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Relations between the Czech society and the Church have historically manifest themselves in an extraordinarily dramatic fashion. Author explores the various processes which culminated in Roman Catholicism drastically falling in both... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryCultural History
Resumen La novela de Evelyn Retorno a Brideshead, publicada en 1945, analiza la transfor-mación institucional del Reino Unido desde una visión imperial a la fundación de su contemporáneo Estado social, con Charles Ryder y su asistente... more
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      Law and LiteratureT. S. EliotEvelyn WaughHistory of Law
Anton Hruboň´s monograph reveals one of fascism´s faces in interwar Slovakia. The book is based on a very broad heuristic footing but also finds an original methodological tool for interpreting fascism. The author´s approach reflects... more
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      History of IdeasIdeologyFascismNeo-Fascism
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      Urban HistoryComtemporary European HistoryPopulation Studies