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Higher education is facing a range of major challenges during the twenty-first century. Personalised, flexible and open learning are considered among the driving forces, thus, issues of quality must be urgently addressed.
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationQuality Management
Learning Theories and Instructions 2 What did you find surprising or striking as you furthered your knowledge about how people learn?
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      ConstructivismSocial Learning TheoryLearning theoriesConnectivism
1- This paper provides new empirical research in the area of Connectivism. 2- A newly validated conceptual Connectivist-learning blog model is provided which explains the changing nature of teaching and learning using collective blogs in... more
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      Teaching and LearningSocial MediaConnectivism
The purpose of this course is to examine the growing body of theory and research related to online learning. The learners will learn to distinguish between a wide variety of theoretical positions such as the Connectivist theory, the view... more
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      Social Learning TheoryPedagogyCommunities of practiceOnline Learning
The unprecedented growth of Web 2.0 has affected learning and has made the growth of learning networks possible. Learning networks are shaped by communities to help their members acquire knowledge in specific areas and are the most... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
Developments in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have transformed the way people communicate, interact and also the way they learn. ICT tools are widely used in language teaching and learning, and the benefits have been... more
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      SociologyInformation Communication TechnologySocial ConstructivismConnectivism
the Atlantic, as seen from the South and the top, in On a Marché sur la Lune, Hergé, with the young reporter Tintin, the great Professeur Tryphon Tournesol, and poor treacherous Wolf ouverture, the grand Mare Nostrum, then a Mare Clausum:... more
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      Economic HistorySociologyCultural StudiesEconomic Sociology
system can selectively attend to the sensorimotor information input that it receives from naturomorphic system The sensorimotor input from the naturomorphic system may be in the form of visuomotor 'imagery' experienced as virtual reality,... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive PsychologyCreativity--Knowledge Invention & Discovery
There are productive material connections beyond mere internal or external relations. The concept of connection enables a creative reinterpretation of certain historical questions and, accordingly, the essay stresses the importance of the... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyMedieval PhilosophyFrench philosophy
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
Siemens and Downes initially received increasing attention in the blogosphere in 2005 when they discussed their ideas concerning distributed knowledge. An extended discourse has ensued in and around the status of 'connectivism' as a... more
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      Distance EducationPedagogyOnline LearningEducational Theory
This article presents the theory of Connectivism, purposely overlooking current academic controversies on MOOCs, a derived methodology. We present essential points of the original theory to show its relevance in our current rising... more
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    • Connectivism
Although extensive research has been carried out on massive open online courses (MOOCs) as representative of connectivist environment, none of them has succeeded to enlighten our understanding about the individual learning experience in... more
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      Teacher EducationE-learningHigher EducationICT in Education
A mis hermanos v Agradecimientos Quisiera, en primer lugar, agradecer a mis profesores y compañeros de estudio de la UNED, por ofrecerme un espacio de comunicación idóneo acerca de nuestra especialidad, por disponer enriquecedoras... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationInstructional Design
Cost-benefit analysis matrix analyzing current (2012) learning management systems (LMS) offerings based on a somewhat in-depth review of existing research on the subject with full citation.
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
In this paper we describe the basis for building a theoretical model of learning and knowledge processing, from online learning environments. This will leave a critical view of connectivism, and a basic premise: the recognition and study... more
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      Online LearningLearning theoriesConnectivismTeorías educativas
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationConstructivism
The principles of minimalism, as developed by John Carroll in The Nurnberg Funnel and subsequent works, are based on solid principles of learning theory derived from cognitive science. Too often, we forget that our “users” are, in... more
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      Cognitive ScienceTechnical CommunicationMinimalismConnectivism
This phenomenological study seeks to explore the lived experiences of the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) curriculum and the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) assessments by English Home Language practitioners at 5... more
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      EducationLanguage EducationEducational TechnologyCreativity--Knowledge Invention & Discovery
Thorndike studiò l’effetto che le ricompense potevano avere sul processo di apprendimento, già a partire dal 1898, giungendo alla conclusione che la forma caratteristica dell’apprendimento è quella per “prove ed errori”. Thorndike... more
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      ConnectivismPedagogia Speciale
Objective – Students’ learning has been transformed by the advent of Web 2.0 which is defined as more personalized and a communicative form of the World Wide Web. This paper is positioned within the context of Web 2.0 through connectivism... more
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      Web 2.0ConnectivismStudents' Learning
Bu çalışmanın amacı sosyal ağların bir yaşam boyu öğrenme platformu olarak potansiyelini incelemektir. Bu bağlamda sosyal ağlar; bir eko sistem olarak psikolojik ve sosyolojik açıdan tartışılmıştır. Ayrıca Web 2.0 ve sosyal ağlarda... more
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      ConnectivismKüreselleşme Ve EğitimBağlantıcılıkAğ Toplumu
Seit der Durchführung der ersten Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) 2008 hat das neue Lernformat eine erstaunliche Karriere erlebt. In nur wenigen Jahren ist ein weltweiter Markt mit neuen Anbietern und neuen Plattformen entstanden, auf... more
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      Social MediaSocial learningOpen EducationConnectivism
Did the acceptance of connectivism grow because of the significant impact it had, in the form of massive open online courses (MOOCs), on distance educational practices and which proved its validity? Or maybe the theory crystallized,... more
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      Distance EducationConnectivismLearning TheoryMOOCs
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are growing exponentially in higher education. They have attracted the attention of higher education institutions, course designers, and policy makers. They challenge the mainstream of higher education... more
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      Online LearningConnectivismNetworked and Social LearningMOOCs
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      Learning theoriesConnectivism
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      Information SystemsTelecommunications EngineeringPolitical SociologyEastern European Studies
Since the 1990s the European educational historiography has increasingly focused on the study of the school material culture through the ethnographic dimension in which it manifests itself and, more concretely, through objects, images,... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
Considering new media technologies as starting point for disruptions in current models of higher education, this thesis analyzes innovative pedagogies and learning strategies in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Mainly created by... more
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      E-learningDiversityLearner AutonomyOnline Learning
The fast development in computer and various mobile devices have bought changes to our living environment. Pressing a button to open the door of flat when we are in office is no longer purely imagination in cartoons or films. More... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationWeb 2.0
The mechanisms involved in enabling us to interpret phonology, semantics, pragmatics and acquire grammar from speech is still debated in Psychology. Language development is a process and after decades of research the understanding of this... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsChild and adolescent mental healthConnectivism
This paper discusses on two theories: engagement theory and the seven principles. These theories are applicable to online learning environment. There are empirical evidences on contemporary issues in online learning, ideas and improvement... more
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      E-learningAndragogyOnline LearningConnectivism
Connectivism is a learning theory first proposed by Siemens and Downes (2005, 2009) as a learning theory for the digital age. This theory proposes that learning may occur external to the learner and teacher; it exists in the multiple... more
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      Digital Media & LearningLeadership TheoryChristian LeadershipConnectivism
This essay was written for my Masters of Education in Leadership and Learning. It looks at how iPads have been used in an Academy  that propose that iPads are at the centre of the teacher and learning in the classroom.
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyAnthropologyEducation
Il connettivismo (Siemens, 2005) propone l’integrazione tra principi esplorati dalle teorie del caos, dei network e della complessità per la comprensione dei processi di apprendimento degli individui e delle organizzazioni. Il punto di... more
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      Science EducationEducational TheoryArtificial Neural NetworksUniversity
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      Organizational PsychologyComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducation
Connectivism (Siemens, 2005) proposes the integration of principles explored by chaos, networks and complexity theories for the understanding of individuals and organizations’ learning processes. Connectivism’s starting point is the... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyE-learningDigital Media & Learning
Increasingly, researchers concerned with the effects of digital technology have hypothesized that the millennial generation does not think or process information like its predecessors. In an age of disruptive technology changing culture... more
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      Teacher EducationOnline social networksProfessional DevelopmentNetnography
Dario, Martina Gabrielle C. (2016) Take the Lead: A Study of the Online Practices of the Philippine Streetdance Community and Dancers’ Utilization of YouTube. Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis, University of the Philippines, Diliman. Take... more
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      Media StudiesDance StudiesOnline CommunitiesAnthropology Of Dance
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      DiversityLearner AutonomyOnline LearningNetworked Learning
This article contributes to the literature on connectivism, connectivist MOOCs (cMOOCs) and rhizomatic learning by examining participant interactions, community formation and nomadic learner behavior in a particular cMOOC, #rhizo15,... more
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      Social Network Analysis (SNA)Social Network Analysis (Social Sciences)Community of InquiryConnectivism
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyTeaching and LearningEducation
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are dramatically reconfiguring and redefining teacher training. With MOOCs’ ubiquity, openness and accessibility, they have become a new platform for teacher professional development across the globe.... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationDistance EducationContinuing Professional Development
This paper describes the diffusion of Moodle within Cherokee County Schools. The diffusion is evaluated using the Bass Model and the RIPPLES model in order to evaluate relative success or failure. The Bass Model of Diffusion was... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
This qualitative thesis explores the work of George Siemens and connectivist learning theory, "A Learning Theory for the Digital Age.‟ Findings are based on a literature review which investigated the foundations, strengths and weaknesses... more
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      Educational TechnologyInstructional TechnologyLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationConnectivism
El progreso tecnológico y el desarrollo de sistemas informáticos de las últimas décadas, unido a su impacto en nuestra vida cotidiana, ha favorecido el surgimiento de distintas formas de enseñanza y aprendizaje, como es el caso de los... more
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      DiversityLearner AutonomyOnline LearningNetworked Learning
**If interested in reading make sure to press the download button! It won't load in browser view due to length.** Personal technologies and social media use have changed the socialization experience of our 21st century learners. As... more
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      21st Century LiteraciesTechnologySociology of EducationEducational Technology
Social functions of art are those that go beyond personal intrinsic value to art's social benefits. Individuals and their society are dynamically related. Art communicates. Most often it is constructed with the intention of sharing... more
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      Contemporary ArtHumanistic psychologyConceptual Metaphor TheoryVisual Arts