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Relationships are an integral part of the design of a database. Comparing and integrating relationships from heterogeneous databases requires that the relationships be mapped to each other or to a common classification. Identifying... more
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      SemioticsOntologyApplied OntologyRelationships
Despite reputation deeply influences system providers and users interactions (e.g. in e-commerce), today implementations of reputation systems are far from being satisfactory. Reputation systems implemented so far for ecommerce are very... more
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      Computer ScienceConceptual Modeling
This paper presents an evaluation of feature modeling tools. The purpose of the evaluation was to gain insight in the aspects that influence the quality and more in the particular usability. The evaluation focused on the quality criteria:... more
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    • Conceptual Modeling
This paper presents an ontology architecture concept for the European Space Agency‘s (ESA) Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Program. It incorporates the author‘s domain ontology, The Space Situational Awareness Ontology and related... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceApplied OntologyKnowledge ManagementKnowledge Models
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the application of foundational ontologies, i.e., formal ontological theories in the philosophical sense, to provide a theoretically sound foundation for improving the theory and... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringInformation Systems (Business Informatics)Management Information Systems
Decisional systems are crucial for enterprise improvement. They allow the consolidation of heterogeneous data from distributed enterprise data stores into strategic indicators. An essential component of this data consolidation is the... more
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      Conceptual ModelingData WarehouseBusiness Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)Conceptual Model
—In competitive markets, companies need well-designed business strategies if they seek to grow and obtain sustainable competitive advantage. At the core of a successful business strategy there is a carefully crafted value proposition,... more
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      Information Systems (Business Informatics)EconomicsMicroeconomicsOntology
Data warehousing and electronic-commerce are two of the most rapidly expanding fields in recent information technologies. In this paper, we discuss the design of data warehouses for e-commerce environment. We discuss requirement analysis,... more
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      Information TechnologyData WarehousingConceptual ModelingData Warehouse
Building proper reference ontologies is a hard task. There are a number of methods and tools that traditionally have been used to support this task. These include the use of foundational theories, the reuse of domain and core ontologies,... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation Systems (Business Informatics)Management Information Systems
The Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) was developed over the last two decades by consistently putting together theories from areas such as formal ontology in philosophy, cognitive science, linguistics, and philosophical logics. It... more
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      Information ScienceOntologyApplied OntologyOntology (Computer Science)
This paper first examines crime situation in Benin metropolis using questionnaire to elicit information from the public and the police. Result shows that crime is on the rise and that the police are handicapped in managing it because of... more
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      Conceptual ModelingDatabase DesignPhysical DesignGeospatial Data
Electricity is an indispensable amenity in present society. Among all those energy resources, coal is readily available all over the world and has risen only moderately in price compared with other fuel sources. As a result, coal-fired... more
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      Conceptual ModelingProcess SimulationScientific World View
n this thesis, we aim at contributing to the theory of conceptual modeling and ontology representation. Our main objective here is to provide ontological foundations for the most fundamental concepts in conceptual modeling. These... more
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      Software EngineeringMetaphysicsOntologyApplied Ontology
While there have been dramatic increases in the use of digital technologies for information storage, processing and delivery over the last twenty years, the affordances of paper have ensured its retention as a key information medium. In... more
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      Information SystemsEngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware Engineering
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is intensifying the digitalization of the manufacturing and generating disruptive changes and the paradigm shift in the industry. To boost the productivity in AM, the improvement in parts qualification is... more
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      Modeling and SimulationCausalityAdditive ManufacturingConceptual Modeling
Social accounts of technological change make the flexibility and openness of interpretations the starting point of an argument against technological determinism. They suggest that technological change unfolds in the semantic domain, but... more
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      Human Computer InteractionInformation TechnologyDesignComputer Networks
Since the late 1980s, there has been a growing interest in the use of foundational ontologies to provide a sound theoretical basis for the discipline of conceptual modeling. This has led to the development of ontology-based conceptual... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringInformation ScienceInformation Systems (Business Informatics)
The importance of capabilities and resources for portfolio management and business strategy has been recognized in the management literature. Despite that, little attention has been given to integrate the notions of capabilities and... more
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      Information SystemsInformation Systems (Business Informatics)Management Information SystemsApplied Ontology
Strategic reasoning about business models is an integral part of service design. In fast moving markets, businesses must be able to recognize and respond strategically to disruptive change. They have to answer questions such as: what are... more
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      Requirements EngineeringConceptual Modeling
This paper is dedicated to Nicola Guarino, on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Nicola has made seminal contributions to Conceptual Modeling that include some of the greatest advances in this field of research over the past thirty years.... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceArtificial IntelligenceInformation Systems (Business Informatics)
Reification is a standard technique in conceptual modeling, which consists of including in the domain of discourse entities that may otherwise be hidden or implicit. However, deciding what should be reified is not always easy. Recent work... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceManagement Information SystemsMetaphysics
We describe an algorithmic method for transforming a Binary-Relationship (BR) conceptual schema to an Object-Ooriented (OO) database schema. The BR schema is a semantically rich diagram that represents the reality being modeled in terms... more
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      Conceptual ModelingObject-Oriented DatabaseClass DiagramBinary Relationship Model
System-based decision-making functionality has matured over the last decade due to the constant evolution of technological decision execution capabilities. Intelligent agents, cyber-physical systems employing automated and autonomous... more
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      Decision AnalysisIntelligent AgentsConceptual Modeling
In his article entitled “On Ontological Foundations of Conceptual Modeling” (henceforth OFCM), Boris Wyssusek reviews several approaches that have the common objective of investigating how results from areas such as formal ontology in... more
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      OntologyApplied OntologyOntology (Computer Science)Conceptual Modelling
Ontology-driven conceptual models are widely used to capture information about complex and critical domains. Therefore, it is essential for these models to be comprehensible and cognitively tractable. Over the years, different techniques... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringInformation ScienceOntology
Finance and economics are wide domains, where ontologies are useful instruments for dealing with semantic interoperability and information integration problems, as well as improving communication and problem solving among people. In... more
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      Information SystemsFinanceOntologyApplied Ontology
Trust is a key component of relationships in social life. It is commonly argued that trust is the "glue" that holds families, societies, organizations and companies together. In the literature trust is frequently considered as a strategic... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation Systems (Business Informatics)Ontology
Functional Size Measurement (FSM) methods are intended to measure the size of software by quantifying the functional user requirements of the software. The capability to accurately quantify the size of software in an early stage of the... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware Project ManagementConceptual ModelingSoftware Measurement
Conceptualization of information allows improved visualization and manipulation of large amounts of data. Especially in digitization of cultural heritage and when aiming at presenting more than one monuments, abstraction of information... more
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      VisualizationCultural HeritageDigital MediaAbstraction
Growing trade volumes and increased security, health and financial control regulations require customs administrations to change their working practices worldwide. An existing dilemma however, is that governments would like on the one... more
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      Computer ScienceEuropean UnionConceptual ModelingCase Study
The ADO.NET Entity Framework provides a persistence layer for .NET applications that allows developers to work at a higher level of abstraction when interacting with data and data-access interfaces. Developers can model and access their... more
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      Relational DatabaseConceptual ModelingLevels of AbstractionConceptual Model
Ontology design patterns are a promising approach for Ontology Engineering. In this chapter, we introduce the notion of Ontology Pattern Language (OPL) as a way to organize domain-related ontology patterns. This chapter is organized as... more
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      Semantic Web TechnologiesOntology (Computer Science)Conceptual ModellingSemantic Web technology - Ontologies
Enterprise Architecture (EA) description frameworks embody a "worldview" which is used by architects to conceptualize the enterprise and its elements. This "worldview" manifests itself in the choice of language constructs and in modeling... more
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      Information SystemsInformation Systems (Business Informatics)Management Information SystemsOntology
The use of Requirements at Runtime (RRT) is an emerging research area. Many methods and frameworks that make use of requirements models during software execution can be found in the literature. However, there is still a lack of a formal... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringInformation ScienceOntology
Given the increasing complexity of ontology-driven conceptual modeling and on-tology engineering, there is an urging need for developing a new generation of complexity management tools for these disciplines [12]. These include a number of... more
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      Applied OntologyOntology (Computer Science)Conceptual ModellingDesign Patterns
The present study aimed to develop a literature-based and expert-modified model for credibility evaluation of scientific web information in order to be used for academic purposes by utilizing a mixed heuristic method. First,... more
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      Conceptual ModelingScientific InformationWebsite EvaluationWeb Information
For over a decade now, a community of researchers has contributed to the ontological foundations of Conceptual Modeling by participating to the development of the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) and the UFO-based modeling language... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation Systems (Business Informatics)Management Information Systems
Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE) has grown into an important area of research in the past decades. Still, some of its corners remain dark, since different GORE languages do not provide a well-founded conceptualization of the... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringInformation ScienceInformation Systems (Business Informatics)
Foundational ontologies provide the basic concepts upon which any domain-specific ontology is built. This paper presents a new foundational ontology, UFO, and shows how it can be used as a guideline in business modeling and for evaluating... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation Systems (Business Informatics)Management Information Systems
In philosophy, the term ontology has been used since the 17 century to refer both to a philosophical discipline (Ontology with a capital “O”), and as a domain-independent system of categories that can be used in the conceptualization of... more
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      Applied OntologyOntology (Computer Science)Conceptual ModellingMetamodelling
Prevention is a pervasive phenomenon. It is about blocking an effect before it happens or stopping it as it unfolds: vaccines prevent (the unfolding of) diseases; seat belts prevent events causing serious injuries; circuit breaks prevent... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation Systems (Business Informatics)Ontology
Over the years, there has been an increasing adoption of ontology-driven conceptual models to represent the conceptual structure of critical domains in reality. Given the complexity of this task, there has been a growing demand for the... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation Systems (Business Informatics)Ontology
This paper addresses the complexity of conceptual modeling in a sce-nario in which semantic interoperability requirements are increasingly present. It elaborates on the need for developing sound ontological foundations for conceptual... more
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      Information SystemsInformation Systems (Business Informatics)Management Information SystemsOntology
1. Introductory remarks Modeling is one of the basic methods in empirical sciences. Generally speaking, it consists of the gradual construction of a cognitively useful – though simplified and idealized – image of described phenomena. As... more
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    • Conceptual Modeling
Money is so ever-present in modern life that we usually take its existence for granted. Financial crisis like the recent one in 2008 are significant alerts about the importance of money and finance. Having a clear understanding of the... more
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      Information SystemsFinanceManagement Information SystemsOntology
The Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) has been used to provide foundations for the major conceptual modeling constructs. This ontology has led to the OntoUML Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling language, a UML class diagram profile... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation Systems (Business Informatics)Ontology
Risk analysis is traditionally accepted as a complex and critical activity in various contexts, such as strategic planning and software development. Given its complexity, several modeling approaches have been proposed to help analysts in... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringInformation ScienceInformation Systems (Business Informatics)
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the application of foundational ontologies, i.e., formal ontological theories in the philosophical sense, to provide a theoretically sound foundation for improving the theory and... more
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      OntologyApplied OntologySemantic Web TechnologiesOntology (Computer Science)
Data warehouse modeling is a complex task, which involves knowledge of business processes of the domain of discourse, understanding the structural and behavioral system's conceptual model, and familiarity with data warehouse technologies.... more
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      Information SystemsData WarehousingConceptual ModelingOPERATING SYSTEM
Process models are usually depicted as directed graphs, with nodes representing activities and directed edges control flow. While struc-tured processes with pre-defined control flow have been studied in detail , flexible processes... more
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      Business Process ModelingConceptual ModelingProcess Modeling