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Access Control Lists (ACLs) represent a traditional way in filtering packets in routers. In modern complex enterprise networks that provide a vast array of services, there is an ever increasing need for verifying the integrity of ACLs to... more
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      Network SecurityComputer Networking
A determinação dos mecanismos básicos e dos critérios de implantação de um pacote de software de rede num sistema operacional específico é apresentada em detalhe. Em seguida, são analisadas alternativas de arquitetura de rede susceptíveis... more
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      Operating SystemsComputer NetworksNetwork Protocols and ArchitecturesOPERATING SYSTEM
Mobile operators currently prefer optimizing their radio networks via re-homing or cutting over the cell sites in 2G or 3G networks. The core network, as the parental part of radio network, is inevitably impacted by the re-homing in radio... more
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      Social NetworkingComputer Networks3GPP (UMTS)Mobile social networking
Social networking pages authenticate by blockchain technology, through authenticating personal information and profile pages in the form of block and then distributing them with Blockchain to become a trusted reference point. To... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologySocial NetworkingMechanism Design
The drastic development of the World Wide Web in the recent times has made the concept of Web Crawling receive remarkable significance. The voluminous amounts of web documents swarming the web have posed huge challenges to the web search... more
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      Information RetrievalData MiningComputer Networking
Very Detailed Hardware and Networking PPT for Students
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      Computer HardwareComputer Hardware and NetworkingComputer Networking
Size as well as complexity of communication networks (e.g. enterprise, backbone, data center) are increasing day-by- day. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) promises to enhance manageability of such networks by decoupling control plan of a... more
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      Computer EngineeringNetwork SecurityComputer NetworksComputer Security
Cloud computing has formed the conceptual and infrastructural basis for tomorrow’s computing. The global computing infrastructure is rapidly moving towards cloud based architecture. While it is important to take advantages of could base... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyCloud ComputingComputer Networking
Basic config of Cisco 881 router
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    • Computer Networking
The OSI model, developed by ISO in 1984, attempts to summarize complicated network cases on layers. Moreover, network troubles are expressed by taking the model into account. However, there has been no standardization for network troubles... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer NetworksNext Generation NetworksComputer Networking and Telecommunication
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      Computer NetworksComputer Networking
In this paper, we explain the most important phase of security architecture for Internet of Things (IoT) based on software-defined networking (SDN). In this context, the SDN-based architecture is executed with or without the... more
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      SecurityAuthenticityComputer Hardware and NetworkingComputer Networking
This paper considers a computation method for accepting data about the present status of a motor, and then controlling it to move in a specific direction, up to a specific limit using the CANopen communication protocol. The investigation... more
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      Computer NetworksEmbedded SystemsMotor ControlQt
— This review paper explains Software Defined Networking (SDN), wherein control and forwarding planes are detached, shifting all the network intelligence to a server (SDN controller) to make a logically centralized network infrastructure.... more
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      Computer NetworkingWireless Communications and Networking
Rrugezimi dhe Protokollet
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      Computer ScienceComputer EngineeringComputer NetworksNetworking
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      Computer NetworksComputer Networking
The various convergent technologies nowadays in computer infrastructure, impose an additional burden on existing networks, the need to save technical and budgetary resources, lead companies and public agencies to verify the existence of... more
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      Voice over IPVoipComputer NetworkingVoIP/SIP/IMS
ÖZET Eğitici Bilişim Teknolojileri Formatör Öğretmenleri başta olmak üzere, tüm öğretmenlerimize Bilişim Teknolojileri alanında ihtiyaç duyulan eğitimler verilmektedir. Cisco BTT ve CCNA Eğitimlerinin verilmesi için 2006 yılında... more
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      EducationComputer NetworksComputer NetworkingMilli Eğitim Bakanlığı
The development in technologies the mobile networks has been changed rapidly, especially Mobile Ad-hoc and Vehicular Ad-Hoc networks. Due to nature of the fields, the mobile sensor network replaced the fixed sensor network. In these... more
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    • Computer Networking
UNIX memiliki tujuan dalam Computer Networking, maka kemampuan dari UNIX dalam memberikan jasa internet lebih berkembang dan lebih reliable. Banyak orang mengatakan bahwa bernetwork ria dengan UNIX lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan sistem... more
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      Computer ScienceOperating SystemsUNIX System ProgrammingNetworking
Since the introduction of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) in Nigeria, cash handling has really reduced especially for those who live in the city and have easy access to ATM machines by means of their ATM cards. People no longer see the... more
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      Computer NetworkingElectronics and Telecommunication
Cloud computing is a present and future of the Technology (IT), to enhance the capacity of Information dynamically without investing capital for new infrastructure, training new personnel or licensing new software. With extending the IT's... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyCloud ComputingComputer Networking
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      Computer SciencePhysicsComputer EngineeringComputer Networks
Cloud computing has formed the conceptual and infrastructural basis for tomorrow’s computing. The global computing infrastructure is rapidly moving towards cloud based architecture. While it... more
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      Information TechnologyCloud ComputingComputer NetworkingNetwork Infrastructure
This paper treats the problem of authentication through the multi-hop communication, authorization to services access, and efficient collaboration between ad hoc nodes in order to assure efficient packet relaying during services access,... more
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    • Computer Networking
This network design assignment is of great help to the organization in their endeavor for designing and execution of a comprehensive and advanced network design system.
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      Computer ScienceComputer NetworksWireless Networks (Computer Science)Computer and Network Security
This document applies to the MikroTik RouterOS V2.6
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      Computer EngineeringWireless CommunicationsComputer NetworksComputer Networking
Wireless charging is a technique of transmitting power through an air gap to an electrical device for the purpose of energy replenishment. Recently, the wireless charging technology has been significantly advanced in terms of efficiency... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsStandardsWireless networksWireless Networks (Computer Science)
Documento referente a la teoría de flujos (Streams) en Java para lograr la comunicación entre procesos. El principal objetivo de este paper es explicar el uso, funcionamiento el implementación de los flujos de entrada y salida en Java,... more
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      Object Oriented ProgrammingComputer NetworksNetworkingNetworking (Engineering)
This article help you to learn about basic networking devices, IP administration, IP V4, IP v6, routing, and about Internet of Things.
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    • Computer Networking
All types of network fundamentals.
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      Computer ScienceComputer NetworkingIT-Networking
International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) (Scopus, ERA Listed) ISSN 0974 - 9322 (Online); 0975 - 2293 (Print) New Issue: January 2020, Volume 12, Number 1 --- Table... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsSocial NetworkingNetwork SecurityComputer Networks
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    • Computer Networking
The International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications. The journal... more
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      Business NetworksMobile Ad Hoc NetworksSocial NetworkingNetwork Security
International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of VLSI Design & Communications. The goal of this... more
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      Image ProcessingNatural Language ProcessingMachine LearningNetwork Security
Perhatikan perbedaan dalam menunjukkan lokasi sebuah file : D:\Folder\tempat menyimpan\file.txt >>di Windows /Folder/tempat menyimpan/file.txt >> di Linux
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      Information TechnologyLinuxNetworkingComputer Networking
In recent years, AdHoc networks have been attracting much interest in both academic and industrial communities. International Journal on AdHoc Networking Systems is an open access peer-reviewed journal that serves as a forum to discuss on... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsVehicular Ad Hoc NetworksWireless Sensor NetworksAdHoc Networks
1.Pendahuluan 2. Definisi Internet 3. Sekilas tentang jaringan komputer 4. Sejarah Internet 5. Keuntungan dan Kerugian penggunaan internet 6. Mode Pengalamatan Internet 7. URL dan Domain 8. Konektivitas ke Internet 9. Aplikasi Layanan... more
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    • Computer Networking
Content found picture recovery (CBIR) proposed a productive approach to investigate the pictures from bigger database. The preprocessing, highlight extraction and separation comparative measurements are the key parameters for recovery... more
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      AntennasComputer Networking
Bagaimana melakukan konfigurasi Peruteaan RIP versi 2 yang classless routing?. VLSM diterapkan untuk melakukan efisiensi terhadap pemakaian IP address.
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      Computer NetworksComputer NetworkingInternetworking
The International Journal of peer-to-peer networking is a quarterly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles that contribute new results in all areas of P2P Networks. The journal provides a platform to disseminate new... more
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      Computer ScienceSocial NetworksComputer EngineeringComputer Networks
In computer networking, the Media Access Control (MAC) address is a unique value associated with a network adapter. MAC addresses are also known as hardware addresses or physical addresses. TCP/IP and other mainstream networking... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityComputer NetworksComputer Networking and Telecommunication
In distributed system, the coordinator is needed to manage the use of the resources in the shared environment. Many algorithms have been proposed for the same. They have various positive and negative parts. Here we will discuss those... more
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    • Computer Networking
Today’s data networks are steadily growing in size and complexity. Especially in enterprise networks, these development lead to the requirement of a central network administration. With Software Defined Networking (SDN), this requirement... more
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      Computer EngineeringNetwork SecurityComputer NetworksComputer Security
With the tremendous growth of network-based services and users of the Internet, it is important to keep the data and transactions in the internet more secure. Since the volume of sensitive and valuable information passing over the... more
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    • Computer Networking
This time, progress of computer network is rapid. Monitoring of computer network will be a difficult and complicated. Connection of computer network is a fundamental thing in a network. Because when the connection was a error then all... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer Networking
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    • Computer Networking