Computer numerical control

565 papers
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Computer Numerical Control (CNC) refers to the automated control of machining tools and 3D printers via computer programming. It enables precise and repeatable manufacturing processes by interpreting digital instructions to control the movement of machinery, enhancing efficiency and accuracy in production.
The research work documented in this paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, a generic infrastructure for implementing STEP-NC data models is proposed. The infrastructure illustrates a bidirectional data flow of three... more
During my search for resources on programming Numerical Control (NC) machines, I encountered a significant number of impressive self-made CNC systems. While many of these projects exhibited innovative mechanical design approaches, I... more
The U.S. Army Aviation Systems Command (AVSCOM), through the Propulsion Directorate at NASA Lewis Research Center, has recently sponsored projects to advance the manufacturing process for spiral bevel gears. This type of gear is a... more
Pre-existing slot adalah pemberian slot terlebih dahulu pada benda kerja kemudian dilakukan pemakanan utuh. Dengan diberikan pre-existing slot dimaksudkan untuk mengurangi jumlah material benda kerja yang melakukan kontak dengan pahat... more
Puji syukur senantiasa kami panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa sehingga buku yang berjudul Teknik Pemesinan Non Konvensional ini dapat hadir sebagai salah satu media penunjang pembelajaran pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Buku ini... more
The aim of this research is to know the calibration of z axis in cnc router machine and to know the acuration of declension movement to the work thing before and after being calibrated in cnc router mechine. The research prosess used... more
Most of the operational time of a PCB Robotic Drill is spent on moving the drill bit between the holes. This operational time can be kept at a minimal level by optimizing the route taken by the robot. An optimized route translates to a... more
The four-axis NC configuration is suitable for the manufacture of a part family (called a rotationally free surface or RFS) requiring concurrent motions for the tool movement and part rotation. In this paper, we develop algorithms for... more
The value of a product can be indicated by one of them is surface quality. The machining process has different fineness (roughness value), especially in CNC Milling machines. This study aims to determine the variability of tool path,... more
This study is aimed to produce CAM software run under AutoCAD 2000 or latest version using Visual Basic for Application (VBA) program. Machining processes are carried out using endmill cutter at X-Y plane. Input of this software is 3-D... more
Although recent studies have shown the potential benefits of base station (BS) cooperation technology, existing schemes rely on the assumptions of (i) perfect backbone links between the central network controller (CNC) and the base... more
This study reports an integrated microfluidic chip manufactured by micro-electro-mechanical-system (MEMS) technology used for the automatic extraction of mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (mtDNA). Mitochondria is a key organelle... more
The STEP file is the “standard for the exchange of product model data,” which is usually used to exchange geometric data in boundary representation (B-rep) between different computer-aided design (CAD) platforms. These data can be fully... more
Nowadays we live in very industrialization world that turns worried about surveillance and with lots of occupational hazards. The aim of this paper is to supply a surveillance video system to use at ultra fast industrial environments. We... more
Buku Ajar ini diperuntukan sebagai salah satu buku pegangan bagi mahasiswa tahun kedua yang mengambil Mata Kuliah Teknik Manufaktur I (Kode TMS 215) pada Semester Ganjil di Departemen Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Andalas.... more
Many devices and objects, from microelectronics to micro uidics, consist of parts made from dissimilar materials, such as different polymers, metals or semiconductors. Techniques for joining such hybrid micro-devices, generally, are based... more
This paper presents a study of tool wear and geometry response when machinability tests were applied under milling operations on the Super Austenitic Stainless Steel alloy AL-6XN. Eight milling trials were executed under two cutting... more
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to design an online-data driven adaptive control scheme based on fuzzy rules emulated network (FREN) for a class of unknown nonlinear discrete-time systems. Design/methodology/approach By using the... more
consider N as a continuous variable and seek N* so that aF,/aN = 0. The result is 1-Mp 1-2 (N*-M) exp(N*lns) =or, because p < 1/M and s < 1, N* > M +(1-Mp)/(ls 2) which implies N* > M + 1. Although these channels are simple, they... more
This research was expected to apply QFD in the development process of product which refers to consumer request, so that the result of scheme process really answers market requirement. The research methods were conducting product survey in... more
Tool wear monitoring is of great industrial importance in machining Nickel-based alloys. This paper presents the research effort to develop a tool wear observer model for flank wear monitoring in the milling of Nickel-based alloys. It... more
Inspired by the metal oxide system implementation service (MOSIS) project, CyberCut is an experimental fabrication testbed for an Internet-accessible, computerized prototyping and machining service. Client-designers can create mechanical... more
The majority of state-of-the-art speech recognition systems make use of system combination. The combination approaches adopted have traditionally been tuned to minimising Word Error Rates (WERs). In recent years there has been growing... more
Teknologi  manufakturing yang  ada dewasa  ini teJah berkernbang  demikian  pesatnya.  Hal ini dapat  dilihat  dengan  adanya bentuk  integrasi  antara  tahapan  desain  (CAD)  dengan  perencanaan produk  dan proses  dengan  menggunakan... more
In the present paper, we propose a microvibrating flow pump (micro-VFP), which is a novel micropump. The micro-VFP is constructed using an actively vibrating valve that has a cantilever-like structure fixed on a wall of a microchannel and... more
In this work an effective simulator for a CNC milling machine is presented. It has been developed in EMC2, a free Opens Source NC software running in Linux environment, developed by an international community. It can be installed on a... more
Coolant and twist drill angle is one of the factors that affect the quality of the workpiece. Coolant selection and twist drill angle are useful for reducing hole roughness and increasing drill hole precision. In addition, the coolant... more
The NARMA (Nonlinear ARMA) neural network is based on the Auto-Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) model widely used in time series analysis but can perform nonlinear analysis. Firstly, we show that NARMA networks are capable of learning h e... more
Low plasticity burnishing (LPB) has been investigated as a surface enhancement process and corrosion mitigation method for aging aircraft structural applications. Compressive residual stresses reaching the alloy yield strength and... more
In this paper, PlO controllers primarily control the axes of a biaxial table. A contour error controller (CEC) works simultaneously, helping them. The calculus of the orthogonal path deviation (contour error) is performed with an... more
Few pursuer-evader (PE) game algorithms allow for real-time applications for (1) multi-pursuer-multi-evader situations, (2) noisy environments, and (3) evaders with superior control resources such as higher speeds. This paper introduces a... more
When starting to practice at a company located in Majalengka Regency, Leuwimunding District, several problems were found, one of which was how the inner free cutting bhusing machining process was and what code program was used. There are... more
Augmented reality (AR) can be used in the automotive industry to compare real parts of a car with their associated construction data. The real parts have to be checked whether they correspond to the latest version of the design and... more
This paper reports the results of a 4-year longitudinal clinical study conducted at executive office levels in Intel Corporation. It seeks to remedy the neglect of firm-level empirical analyses of capital budgeting, and in particular to... more
A method for delay distribution analysis of window random-access algorithms is presented. The window size is allowed to vary during the operation of the algorithm. It is shown that the quantities of interest in the computation of the... more
Our contribution to this project comfists of providing low-level intelligence to the machine tool controller and high-level user-friendly operator interface (monitoring screen), so that the machine tool, as a unit will be more robust and... more
This paper presents an effective patient-specific approach for prediction of failure initiation and growth in human vertebra using the general framework of the quantitative computed tomography (QCT)-based finite element method (FEM). The... more
This paper addresses an automatic parameter-tuning algorithm for the multi-axis motion control of a computer numerical control (CNC) machine centre. The traditional approach to tune the control parameters in the multi-axis machines is to... more
The STEP file is the “standard for the exchange of product model data,” which is usually used to exchange geometric data in boundary representation (B-rep) between different computer-aided design (CAD) platforms. These data can be fully... more
In the era of high-angular resolution astronomical instrumentation, where long and very long baseline interferometers (constituted by many, ∼20 or more, telescopes) are expected to work not only in the millimeter and submillimeter domain,... more
The International X-ray Observatory (IXO) is being studied as a joint mission by the NASA, ESA and JAXA space agencies. The main goals of the mission are large effective area (>3m 2 at 1 keV) and a good angular resolution (<5 arcsec HEW... more
Most of the operational time of a PCB Robotic Drill is spent on moving the drill bit between the holes. This operational time can be kept at a minimal level by optimizing the route taken by the robot. An optimized route translates to a... more
Reference trajectory generation is one of the most important task in the control of machine tools. Such a trajectory must guarantee a smooth kinematics profile to avoid exciting the natural frequencies of the mechanical structure or servo... more
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan melihat pengaruh kondisi mesin dan variasi parameter pemesinan terhadap konsumsi daya listrik mesin frais universal Milko 12. Pengujian pemotongan dilakukan pada baja karbon SS400 dengan tiga kondisi... more
Many devices and objects, from microelectronics to microfluidics, consist of parts made from dissimilar materials, such as different polymers, metals or semiconductors. Techniques for joining such hybrid micro-devices, generally, are... more
This paper deals with a method to produce a program in Numerical Control (NC) language from a part drawing in a CAD system. This method is applied to any piece with revolution axis that can be machined in a CNC-Lathe. The method was... more
A novel robust Kalman filter (KF)-based controller is proposed for a multivariable system to accurately track a specified trajectory under unknown stochastic disturbance and measurement noise. The output is a sum of uncorrelated signal,... more