Condominium Property
Recent papers in Condominium Property
Conférence, Tours, Université François Rabelais, 20 juin 2014.
Barcelone - Istanbul - Milan. Le complexe immobilier Diagonal Mar de Barcelone est une résidence s'apparentant à un condominium. Sa réalisation s'appuie sur l'argument du développement durable à partir de l'offre d'un grand parc paysager... more
The paper’s objective is to find out two different paths of the development of the concept of apartament ownership in Central Europe, as well as the modifications of that concept under communists regimes. Condominium proved to be one of... more
Rapid population increase in Tanzania's cities has risen the need for modern residential structures that accommodate a great number of people at one place as well as maintaining a well-structured city planning. Thus, the government... more
Il tema oggetto di analisi concerne la natura delle obbligazioni assunte dall’amministratore nell’interesse del condominio , che, negli ultimi anni, ha dato vita a un vivace dibattito dottrinale, nonché a diversi contrasti... more
AbstractENG This contribution aims to study the condominium under the effective and managerial profile. The diffusion of buildings in which there are common parts linked by a relationship of accessory to the single exclusive properties... more
The article examines the Unit Titles Act, its background, prospects and enforcement challenges. It is clear that the enactment of the Unit Titles Act aimed to inter alia ameliorate the problems associated with urban housing by providing... more
This study done more than a decade ago (2008) was an effort by a select group of researchers (Ringo Tenga, Amon Mattee, Ntengua Mdoe ,Raymond Mnenwa, Sengondo Mvungi, and Martin Walsh) to realize the challenge given in 2006 to... more
Statutory condominium regimes facilitate a massive increase in the density of owners, and the courts are responding to this spatial reorganization of ownership by reconstructing what it means to be the owner of an interest in land. This... more
The question if every co-owner in a condominium is held, or not, to pay the whole amount of the expenses sustained for its functioning has not been given, for a long time, any answers, notwithstanding the decision of the Corte di... more
L’analisi si indirizza sui poteri dei singoli condomini e dell’assemblea in merito all’abbattimento delle barriere architettoniche. Nonostante i progressi derivanti dall’applicazione del principio di “solidarietà condominiale”, permangono... more
This presentation consists of two parts. Part One aims to situate the blocks-of-flats sector within the housing system in two main ways:-first theoretically, by engaging the framework of 'diverse economies' to the historic forms of... more
On October 31, 2012, the Commissioner on Internal Revenue issued Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 65-2012 (“RMC 65-2012”) declaring that all association dues, membership fees, and other assessment/charges collected by condominium... more
Những năm vừa qua, nhiều khu vực đất công cộng ở đô thị được quản lý chưa hiệu quả và đang bị xâm hại, sử dụng sai mục đích, hoặc kém hiệu quả. Các khu chung cư ở Hà Nội trong giai đoạn chuyển đổi là điển hình của yếu kém trong quản lý... more
Despite the influence of real estate companies on the production of the built environment, their role of in smart city initiatives has been overlooked. As part of a smart city demonstrator program implemented by the national government,... more
The Skytrain system was introduced in Bangkok in 1999 in order to move towards a more sustainable urban environment. More recently, the mass transit lines have been extended into areas away from the immediate center of the city, which has... more
Condominium enables the subdivision of buildings into multiple private titles. It does so by combining individual titles with an undivided share of common property, a right to participate in governing the property, and an obligation to... more
1. L'amministrazione disgiuntiva delle parti comuni come gestione di affari altrui: il difetto di legittimazione dei singoli condòmini. - 2. Segue: l'impossibilità di gestione delle parti comuni da parte degli organi condominiali. - 3.... more
Strata or condominium property creates multiple privately owned lots or units within an association of owners. Dissolving strata property involves winding-up the association and terminating the private interests. As a result, the... more
Absentee owners and overzealous body corporate (condominium) trustee or chairperson can violate the rights of tenants. Absentee owners and their non-attendance of meetings may compel the remaining owners do what it takes to protect the... more
Comme la Suisse, la Turquie célèbre en 2015 le cinquantième anniversaire de l’introduction en droit civil de règles sur la propriété par étages. Mais elle a opté pour un système totalement différent, qui peut offrir un autre point de... more
How to prepare yourself for uncertain times, if that is the case in Malaysia. Analysis of current and future situation, what is the world saying about Malaysia, Survivor kit, bright future as per current outlook. This is what you will... more
Community title schemes are an increasingly popular form of housing in Queensland and throughout Australia in general. Community title housing (typically apartment buildings and townhouses) involve medium to high-density living, which in... more
This is an expanded outline of my report for a conference on "water resources and shared immovable property" held in the University of Bari on 15th may 2015. As far as I had already dealt with the problems of public economic services... more
Sectional titles, management and conduct rules – how these can impact on tenants, their visitors and relatives
Absentee owners and an overzealous body corporate (condominium) trustee or chairperson can violate the rights of tenants. Absentee owners and their non-attendance of meetings may compel the remaining owners do what it takes to protect the... more
Things to consider before buying a condo in Florida, especially for location, budget, the developer most important a trusted real estate broker!
Quoted commentary on the recent Massachusetts Appeals Court decision in Chamberlain, et al. v. Badaoui, et al. that denied a commercial condominium owner’s claim of easement by necessity through an adjoining unit and the cautionary tale... more
This is a comprehensive chapter on recent case law developments, advantages, disadvantages, alternatives, and planning considerations, as well as the lawyer’s role in creating and managing commercial and mixed-use condominium entities.... more
INVESTASI CONDOTEL BALI, BANDUNG, DAN PUNCAK merupakan Investasi Properti Harga Perdana yang Menguntungkan, website :
With special emphasis on sustainability issues, the paper investigates marketing strategies in housing, adding to a more orthodox and conventional body of knowledge regarding the "needs and wants" not only of the alleged end-user, but... more