Connectionist Modeling
Recent papers in Connectionist Modeling
A Triangle Model of Chinese Reading Jianfeng Yang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, China Jason D Zevin ([email protected]) Sackler Institute, Weill... more
the Atlantic, as seen from the South and the top, in On a Marché sur la Lune, Hergé, with the young reporter Tintin, the great Professeur Tryphon Tournesol, and poor treacherous Wolf ouverture, the grand Mare Nostrum, then a Mare Clausum:... more
system can selectively attend to the sensorimotor information input that it receives from naturomorphic system The sensorimotor input from the naturomorphic system may be in the form of visuomotor 'imagery' experienced as virtual reality,... more
Analogical inference depends on systematic substitution of the components of compositional structures. Simple systematic substitution has been achieved in a number of connectionist systems that support binding (the ability to create... more
This paper presents a brief, informal outline followed by a formal statement of an elemental associative learning model first described by McLaren, Kaye, and Mackintosh (1989). The model assumes representation of stimuli by sets of... more
Blurb (Book Description from the Publisher website): Cognitive Design for Artificial Minds explains the crucial role that human cognition research plays in the design and realization of artificial intelligence systems, illustrating the... more
† Questi appunti sono ricavati dall'introduzione a Paul Smolensky, Il connessionismo tra simboli e neuroni, Marietti, Genova, 1992, traduzione italiana di" On the proper treatment of connectionism", Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 11,... more
Gives the original MKM model which is updated in McLaren and Mackintosh (2000, 2002). It combines a learning algorithm which has strong similarities to Wagner (1978) but has been re-worked to be real-time and incorporate trace decay. The... more
It is often thought that consciousness has a qualitative dimension that cannot be tracked by science. Recently, however, some philosophers have argued that this worry stems not from an elusive feature of the mind, but from the special... more
This paper is intended to elucidate some implications of usage-based linguistic theory for statistical and computational models of language acquisition, focusing on morphology and morphophonology. I discuss the need for grammar (a.k.a.... more
Connectionist models of sentence processing must learn to behave systematically by generalizing from a small training set. To what extent recurrent neural networks manage this generalization task is investigated. In contrast to Van der... more
Valerjev, P. (2006). Povijest i perspektiva razvoja umjetne inteligencije u istraživanju uma. In M. S. Žebec, G. Sabol, M. Šakić, & M. Kotrla Topić (Eds.), Mozak i um - Trajni izazov čovjeku (pp. 105-122). Zagreb: Institut društvenih... more
The Science of Language, published in the sixth decade of Noam Chomsky’s linguistic career, defends views that are visibly out of touch with recent research in formal linguistics, developmental child psychology, computational modeling of... more
A P ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op gezag van de Rector Magni cus prof. dr. D. C. van den Boom ten overstaan van een door het college voor promoties ingestelde commissie, in het openbaar te... more
By pointing to deep philosophical confusions endemic to cognitive science, Wittgenstein might seem an enemy of computational approaches. We agree (with Mills 1993) that while Wittgenstein would reject the classicist’s symbols and rules... more
Contemporary accounts of the possession conditions for basic logical concepts rely on either the subject being primitively compelled by transitions that are isomorphic to the introduction and elimination rules for the logical constant or... more
Traditional artificial intelligence studies generally approach the problem of representing knowledge following the so-called knowledge representation hypothesis, as formulated by Brian Smith. More recently the development of the... more
A kétnyelvűségre irányuló pszicholingvisztikai kutatások egyik központi problémája a kétnyelvűség kialakulásának kérdése. A korai kétnyelvűség kapcsán alapvetően két elképzelés áll egymással szemben. Az egységes nyelvi rendszer hipotézis... more
There is a vast literature within philosophy of artificial intelligence that focuses on the architecture of cognition, yet hardly touches on epistemological questions. There is also a growing body of work in philosophy of science about... more
Steel connections:1. CONNECTIONS IN STEEL STRUCTURES 2. Connections are structural elements used for joining different members of a structural steel frame work. Steel Structure is an assemblage of different member such as... more
In: Modern Nyelvoktatás 17/2-3 (2011): 87-100.
Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) is a structural system for both modular housing and tall timber building construction that has been used in Europe and Oceania, and now emerges into the United States market. In floor slab applications, the... more
This powerpoint quickly reviews the essential elements of an as-yet unpublished dissertation. Presentation was given at the NJ-TESOL spring conference, 2015 in New Brunswick, NJ.
Regular and irregular verb process in Spanish speaking children
Theories of how cognitive biases arise rely on heuristics that influence attention and reasoning. These heuristics serve as a post-hoc description of how attention and reasoning is weighted to produce the patterns of deviation in... more
Versione di ottobre 2009 † Questi appunti sono ricavati dall'introduzione a Paul Smolensky, Il connessionismo tra simboli e neuroni, Marietti, Genova, 1992, traduzione italiana di "On the proper treatment of connectionism", Behavioral and... more
It has been shown that the ability of echo state networks (ESNs) to generalise in a sentence-processing task can be increased by adjusting their input connection weights to the training data. We present a qualitative analysis of the... more
Porous memories fuse and interpenetrate. Fragments of song mingle in hot remembered afternoons, mysterious angers return at a flush with a chance forgotten postcard. Such memories were once the motions of old fluids, animal spirits which... more
The growing field of machine morality has become increasingly concerned with how to develop artificial moral agents. However, there is little consensus on what constitutes an ideal moral agent let alone an artificial one. Leveraging a... more
The authors, on the basis of brief arguments, have dismissed tensor networks as a viable response to Jackendoff’s challenges. However, there are reasons to believe that connectionist approaches descended from tensor networks are... more
Jackendoff (2002) posed four challenges that linguistic combinatoriality and rules of language present to theories of brain function. The essence of these problems is the question of how to neurally instantiate the rapid construction and... more
Many theoretical models of reading assume that different writing systems require different processing assumptions. For example, it is often claimed that print-to-sound mappings in Chinese are not represented or processed sub-lexically. We... more
The structural response of steel moment resisting frames (MRFs) is greatly dependent on the behavior of beamto-column joints, according to a properly detailed beam-bolts-plates-column structural chain, in light of capacity design... more
Many theoretical models of reading assume that different writing systems require different processing assumptions. For example, it is often claimed that print-to-sound mappings in Chinese are not represented or processed sub-lexically. We... more
In this paper we present two connectionist models of reading, using a parallel distributed processing framework that has been applied to English, to examine the extent to which such models can also account for developmental performance in... more
Several psycholinguistic models represent words as vectors in a high-dimensional state space, such that distances between vectors encode the strengths of paradigmatic relations between the represented words. This chapter argues that such... more
Providing explanations of language comprehension requires models that describe language processing and display strong systematicity. Although various extensions of connectionist models have been suggested in order to account for this... more
The season is a time to celebrate the birth and life of the most famous homeless person.
Humans are remarkably sensitive to the statistical structure of language N. Ellis, 2008). However, different mechanisms have been proposed to account for such statistical learning. The present study compared adult learning of syntax and... more
The Symbolic Grounding Problem is viewed as a by-product of the classical cognitivist approach to studying the mind. In contrast, an epigenetic interpretation of connectionist approaches to studying the mind is shown to offer an account... more
, and Sunderman and Kroll (2006) exposed participants to first-language/second-language (L1/L2) pairs of words and asked them to decide whether the second word was the correct translation of the first. In the critical condition, the L2... more
Comprehending a sentence requires the construction of a mental representation of the situation the sentence describes. Many researchers assume that, apart from such a situational representation, there is a level of representation at which... more