The quality of nursing care as perceived by hospitalized patients with advanced illness has not been examined. A concept of quality nursing care for this population was developed by integrating the literature on constructs defining... more
Bu çalışmada; bilgi işlemsel düşünme kavramının gelişim süreçleri ve eğitime yansımaları incelenmiştir. Derleme yöntemi kullanılarak gerçekleştirilen bu inceleme çalışması; kavramın ortaya çıkışından günümüzün eğitim perspektifinde temel... more
Bakgrund och problem: Sedan år 1983 har det funnits revisionsplikt för alla aktiebolag i Sverige. Detta grundades på debatten som uppstod år 1980, där man fick upp synen på ekonomiska brottsligheten som tog de mindre bolagen med storm och... more
Present thesis relies on sustainable approach and the Innovative Conceptual Engineering Design. Concept development of a food-growing unit on Mars is a part of a challenge named "Sustainable Human Habitation of Mars" stated by NASA's Epic... more
Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi med inriktning redovisning och revision vårterminen 2011, Mälardalens högskola.
This is a quantitative study of the credit preferences of the smallest micro enterprises with an annual turnover less than 10 million SEK. Micro enterprises are small enterprises with less than 10 people employed and an annual turnover of... more
The means of design and manufacturing require a shift of course to meet with the need of a future sustainable consumption. Innovative design strategies to create emotionally durable products have emerged from the research fields of... more
This article explores how to design for product longevity. The design approach Contexts of Experience (COE) makes the basis for this interdisciplinary study which combines research on consumer-product attachment (CPA) and related... more
Denna studie undersöker huruvida Private Equity-bolag lyckas skapa bestående operationellt värde i förvärvade portföljbolag. Studien beaktar mått som reflekterar utvecklingen för olika intressentgrupper i syfte att åskådliggöra Private... more
Population Services International (PSI) is an international NGO working to improve outcomes in developing countries through behavior change communications and the social marketing of health products and services. Consumer insight is... more
We take this opportunity to offer a few remarks on the background and motivation for this edited collection of chapters that aim to seek new frontiers for theories of mathematics education. This book grew out of the 29 th meeting of the... more
Date: 2019-05-04 Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 ECTS Institution: The School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors: Philip Der Nercessian, Michel Jeangey 930919 880814 Title: The... more
From a Vygotskian sociocultural perspective, second language teacher development is viewed as a continuing, cooperative, dialogical, and dialectical process which hinges on the interactions between teacher educators and teachers as they... more
An exploratory study was conducted to investigate firstly, the contextual problems first-year university students experienced at their respective schools and secondly, the subject related-problems that they could be bringing to science... more
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersoka om det forekommer ett samband mellan riskjusterad avkastning hos 161 Europafonder och dess arliga avgift. Vi anvander oss av Jensens Alpha och Information Ratio som riskjusterade avkastningsmatt for... more
The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge regarding the effect anchor investors have on price and volatility for a company during its IPO. Methodology The study uses a quantitative method and deductive approach. A central... more
Investeringsfond inom Vatten och Avlopp. Bakgrund och problem: En av de mest grundläggande system som vi använder dagligen är vatten och avloppssystem som brukar förkortas med benämningen VA. Vattenförsörjningen och hanteringen av avlopp... more
There has been an increase in the amount and complexity of traffic on Dutch inland waterways. Traffic management shifted from local traffic control to corridor traffic management. Due to these changes, operators in nautical traffic... more
There has been an increase in the amount and complexity of traffic on Dutch inland waterways. Traffic management shifted from local traffic control to corridor traffic management. Due to these changes, operators in nautical traffic... more
Artificial emotions of different varieties have been used for controlling behavior, e.g. in cognitive architectures and reinforcement learning models. We propose to use artificial emotions for a different purpose: controlling concept... more
Titel: Delningen av Electrolux-Husqvarna på egna ben Bakgrund och problem: Den 15 februari 2005 fattar styrelsen för Electrolux ett beslut om att avknoppa hela sitt utomhusproduktområde. Beslutet kommer efter larm från analytiker om en... more
Denna rapport är resultatet av en studie som har genomförts under vårterminen 2019 som ett kandidatarbete inom Industriell ekonomi på Chalmers tekniska högskola. Arbetet har utförts på institutionen för Teknikens ekonomi och organisation... more
Background. Concept analysis has identified three domains in the competent use of birth technology - interpersonal skills, professional knowledge and clinical proficiency - and tentative criteria for birth technology competence. Aim.... more
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Should we test D/HOH individuals with common general intelligence tests? .............. 6.3 If we use intelligence tests through sign language interpreters are we "Levelling the playing field?" .
The Effects of Positive Examiner Verbal Comments and Token Reinforcement on the CTONI-2 Performance of Early Elementary School Children Laura Cimini Seventy-two children were randomly assigned to one of three treatment conditions (i.e.,... more
This paper examines young children's concept of nature, paying attention to the role played by types of daily experience with nature on 832 children's constructions of the natural world. We observed the roles of three types of... more
Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel Konkursföretags hantering av Earnings Managementmättning via discretionary accruals, och med hänsyn till revisionsberättelse. Seminariedatum 2009-06-03 Ämne/kurs BUSM36, Magisteruppsats i Corporate and... more
El presente articulo se origina en la situacion problema tica que plantea la lectura y el aprendizaje disciplinar a partir de los denominados textos teoricos en el primer ciclo de la formacion universitaria. Nuestro proposito es exponer... more
Syftet med denna studie är att studera fenomenen underprissättning samt underprestation bland börsintroduktioner på svenska marknaden under perioden 2005-2016. Metod: Deduktiv ansats med kvantitativ data. Utifrån variabler kopplade till... more
This article explores how to design for product longevity. The design approach Contexts of Experience (COE) makes the basis for this interdisciplinary study which combines research on consumer-product attachment (CPA) and related... more
This study tests two financial valuation models empirically by valuing three stocks from three industries, with the purpose of studying how well valuation models work empirically and to make a forecast. The models which will be tested are... more
An exploratory study was conducted to investigate firstly, the contextual problems first-year university students experienced at their respective schools and secondly, the subject related-problems that they could be bringing to science... more
Background. No standard definition exists for the concept "persistent pain self-management" or how it should be defined in relation to older adults. Poorly defined concepts can result in misunderstandings in the clinical setting and can... more
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Den finansiella marknaden har alltid varit ett föränderligt område och utvecklingen av tekniken på marknaden under det senaste årtiondet har bidragit med innovativa och komplexa verktyg för handel av... more
Objects: This study aimed to evaluate the Executive Function (EF) domains in a group of profoundly deaf children treated with cochlear implant (CI) in comparison to normal hearing (NH) children. The secondary aim was to evaluate the... more
Arbetet behandlar kontrollsystemen hos måltidsindustrin i Ryssland. Det är av intresse för mig eftersom jag ursprungligen kommer från Ryssland och har nu gått igenom en restaurangmanagerutbildning i Sverige. Det är intressant studera hur... more
This article examines how Community Health Workers (CHWs) build trust with low-income women of color who have a historical distrust of the healthcare system, and are at risk for maternal-child health disparities. This qualitative study... more
hospitalaria según la NOM-034-SSA3-2013". Participación en la investigación e intervención en el proyecto PAPIIT y "NUTRIRME ES PAN COMIDO". Son cosas chiquitas. No acaban con la pobreza, no nos sacan del subdesarrollo, no socializan los... more
This article reports the results of a multiple case study that sought to understand how textile design students engaged in Digital Reflective Practice (DRP) and how such engagement related to creativity. Theoretically informed by symbolic... more