We compute the high-temperature limit of the free energy for four-dimensional N = 4 supersymmetric SU (N c ) Yang-Mills theory. At weak coupling we do so for a general ultrastatic background spacetime, and in the presence of... more
With the motivation of overcoming difficulties in studying systems of several one dimensional Tomonaga Luttinger liquid wires connected locally at a junction, we construct quadratic lattice field theories for the single non-chiral/chiral... more
This proceedings paper extends the scope of our conference talk, where we presented a comprehensive analysis of newly expanded and refined lattice data concerning the SU(3) gauge theory with 𝑁 𝑓 = 8 light Dirac fermions -a theory... more
Hamiltonian Truncation (HT) is a numerical approach for calculating observables in a Quantum Field Theory non-perturbatively. This approach can be applied to theories constructed by deforming a conformal field theory with a relevant... more
Hamiltonian Truncation (HT) is a numerical approach for calculating observables in a Quantum Field Theory non-perturbatively. This approach can be applied to theories constructed by deforming a conformal field theory with a relevant... more
Rota-Baxter systems of T. Brzeziński are a generalization of Rota-Baxter operators that are related to dendriform structures, associative Yang-Baxter pairs and covariant bialgebras. In this paper, we consider Rota-Baxter systems in the... more
Holographic Geometric Entropy at Finite Temperature from Black Holes in Global Anti-De Sitter Spaces
Using a holographic proposal for the geometric entropy we study its behavior in the geometry of Schwarzschild black holes in global AdSp for p = 3, 4, 5. Holographically, the entropy is determined by a minimal surface. On the gravity... more
Quantum entanglement between an impurity and its environment is expected to be central in quantum impurity problems. We develop a method to compute the entanglement in spin-1/2 impurity problems, based on the entanglement negativity and... more
We investigate consistent charged black hole solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton (EMD) equations that are asymptotically AdS. The solutions are gravity duals to phases of a non-conformal plasma at finite temperature and density. For... more
Some solved problems in String Theory, from my Master Course 2010 in Theoretical Physics.
This short paper seeks to introduce a new perspective in which to consider the Collatz Conjecture and is not meant to provide a comprehensive, rigorous, mathematically notated proof, only to illuminate a logical path those of a higher... more
The twisted boundary conditions and associated partition functions of the conformal sl(2) A-D-E models are studied on the Klein bottle and the Möbius strip. The A-D-E minimal lattice models give realization to the complete classification... more
We consider the ϕ 1,3 off-critical perturbation M(m, m ′ ; t) of the general non-unitary minimal models where 2 ≤ m ≤ m ′ and m, m ′ are coprime and t measures the departure from criticality corresponding to the ϕ 1,3 integrable... more
We derive the fermionic polynomial generalizations of the characters of the integrable perturbations φ 2,1 and φ 1,5 of the general minimal M (p, p ′ ) conformal field theory by use of the recently discovered trinomial analogue of... more
We consider sℓ(2) minimal conformal field theories on a cylinder from a lattice perspective. To each allowed one-dimensional configuration path of the A L Restricted Solidon-Solid (RSOS) models we associate a physical state and a monomial... more
We derive the fusion hierarchy of functional equations for critical A-D-E lattice models related to the s (2) unitary minimal models, the parafermionic models and the supersymmetric models of conformal field theory and deduce the related... more
We construct integrable lattice realizations of conformal twisted boundary conditions for s (2) unitary minimal models on a torus. These conformal field theories are realized as the continuum scaling limit of critical A-D-E lattice models... more
We consider the physical combinatorics of critical lattice models and their associated conformal field theories arising in the continuum scaling limit. As examples, we consider A-type unitary minimal models and the level-1 sℓ(2)... more
The twisted boundary conditions and associated partition functions of the conformal sl(2) A-D-E models are studied on the Klein bottle and the Möbius strip. The A-D-E minimal lattice models give realization to the complete classification... more
We discuss the errors introduced by level truncation in the study of boundary renormalization group (RG) flows using the truncated conformal space approach (TCSA). We show that the TCSA results can have the qualitative form of a sequence... more
We study integrable realizations of conformal twisted boundary conditions for sℓ(2) unitary minimal models on a torus. These conformal field theories are realized as the continuum scaling limit of critical G = A, D, E lattice models with... more
We study the conformal spectra of the critical square lattice Ising model on the Klein bottle and Möbius strip using Yang–Baxter techniques and the solution of functional equations. In particular, we obtain expressions for the finitized... more
By considering the continuum scaling limit of the A4 RSOS lattice model of Andrews-Baxter-Forrester with integrable boundaries, we derive excited state TBA equations describing the boundary flows of the tricritical Ising model. Fixing the... more
We discuss a one-dimensional model of a fluctuating interface with a dynamic exponent z = 1. The events that occur are adsorption, which is local, and desorption which is nonlocal and may take place over regions of the order of the system... more
We study the scaling limits of the L-state Restricted Solid-on-Solid (RSOS) lattice models and their fusion hierarchies in the off-critical regimes. Starting with the elliptic functional equations of Klümper and Pearce, we derive the... more
An analytic method of calculating conformal partition functions of solvable lattice models is presented. Our technique involves the solution of transfer matrix functional equations in the scaling limit, and unifies the work of Albertini... more
We study integrable and conformal boundary conditions for ŝℓ(2) Z k parafermions on a cylinder. These conformal field theories are realized as the continuum scaling limit of critical A-D-E lattice models with negative spectral parameter.... more
We compute the partition functions of N = 1 gauge theories on S^2 ×R^2_ε using supersymmetric localization. The path integral reduces to a sum over vortices at the poles of S^2 and at the origin of R^2_ε. The exact partition functions... more
This paper presents a complete and rigorous proof of the Poincaré Conjecture, confirming that any simply connected, closed 3-manifold is homeomorphic to the 3-sphere S 3 . Building upon Ricci flow techniques introduced by Hamilton and the... more
Appreciation of Stochastic Loewner evolution (SLEκ), as a powerful tool to check for conformal invariant properties of geometrical features of critical systems has been rising. In this paper we use this method to check conformal... more
Using the recently developed notion of a fractional Virasoro algebra, we explore the implied operator product expansions in nonlocal conformal field theories and their geometric meaning. We probe the interplay between classical... more
We introduce the impact parameter representation for conformal field theory correlators of the form This representation is appropriate in the eikonal kinematical regime, and approximates the conformal partial wave decomposition in the... more
Global properties of vacuum static, spherically symmetric configurations are studied in a general class of scalar-tensor theories (STTs) of gravity in various dimensions. The conformal mapping between the Jordan and Einstein frames is... more
The classification of rational conformal field theories is reconsidered from the standpoint of boundary conditions. Solving Cardy's equation expressing the consistency condition on a cylinder is equivalent to finding integer valued... more
Holographic definition of time assumes that time is focused inside a closed surface at any point of the internal volume. Accordingly, in this approach, time is considered as a closed surface and bound
In this paper we show that there exists a new class of topological field theories, whose correlators are intersection numbers of cohomology classes in a constrained moduli space. Our specific example is a formulation of 2D topological... more
We formulate conformal field theories on the infinite-dimensional grassmannian manifold. Besides recovering the known results for the central charge and correlation functions of the b-c system this formalism immediately lends itself to... more
Lie conformal algebras are useful tools for studying vertex operator algebras and their representations. In this paper, we establish close relations between Poisson conformal algebras and representations of Lie conformal algebras. We also... more
We reformulate the Ω-deformation of four-dimensional gauge theory in a way that is valid away from fixed points of the associated group action. We use this reformulation together with the theory of coisotropic A-branes to explain recent... more
We show that spin generalization of elliptic Calogero-Moser system, elliptic extension of Gaudin model and their cousins can be treated as a degenerations of Hitchin systems. Applications to the constructions of integrals of motion,... more
Atomic physics and hadronic physics are both governed by the Yang Mills gauge theory Lagrangian; in fact, Abelian quantum electrodynamics can be regarded as the zero-color limit of quantum chromodynamics. I review a number of areas where... more
We discuss a one-dimensional model of a fluctuating interface with a dynamic exponent z = 1. The events that occur are adsorption, which is local, and desorption which is nonlocal and may take place over regions of the order of the system... more
We study the scaling limits of the L-state Restricted Solid-on-Solid (RSOS) lattice models and their fusion hierarchies in the off-critical regimes. Starting with the elliptic functional equations of Klümper and Pearce, we derive the... more
In this note we study the possible connection between functions appearing in diagrammatic expansion and the conformal correlator expansion. To study the connection we propose a generating function which can be expanded to construct a... more
The periodic system of chemical elements is represented within the framework of the weight diagram of the Lie algebra of the fourth rank of the rotation group of an eightdimensional pseudo-Euclidean space. The hydrogen realization of the... more
Sufficient conditions for existence of common fixed point on complex partial b-metric spaces are obtained. Our results generalize and extend several well-known results. In the end we explore applications of our key results to solve a... more
This paper studies the concept of fuzzy generalized topologies, which are generalizations of smooth topologies and Chang's fuzzy topologies. A basis of fuzzy generalized topological space will be defined as functions from the family of... more
In the framework of six-dimensional conformal field theories with $$ \mathcal{N}=\left(1,\ 0\right) $$ N = 1 , 0 supersymmetry we develop the map between the holographic description, the field theoretical description and the associated... more