Condominium Property
Recent papers in Condominium Property
Dieses Papier untersucht die Entstehung einer Sanierungskultur in Wohnungseigentümergemeinschaften (WEGs) und die sozialen Mechanismen, die deren Verbreitung beeinflussen. Im Zentrum steht der "Häufigkeitsabhängigkeitseffekt", bei dem die... more
ÖZET: Günümüz sosyal ve ekonomik koşulları, çevresel etkenler ve imar planlarıyla öngörülen yapılaşma kuralları gereği, özellikle şehirlerde apartman ve site biçiminde toplu yerleşim yerlerinde yaşamak bir tercih değil, bir zorunluluk... more
Condominium maintenance is a critical issue in Albania. After the fall of communism, the ownership and maintenance responsibilities of hundreds of thousands of flats that were constructed and owned by the state was transferred to their... more
This article analyses competition legislation through the lenses of national constitutions, given that these constitutions establish the foundational structures of national legal systems to which competition laws inherently belong.... more
L’analisi di Leonardo Coviello jr. su «L’obbligazione negativa» ritorna dal passato per sciogliere alcuni nodi centrali dei patti di non concorrenza e, in particolare, dei patti di riservatezza.
Nel 2024 le Sezioni Unite della Corte di Cassazione hanno ribaltato l’orientamento giurisprudenziale tradizionale, ammettendo la possibilità di costituire una servitù prediale di parcheggio. Tale pronuncia rappresenta un significativo... more
This paper foresees a critical analysis and development of a legislative proposal for the effective implementation of blockchain technology in Civil Mediation in conflicts in condominiums. This paper provides a legal analysis of personal,... more
Durante el segundo semestre de 2018, en el contexto del paro universitario en puesto educativo, quienes formamos parte de equipo de investigación “Antropología de la noche” radicado en el CIFFyH y de la cátedra de “Teoría Antropológica... more
Este libro articula escenas del trabajo de campo etnográfico en diferentes contextos, buscando mirar con mayor profundidad las investigaciones de las cuales se desprenden. Los relatos focalizan aspectos relacionales y emocionales... more
When this matter was taken for the argument on 25/05/2023, the both parties urged and agreed that the matter be disposed solely on the written submissions. Thus, parties were allowed to file written submissions as directed by this court.... more
Carte 1. Système d'approvisionnement et de distribution de l'électricité dans la métropole de Buenos Aires
In Hungary, private international law was traditionally based on international customs and principles of customary law derived from the case law of national courts and arbitral tribunals. 1 This characteristic of private international law... more
- by Istvan Erdos
This revision application filed against the judgment dated 28/08/2020 of the learned Additional District Judge of Kandy. The revision is bit peculiar as it has to be considered that the impact of the partition Law and the effect of... more
che assegna al giurista contemporaneo il compito delicato di «mediare tra vecchiume cartaceo ed esperienza, o addirittura inventare, nel senso […] di trovare una soluzione e colmare il vuoto: trasfigurazione di remoti istituti, conio di... more
- by Andrea Bucelli
- Art, ESI
L’emergenza climatica ha influito notevolmente sulle politiche adottate a livello nazionale, europeo ed internazionale nonché sulle iniziative di autonomia privata. La inevitabile doverosità ecologica è, dunque, destinata a permeare ogni... more
In this paper I focus on the institutional implications of the EU Unfair Terms Directive (93/13) in Poland in the broader context of the welfare state model prevalent in that post-socialist EU Member State. I depart from the assumption... more
This research proposal investigates the feasibility of future condominium development in the Western Province of Sri Lanka. The rapid growth of condominium projects in recent years has raised the need to assess their viability and success... more
Nonostante il diverso avviso di una recente sentenza delle Sezioni Unite della Cassazione (Cass. civ., sez. un., 17 dicembre 2020, n. 28972), la clausola in forza della quale un bene condominiale risulti gravato da un “diritto di uso... more
The objective of this paper is to analyse the legal position of the consumer in the event of a lack of conformity of the goods in Croatian and Serbian law The national regulations governing this issue in both states are influenced by the... more
Si afferma giustamente che nelle servitù è essenziale l’utlitas rei, ossia un vantaggio per il fondo dominante, che provenga dal fondo servente (v. l’art. 1027 c. c). Questo è certamente vero. Ma tutti i diritti sono tali in quanto... more
This issue of Anthropological Mathematics is about the interconnected realms of Lacanian psychoanalysis, linguistic associations, biblical references, and mathematical concepts to shed light on the complex nature of symbolic as impotence... more
Tebligat kavramı, yazılı bildirimi ifade eden tebliğ sözcüğünün çoğulu olup, bir bilgi veya haberin ilgilisine bildirimi veya ulaştırılması anlamına gelir 1. Hukuki anlamda tebligat ise, hukuki işlemlerin kanunda öngörüldüğü şekilde... more
The paper aims at analysing the role of law in systemic transformation on the example of Poland’s move from Actually Existing Socialism (1944–1989) to capitalism. For this purpose four case studies are analysed: the lex Wilczek... more
prawa wlasnosci nieruchomosci (1994) (Katowice Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego). 2 See Kalus Rechtsvera¨nderungen im Bereich gesonderten Eigentums an Wohnungs-und Gescha¨ftsra¨umen in Polen in Ogris & Rechberger (ed) Geda¨chtnisschrift... more
J'examine les changements récents démographiques de deux villes, le Havre et Naples, pour adresser la question s'il existe deux modèles d'urbanisation, un qui décrit les rythmes de croissance, décroissance et déplacements dans le nord, et... more
This chapter offers the concept of embedded property as a way of thinking about and understanding condominium property, and of explaining how ownership of land within condominium is changing the character of ownership. It does so by... more
Condominium is a form of ownership that produces separate parcels of land and a structure of local government within multi-unit developments. As one form of common interest community, condominium packages private property with a... more
Il commento illustra gli orientamenti della Suprema Corte, consolidatisi negli anni, relativamente alla nozione di decoro architettonico. L’ordinanza in esame si pone in continuità con quanto precedentemente espresso dalla costante... more
RESUMO: Entrevista com a Professora Ana Lúcia de Lyra Tavares, professora assistente da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil ABSTRACT: Interview with Ana Lúcia de Lyra Tavares, assistant... more
For the first time, this book parallels the works of Góngora and Tirso, analyzing their different involvement in the expressive modalities of the Baroque that both interpret and value in a hyperbolic way. With efficiency and originality,... more
Gated residential communities are commonly portrayed as a negative phenomenon, leading to social segregation. However, given gated condominiums are commonly located in older residential areas of cities, it has been argued they have... more
Twelve Oaks is a three-storey, 30-unit strata property complex located near the general hospital in the City of Vancouver (Figure 1). The residential, wood-frame building was constructed in 1973 on several lots that had been occupied by a... more
Statutory condominium regimes facilitate massive increases in the density of owners. The courts are responding to this spatial reorganization of ownership by reconstructing what it means to be the owner of an interest in land. This... more
Introduction: Unprotected sexual intercourse is the most common mode of transmission of HIV/AIDS and other STIs in sub-Saharan Africa. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of health interventions on the knowledge,... more
Il contributo analizza l'ipotesi di responsabilità dell'amministratore di un condomino per i danni subiti da un condominio a seguito della caduta in un buca
Introduction: Unprotected sexual intercourse is the most common mode of transmission of HIV/AIDS and other STIs in sub-Saharan Africa. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of health interventions on the knowledge,... more
Strata schemes present real difficulties in relation to discrimination law that have not been sufficiently thought through in Australia, either by legislatures or by some tribunals. There are some activities of a strata scheme that are... more
Condominium maintenance is a critical issue in Albania. After the fall of communism, the ownership and maintenance responsibilities of hundreds of thousands of flats that were constructed and owned by the state was transferred to their... more
A special building is representing the old-stratified scheme occupied before June 1996 or from June 1996 to 11 April 2007 as stated in Strata Titles Act 1985. It is highlighted for the absence of strata title that is resulted from the... more
Les articles 32 et 36 du Code des professions (RLRQ, c. C-26) édictent que nul ne peut utiliser un titre professionnel ou une abréviation ni s'attribuer des initiales mentionnés à l'une de ces dispositions ou à celles d'une loi... more
Condominium enables the subdivision of buildings into multiple private titles. It does so by combining individual titles with an undivided share of common property, a right to participate in governing the property, and an obligation to... more
As you know, the language level is one of the main research areas of jurisprudence. The author puts forward the thesis that the adopted language apparatus has a significant influence on the research results in legal sciences. This is... more