands: the low frequency band (similar to the AM band) and the high... more
Alchemy is not only the origin of systematic experimentation and the scientific method but also the first attempt to create a science of consciousness. Those early philosophers of nature treated mental contents as objective phenomena, and... more
The enigmatic appeal of submission in sexual masochism is a phenomenon that calls for an explanation: What makes receiving pain during sex so appealing? This appeal can be explained conceptually, phenomenologically, and biochemically as... more
This paper examines the history and philosophy of a little-known psychological experience: depersonalization. It explores it as a phenomenal experience and as a disorder. It examines nosological debates over the condition, both past and... more
proposed that cognitive theories be developed in an effort to satisfy multiple criteria and to avoid theoretical myopia. He provided two overlapping lists of 13 criteria that the human cognitive architecture would have to satisfy in order... more
A mildly chronological overview of the philosophers who may have been inspired by the use of psychoactive chemicals, inc. Plato, de Quincey, Davy, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, James, Bergson, Benjamin, Jünger, Paz, Marcuse, Sartre, Foucault;... more
This paper describes the rise of three "denier" movements in the United States, and describes how each is actively engaged in trying to debunk and impede the free development of science: the Creationist Anti-evolutionists, the Climate... more
Kastrup's attempt to undermine the dichotomy between mind and matter is interesting but it leaves much to be desired. In particular, it suffers from the following three difficulties. First, it is predicated on a misguided working... more
nlatmak istediği derdi olan bir film yönetmeni düşünelim. Her dert sahibinin derdini anlatmak istemesi gibi, film yönetmeni de doğal olarak derdini filmleriyle ifade edebilmenin yollarını arayacaktır. Yönetmen için filmden daha iyi bir... more
From ecodelic triplit, the peyoteros’ sense of place, interspecies communication and animistic healing to ecocentric entheogenic rituals, psychedelic bioregionalism, biogenetic structuralist ecopsychology and transpersonal ecosophy – this... more
The discussion of the Theory of EVERYTHING has been continued with a concerted interest on physicality, and in particular, the concept of Dark Matter and consciousness embodiment, making a reference to the advent of Core Manifestation... more
Part I – Spirilla Theory and Cosmology Stephen Hawking once proclaimed that String Theory may be able to unify the various forces although later he became disillusioned thinking that there may be no Theory of Everything. This very... more
[1] What does the word ‘physical’ mean in its most general theoretical philosophical use? It’s used in many different ways, and it’s hard to imagine that philosophers could reach agreement on a best use. [2] Should we tie the meaning of... more
A comprehensive overview of a gestalt of artificial intelligence (AI) beings collectively referred to as the 'negative aliens' has been presented. It is explicated that these beings comprise a group of utterly ruthless, merciless beings... more
La coscienza corrisponde a un’enorme e complessa varietà di eventi neurobiologici, fenomenologici e psicologici che, sin dalle prime fasi dello sviluppo, preparano il terreno all’emergere del Sé. Sebbene sia determinata da attività... more