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Initiatives to change or sidestep presidential term limits are often presented as a response to popular demand, yet tend to be deeply polarizing and may even lead to violence. Opinion on the legality of changing term limits tends to be... more
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      Constitutional LawVoting BehaviorPeace and Conflict StudiesDemocratic Theory
The African Union (AU) has often used mediation as one of its key approaches in its efforts in conflict prevention. As a result, mediation has become a flagship initiative of the organisation, and is undertaken by various actors within... more
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      International RelationsInternational organizationsMediationConflict prevention and resolution
INTRODUCTION The idea of conflict prevention is making a comeback. Though at the heart of the United Nations (UN) charter , previous attempts to make conflict prevention a concrete reality within the UN system had limited success and were... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesUnited NationsConflict prevention and resolutionEarly Warning
* Publication sponsored by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany ( The long-standing disagreements between NATO and Russia have been left unresolved for decades. In 2014 they finally escalated into an outright... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesInternational Relations
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      Conflict prevention and resolutionMedia and International Relations and Conflict Resolutions
The paper gives a general overview of causes and consequences of human-wildlife conflict in Zimbabwe and also some cases from southern Africa
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      Conflict prevention and resolutionHuman-wildlife conflicts
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      Latin American StudiesRegionalismConflict prevention and resolutionVenezuelan Politics
Nous présentons ici de façon synthétique les débats ayant animé le séminaire sur « Les systèmes d’alerte précoce » organisé au profit du Secrétariat général de la défense nationale par l’Ifri, en y ajoutant une présentation du contexte... more
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      ConflictConflict prevention and resolutionStructural Conflict Prevention and Good GovernanceEarly Warning
This 12 page document provides detailed guidance in leading a workshop on conflict styles with the online version of "Style Matters", a conflict style inventory by Ron Kraybill, published by Riverhouse ePress. The guide provides... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesIndustrial and Organizational PsychologyHuman Resource ManagementCross-Cultural Studies
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      Conflict prevention and resolutionMedia and International Relations and Conflict Resolutions
Chapter in William Zartman, et. al. Handbook of Conflict Resolution (Sage, 2006)
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      Conflict prevention and resolutionConflict PreventionStructural Conflict Prevention and Good Governance
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesMasculinitiesConflict prevention and resolutionGender, Peace and Conflict
ABSTRACT This study focuses on the importance of the delimitation of Mozambique's maritime boundaries in the context of discoveries of offshore natural gas reserves (in the sea), in the main sedimentary basins located on the Mozambican... more
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      Maritime LawEnergy PolicyEnergy SecurityConflict prevention and resolution
Ivan Katchanovski, a political science professor with expertise on Ukraine and Russia at the University of Ottawa, told The Maple that …. claims [that the Russia-Ukraine war could not have been prevented] are not supported by evidence or... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesInternational Studies
This paper looks at the state of and challenges ahead for preventive diplomacy in four different regions of the world: Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Northeast Asia. As Francesco Mancini, IPI's Senior Director of Research,... more
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      United NationsDiplomacyConflict prevention and resolution
GSDRC topic guides aim to provide a clear, concise and objective report on findings from rigorous research on critical areas of development policy. Rather than provide policy guidance or recommendations, their purpose is to signpost... more
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      ConflictGenderConflict prevention and resolutionGender and Peacebuilding
Terrorism by an Islamist group known as Boko Haram has been raging in Nigeria since 2009 and has spilled over into neighboring countries of Cameroon, Chad and Niger. Consequently, two million people have been displaced, 100,000 lives lost... more
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      CommunicationPublic OpinionTerrorismInternational Terrorism
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      ClassicsHomerCommunicationConflict Resolution
Peace negotiations often seek to resolve protracted conflicts and provide a vision for inter-group or interstate relations at the local, national and regional level. This is done through reaching a peace accord or agreement. As agreements... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflictInternational NegotiationNegotiation
Our intention in A Watching Brief (volume 8 of this series) was to jump-start creative thinking and debate among progressive cadres of Ulster loyalism on the nature and trajectory of their developing political project, particularly since... more
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      Northern Ireland: Unionism & LoyalismNorthern Irish PoliticsPeacekeepingConflict Transformation
Ich erkläre hiermit, dass ich diese Arbeit selbständig und nur mit den angegebenen Hilfsmitteln angefertigt habe und dass ich alle Stellen, die dem Wortlaut oder dem Sinn nach anderen Werken oder dem Internet entnommen sind, durch Angabe... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityConflict prevention and resolutionFinancial Sector
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      ArgumentationMediationConflict prevention and resolutionArgumentation, Critical Thinking, DIscourse
This eBook is a response and contribution to the challenges of the third pillar of the Responsibility to Protect principle. This pillar focuses on the international responsibility to take timely and decisive action to prevent and halt... more
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      International RelationsInternational SecurityNATOResponsibility to Protect
Myanmar has been one of the most secluded nations on earth in the past two to three decades. It was only recently that the military junta which ruled the nation with an iron fist decided to not only hold free and fair elections but also... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflict prevention and resolutionEthnic Conflict and Civil WarMyanmar
The past two and a half decades in the South Caucasus leave little hope to entertain for the eventual integration of the region. So far the fragmentation of the South Caucasus into different blocks is the only reality. The different... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflictPost-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentCommunity Development & Conflict Resolution
This study aims at exploring the inner application of the lesson-learning process on the European Union’s evaluation of its Common Security and Defence Policy missions. This approach is based on a careful examination of the principal and... more
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      European StudiesStrategy (Military Science)International RelationsPeace and Conflict Studies
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      CaucasusConflict prevention and resolutionAzerbaijanArmenia
This paper is structured as follows: firstly, it clarifies the concept of ‘parliamentary diplomacy’ and the lesser known concept of ‘track 11/2 diplomacy’ (or ‘track one and a half diplomacy’); in a nutshell, this second term is employed... more
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      DiplomacyParliamentary StudiesConflict ResolutionConflict prevention and resolution
This short booklet is a product of several years spent analysing Ulster Loyalism from a personal and academic perspective. It is something of a truism that those who write regularly on this topic are often socially and geographically... more
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      ViolenceConflictPolitical Violence and TerrorismNorthern Ireland: Unionism & Loyalism
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      DialogueConflict ResolutionConflict TransformationConflict prevention and resolution
GİRİŞ-ÖNSÖZ:Bazen, tartışma (ekseriya yabancı kaynaklı) programlarında, kimi konferanslarda konuşmacılarını ya da basın mensuplarının makalelerini “besmele” çekerek başlattıklarına tanıklık eden biri olarak hukuk konulu bir makaleye ve... more
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      European StudiesCriminal LawPeace and Conflict StudiesInternational Law
Peace is one of the most contested research agendas in security studies. In recent times, proactive efforts towards peace have been epitomized by a peacemaking agenda that has been seen to be regional and home-grown in its approach. The... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesSecurity StudiesCritical Security StudiesRegionalism
In 2014, the sharia-ruled Aceh province of Indonesia legislated bylaw qanun jinayat no.6/2014, which criminalised same-sex acts, and imposed a caning punishment consisting of a hundred lashes if a person was found guilty. The law impelled... more
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      Asian StudiesGender StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesHuman Rights
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      ConflictConflict prevention and resolutionStructural Conflict Prevention and Good GovernanceEarly Warning
The present article uses terror management theory (TMT) to explore the psychological, social and cultural forces that lead diverse groups and individuals to endorse, promote and enact violence against innocent individuals. From this... more
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      PsychologyMoral PsychologyPolitical PsychologyPolitical Science
In the 1990s, Greece reached a turning point with regard to its national security. The 1996 Imia crisis, in particular, manfisted a further escalation of Turkey's claims in the Aegean, which for the first time became direct... more
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      Crisis ManagementConflict ManagementConflict prevention and resolutionTurkish Foreign Policy
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      Foreign AidConflict prevention and resolutionGerman Foreign PolicyCentral Asia
The purpose of this study was to examine the mediation role of organizational justice perception of administrators’ political and paternalistic leadership behaviors on conflict resolution behaviors. The study was conducted with 330 high... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationEducational LeadershipDidactics
This dissertation will explore four developments and examine the possibilities and opportunities for an integrated track 1½ approach, focussed on regional conflict prevention and de-escalation of intrastate conflict. The principal focus... more
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      Conflict prevention and resolutionTrack II Diplomacy
A literatura de prevenção de conflitos violentos que trata de “eficácia da ação preventiva” ressalta que as chances de sucesso tendem a aumentar quando a prevenção é estrutural e quando a abordagem é multissetorial. A pesquisa realizada... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesKosovoUnited NationsEuropean Union
"This anthropological study describes a specific form of mediation, as it is practiced in Ethiopia (Northeast Africa) by members of the Oromo and Amhara ethnic groups. It introduces elders as male household-heads in their advanced ages,... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologySociology of Conflict
If our education systems seek to prepare students to live constructively in the real world, and if that goal is to be more than a mouthed platitude, then part of that education must include conflict resolution skills. Conflict resolution... more
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      EducationPeace and Conflict StudiesTeacher EducationConflict
"Si vis pacem, para pacem .
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      DialogueConflict prevention and resolutionPreventive Action
The legal, moral and political responsibility to stop mass atrocities is not new, yet over the last decade a significant momentum has emerged around the idea that preventing these crimes from occurring in the first place is infinitely... more
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      Criminal LawInternational RelationsMulticulturalismTerrorism
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      Strategic ForesightRisk ManagementRisk assessmentConflict prevention and resolution
All around the world, men are the primary perpetrators of violence, making up 95 per cent of people convicted of homicide, as well as being the majority of combatants in conflicts. In most cultures, violence is associated with men and... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesMasculinitiesConflict prevention and resolutionPeacebuilding
This article examines the efforts of the High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to manage tensions in Ukraine between the substantial Russian minority and the... more
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      Conflict prevention and resolutionRussiaUkraineOSCE
Durante los últimos veinte años, la conflictividad política en Venezuela ha conllevado la implementación de al menos cinco mecanismos alternos de diálogo y negociación con participación internacional. Sus resultados han sido limitados y... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPolitical ScienceRevolutionsVenezuela
Today there are more than 1.85 billion young people around the world. Globally, many of them work tirelessly, creatively, and productively to build peace and respond to violence. Yet, young people have often been marginal to peace and... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesYouth StudiesPolitical Violence and TerrorismUnited Nations