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Malicious executables are programs designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner's consent, which have become a serious threat to the security of computer systems. There is an urgent need for effective techniques to... more
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      Data MiningSemanticsPolymorphismData Analysis
The typical antivirus approach consists of waiting for a number of computers to be infected, detecting the virus, designing a solution, and delivering and deploying the solution, in such situation, it is very difficult to prevent every... more
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      Computer ScienceDigital SignatureComputer Virus
This paper presents methods towards making an operating system malicious activity conscious. In addition to the existing focus of operating systems mainly on resource and user management, we propose that an operating system should also... more
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      Resource AllocationComputer SecurityOPERATING SYSTEMComputer Virus
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      Social MovementsComputer ScienceComputer Security And ReliabilityInformation Security
— Recent research work shows that feature fusion technique is not widely used in computer virus detection. Viruses generated from kits like NGVCK are detected effectively using feature fusion approach. Our purpose is to examine various... more
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    • Computer Virus
Glitches are moments of disruption; they represent the exposure of technical process, moving away from the binaries of input and output to consider what comes in-between. The growing ubiquity of interconnected systems prompts a desire... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceInformation TechnologyDigital Humanities
Izvuceno najbitnije koje se treba znati o virusima. Gradivo prvog polugodista drugog razreda matematicko-informaticke gimnazije iz predmeta informatike. :)
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      InformaticsComputer VirusComputer VirusesInformatika
In today's information technology world, Viruses are a huge problem for anyone who uses computers. Computer viruses and worms, a program that can spread across computers and networks has gone from being a nuisance to being the cause of... more
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      Information SecurityGhanaComputer SecurityComputer Virus
Computer viruses have become a major security threat to our work and home PC’s. Their complexity and quantity have increased significantly in recent years, and antivirus companies battle to deal with the solutions that detect and remove... more
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      Computer VirusComputer VirusesVirus DetectionComputer Viruses and Detection
This paper presents a general overview on evolution of concealment methods in computer viruses and defensive techniques employed by anti-virus products. In order to stay far from the anti-virus scanners, computer viruses gradually improve... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer Security And ReliabilityComputer SecurityCryptography
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      Information SystemsElectronic EngineeringCommunication EngineeringSociology
In today's information technology world, Viruses are a huge problem for anyone who uses computers. Computer viruses and worms, a program that can spread across computers and networks has gone from being a nuisance to being the cause of... more
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      Information SecurityGhanaComputer SecurityComputer Virus
The term Virus was first published academically by Fred Cohen in 1984 in a scientific paper. Computer viruses have a way of working identical to biological viruses in general, so it's no wonder the naming of computer viruses takes the... more
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    • Computer Virus
Abstract - Grid Computing is a new trend being developed in Information Technology. It helps us take full advantage of processing and storing capacity and other underused resources to provide an environment of high processing capacity and... more
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      Computer ScienceGrid ComputingInformation TechnologyNetwork Security
Checksums, long used for random error detection in communications, is now being employed to detect changes for integrity purposes. For example, checksums are being used for the detection of computer viruses [POZ86]. The checksum... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer VirusComputer VirusesAcm
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      Computer SecurityComputer VirologyComputer VirusMedical Microbiology and Virology
Shortcut virus is a virus which Enters in to your USB flash drive, Hard Disk drive, Memory cards or mobile phone and change your files into shortcuts with the original folder icons. The logic behind your folder becoming short cuts is... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer EngineeringComputer NetworksComputer Virus
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      Surveillance StudiesSaudi ArabiaSurveillanceMalware Analysis
A computer virus is a program that replicates itself and spreads to computers with the goal of disrupting or destroying normal computer use. In academic computing, viruses represent a serious problem that costs millions of dollars in... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceComputer Virus
tugas kelompok keamanan komputer tentang virus
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      Computer ScienceInternet SecurityComputer VirusTeknik Informatika
Perbedaan sistem politik antara negara satu dengan negara lain, merupakan hal yang wajar karena setiap negara memiliki pengalaman sejarah yang berbedabeda. Setiap negara memiliki ciri-ciri khusus, baik dari segi ideologi, sistem politik,... more
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      Public DiplomacyDiplomacyComputer VirusSoft Power and International Relations
This project was done as a class assignment, based on information found in different websites.
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      Computer VirusCyber SecuritySecurity Threat Groups
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    • Computer Virus
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      Computer Virusmetamorphic VirusMalware Morphing EnginesObfuscation Engines
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      Machine TranslationComputer Virusmetamorphic VirusMalware Morphing Engines
Program jahat dapat merusak sistem komputer. Semakin banyak kegunaan komputer semakin banyak juga ancaman. Ancaman-ancaman canggih terhadap sistem komputer merupakan program yang mengeksploitasi kelemahan sistem komputer. Banyak program... more
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      Computer VirusBacteria
By Rodrigo Ruiz, researcher at CTI Renato Archer and Rogério Winter, Colonel at Brazilian Army We present the proof of concept of a new cyber weapon that has the potential to paralyze an entire nation with irreversible damage, caused by... more
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      Software EngineeringQuality ManagementTerrorismDisaster risk management
Abstrak -Pada Makalah ini akan membahas tentang apa itu virus dan worm serta, jenis, cara kerja, virus dan worm, dan bagaimana membedakan antara virus dan worm.
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    • Computer Virus
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      ICT in EducationInternet SafetyComputer Virus
A file system of Ubuntu operating system can conserve and manage a lot of configuration information and the information with forensic importance. Mining and analyzing the useful data of the Ubuntu operating system have become essential... more
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      Computer VirusComputer MalwareMetamorphic Malware
This electronic edition of The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses is copyright 1996 by Mark A. Ludwig. This original Adobe Acrobat file may be copied freely in unmodified form. Please share it, upload it, download it, etc. This... more
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    • Computer Virus
Convergence of cyberspace and terrorism, that is cyberterrorism, might be an underrated issue for the moment due to the absence of real world examples. However, the ongoing transformation from old to new terrorism and changing perceptions... more
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      Information TechnologyInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryWar Studies
In today's information technology world, Viruses are a huge problem for anyone who uses computers. Computer viruses and worms, a program that can spread across computers and networks has gone from being a nuisance to being the cause of... more
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      Information SecurityGhanaComputer SecurityComputer Virus
khái niệm về virus máy tính, phân biệt một số thuật ngữ trong tin học.
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      Computer VirusKhoa Hoc May TinhGiáo Trình
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      Operating SystemsInformation SecurityLinux KernelCyber Warfare
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      Computer Virusmetamorphic VirusMalware Morphing EnginesObfuscation Engines
The typical antivirus approach consists of waiting for a number of computers to be infected, detecting the virus, designing a solution, and delivering and deploying the solution, in such situation, it is very difficult to prevent every... more
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      Computer ScienceDigital SignatureComputer Virus
To investigate the use of classical epidemiological models for studying computer virus propagation we described analogies between computer and population disease propagation using SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Removed) epidemiological models.... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer VirusNumerical SimulationComputer Network
With increased global interconnectivity, reliance on e-commerce, network services, and Internet communication, computer security has become a necessity. Organizations must protect their systems from intrusion and computer-virus attacks.... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ArchitectureArtificial Immune SystemsComputer Networks
In this research, we present a new method, termed F-Sign, for automatic extraction of unique signatures from malware files. F-Sign is primarily intended for high-speed network traffic filtering devices that are based on deep-packet... more
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      EngineeringDistributed ComputingDigital SignatureComputer Security
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      Computer VirusVirus
Virus komputer merupakan program komputer yang dapat menggandakan atau menyalin dirinya sendiri dan menyebar dengan cara menyisipkan salinan dirinya ke dalam program atau dokumen lain pada sebuah sistem komputer. Sama dengan virus pada... more
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      Computer EngineeringComputer SecurityComputer Virus
The term Virus was first published academically by Fred Cohen in 1984 in a scientific paper. Computer viruses have a way of working identical to biological viruses in general, so it's no wonder the naming of computer viruses takes the... more
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      Information SecurityComputer EngineeringComputer SecurityComputer Virus
Trojan horse is said to be one of the most serious threats to computer security. A Trojan horse is typically separated into two parts – a server and a client. It is the client that is cleverly disguised as significant software and... more
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      Information SecurityComputer SecurityComputer VirusMalware
The typical antivirus approach consists of waiting for a number of computers to be infected, detecting the virus, designing a solution, and delivering and deploying the solution, in such situation, it is very difficult to prevent every... more
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      Computer ScienceDigital SignatureComputer Virus
Hwa A. Lim, "The Internet - Human-computer symbiosis", Symbiosis, February-April 2005, pp. 22-25.
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      Human Computer InteractionInformation TechnologyCommunicationDigital Divide
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
Computer virus programs are generally perceived to be a threat to the information stored by computer users. This research evaluated the impact computer viruses have on information stored by computer users. The emphasis was on the effects... more
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    • Computer Virus
Metamorphic viruses engage different mutation techniques to escape from string signature based scanning. They try to change their code in new offspring so that the variants appear non-similar and have no common sequences of string as... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer Security And ReliabilityComputer SecurityMalware Analysis