Smart hybrid heat pumps have the capability to perform smart switching between electricity and gas by employing a fully-optimized control technology with predictive demand-side management to automatically use the most costeffective... more
With deregulation and open access of the electricity supply industry occurring internationally, there is an increasing need to develop power market oriented optimal power flow (OPF) algorithm for power systems of developing countries. A... more
In a restructured electricity market environment, the competition in the production and consumption of electric energy leads to the transmission network operating at or beyond one or more transfer limits. Then the system gets congested,... more
Power losses in transmission systems are most of the time seen as a small amount (2-5%) from the total power carried over the network. However, transmission loss allocation may play a crucial role in the congestion management of balancing... more
In this paper, a Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA) has been proposed for relieving congestion in the deregulated power electricity industry. Congestion in the power market is one the contemplative challenges to be overcome in the era of... more
This paper proposes a congestion cost allocation method for pool market structure. The congestion cost presented here is the cost of congestion relief. This paper begins with the discussion on the basic concept of pool market. Then... more
This paper proposes a congestion cost allocation method for pool market structure. The congestion cost presented here is the cost of congestion relief. This paper begins with the discussion on the basic concept of pool market. Then... more
The solution of power system constraints is an important issue that has to be addressed to achieve a fair operation of a competitive electricity market. In the Spanish electricity market, the System Operator (SO) is in charge of... more
Die ZBW räumt Ihnen als Nutzerin/Nutzer das unentgeltliche, räumlich unbeschränkte und zeitlich auf die Dauer des Schutzrechts beschränkte einfache Recht ein, das ausgewählte Werk im Rahmen der unter
EU power market design has been focused on facilitating trading between countries and for this has defined interfaces for market participants and TSOs between countries. The operation of power systems and markets within countries was not... more
The paper introduces a framework for information exchange and coordination of security assessment suitable for distributed multi-area control in large interconnections operated by a team of transmission system operators. The basic idea of... more
This work focuses on congestion-driven placement of standard cells into rows in the fixed-die context. We summarize the stateof-the-art after two decades of research in recursive bisection placement and implement a new placer, called... more
Growth in load demand may lead to changes in generation sources and sizes along with all the uncertainty of transactions will further strain existing power systems, and may lead to the transmission systems to work closer to their... more
Abstract: Weaknesses in several recently proposed ideas about congestion control and avoidance in high-speed netwroks are identified. Both sides of the debate concerning prior reservation of resources versus walk-in service, open-loop... more
Power systems may not capable of utilizing full transmission capacity. Restructuring of electricity industry produces some management criteria to improve technical as well as economical efficiency. The process of reregulation causes more... more
Congestion management is one amongst the most difficult issues within the power world, not only in India however additionally all told over the world. This paper initially reviews the requirements of the advanced FACTS applications for... more
load conditions. The validity of the proposed method is experimentally confirmed by the comparison between the actual torque and the calculated torque containing the iron loss resistance.
Inclusion of renewable energy in power grid at micro and macro level has imposed numerous challenges in the recent years. Occurrence and managing congestion in the power transmission line due to unpredictable and stochastic nature of... more
Congestion management (CM) is one of the most important and challenging tasks of the Independent System Operator (ISO) in the deregulated environment. Recently, Sen Transformer (ST) has emerged as an important power flow control device... more
This review study explores the complex topic of traffic congestion caused by two-wheeler usage, comparing the situation in India to that of other countries across the world. The research endeavours to conduct a thorough analysis of the... more
In this paper, a hierarchical management system is proposed to integrate electric vehicles (EVs) into a distribution grid. Three types of actors are included in the system: Distribution system operators (DSOs), Fleet operators (FOs) and... more
Secure and continuous power flow in the transmission line is one of the critical issues that must be rectified. In fact, rescheduling based congestion management is considered to be one of the promising solutions for this aspect. Still,... more
High-performance cell-based communications networks including ATM have been conceived to carry asynchronous traftlc sources and support a continuum of transport rates ranging from low bit-rate to high bit-rate traffic. When a number of... more
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a nonparametric tool for discriminating the best performers from a number of homogenous Decision Making Units (DMU). Cost oriented DEA models identify those best DMUs which run cost efficient process.... more
Express buses operating on freeways and arterials are an important part ofmany metropolitan area transit services. Aregional express bus system plan for the San Francisco, California, Bay Area Is presented; network, st. ..tion and stop,... more
Congestion management is one of the technical challenges in Power system deregulation. In deregulated electricity market transmission congestion occurs when there is insufficient transmission capacity to simultaneously accommodate all... more
Multicriteria Selection of Optimal Location of TCSC in a Competitive Energy MarketThe paper investigates selection of the best location of thyristor-controlled series compensator (TCSC) in a transmission system from many candidate... more
In this paper, a weighted Pratibha distribution introduced to modelling life time data using the weighted transformation technique in Pratibha distribution. Its statistical properties including survival function, hazard function, reverse... more
Integration of renewable energy with conventional energy sources is very challenging due to the uncertain nature of renewable energy, which creates imbalance and congestion in the system. Moreover, every market participant/player in... more
Congestion management in cellular networks is of prime importance for the mobile network operators of present and future generations. Nowadays cellular operators utilize improved planning techniques for enhanced capacity management, but... more
The Urmia Lake Basin is located between the West and East Azerbaijan provinces in the northwest of Iran. Lake Urmia is the twentieth largest lake and second largest hypersaline lake in the world. Stratigraphic columns have been... more
The paper introduces the mechanism of the Flow-based Capacity Allocation (FBA) method on the electricity market of the Central-Eastern Europe (CEE) Region, proposed by the Central Allocation Office (CAO). The method is a coordinated... more
Hourly Congestion Management by Adopting Distributed Energy Storage System using Hybrid Optimization
In this paper, the optimal location and sizing of DESS are proposed for transmission congestion management. Transmission Congestion Cost (TCC) is used to find the optimal location of DESS, whereas hybrid optimization based on Flower... more
The battery energy storage systems (BESSs) have been increasingly installed in the power system, especially with the growing penetration rate of the renewable energy sources. However, it is difficult for BESSs to be profitable due to high... more
We analyze three applied incentive compatibility conditions within a class of queueing problems motivated by the reassignment of flights to airport landing slots. A preexisting landing schedule becomes wasteful when airlines privately... more
The fuel existing vehicles produce air pollution, noise pollution and it produces many other effects on an environment like global warming, greenhouse effect etc. Due to these impacts, conventional fuel for vehicles is changing to... more
In deregulated electricity markets congestion in the transmission is one of the technical problems. There are two types of congestion management methodologies to relieve it. In both techniques one technique is non-cost free methods and... more
Today's electricity paradigm requires that the notion of active distribution systems be introduced at both undergraduate and graduate curricula. This involves not only the customary theoretical foundations but also a suitable power... more
In this paper, we present a method and a model for managing transmission congestion based on ex ante congestion prices. Our method is influenced by the yield management approach widely used for airline reservation systems, and our model... more
Technological advancements are rapidly changing traffic management in cities. Massive adoption of mobile devices and cloud-based applications have created new mechanisms for urban traffic control and management. Specifically, navigation... more
Multi-agent based modeling for electric vehicle integration in a distribution network operation The purpose of this paper is to present a multi-agent based modeling technology for simulating and operating a hierarchical energy management... more
To alleviate congestions of grids is one of the most important managerial performance indicators in the electricity market. The role of retail electricity providers (REPs) can be effective in alleviating such congestions. However, little... more
In this paper the sub-problems associated with the economical operation of a power system can be reduced. But the electrical marketing of a system is so complicated. The congestion management is the recent problem facing today much in... more
His research interests include power system optimization, operation and planning, smart grids, demand response, multi carrier energy system, energy hub, load forecasting, and design of electrical and control systems for industrial plant.
This work focused on prescribing, designing, implementing, and evaluating a pilot project conducted in the Greek power system that addressed balancing and congestion management issues that system operators (SOs) face within the clean... more
Quantized Congestion Notification (QCN) has been developed for IEEE 802.1Qau to provide congestion control at the Ethernet Layer or Layer 2 in data center networks (DCNs) by the IEEE Data Center Bridging Task Group. One drawback of QCN is... more
As the world is progressing forward, the load demand in the power system has been continuously increasing day by day. This situation has forced the power system to operate under stress condition due to its limitation. Therefore, due to... more
As pressures to decarbonize the electricity grid increase, the grid edge is witnessing a rapid adoption of distributed and renewable generation. As a result, traditional methods for reactive power management and compensation may become... more