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This paper presents a system proposed for the intelligent management of computer networks. The system is based on the use of Arti cial Intelligence t e chniques | data mining, expert systems and multi-agent systems. The work is based on... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceExpert SystemsDecision MakingMachine Learning
Wireless body area networks (WBANs) a special type of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in which sensor nodes to actualize continuous wearable wellbeing observing of patients are able to provide improved healthcare services in a distributed... more
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      Computer ScienceRouting protocolsComputer NetworkEnergy Aware
We compare the concept of congestion avoidance with that of ow control and congestion control. A number of possible alternative for congestion avoidance have been identi ed. From these a few were selected for study. The criteria for... more
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      Congestion ControlDistributed SystemComputer NetworkCongestion Avoidance
A new practical approach to sensitivity analysis of the network parameters of high-frequency structures with commercial full-wave electromagnetic (EM) solvers is proposed. We show that the computation of the linear-network parameter... more
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      Computational ElectromagneticsSensitivity AnalysisComputer NetworkFrequency-domain analysis
We obtain equivalencies between closed queueing networks with blocking with respect to buffer capacities and the number of customers in the network. These results can be used in approximations, in the buffer allocation problem as well as... more
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      TechnologyModelingDistributed SystemPerformance Evaluation
In the view of escalating global threat in security, it is imperative to have an automated detection system that can pick up suspicious patterns of human movement in physical environments. It can give a forewarning before a planned attack... more
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      Computer NetworksServant LeadershipApplied ResearchOPERATING SYSTEM
Recent measurements show that BGP peering links can fail as frequently as intradomain links and usually for short periods of time. We propose a new fast-reroute technique where routers are prepared to react quickly to interdomain link... more
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      Distributed ComputingRoutingFault ToleranceComputer Network
Abstract Molecular communication is a new communication paradigm that uses molecules for information transmission between nanomachines. Similar to traditional communication systems, several factors constitute limits over the performance... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyComputer EngineeringRadio Channel Modelling
Ad hoc mobile clouds would be suitable for spontaneous ad hoc networks created in situations where the mobile infrastructures are very pervasive and where the interconnection to an infrastructure network is very costly. The advantages of... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceDistributed ComputingThe Internet of Things
In order to maximize the network's lifetime and ensure the connectivity among the nodes, most topology management practices use a subgroup of nodes for routing. This paper provides an in-depth look at existing topology management control... more
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      Computer ScienceTopology ControlComputer NetworkWireless Sensor and Mobile Adhoc Networks
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), energy consumption is the most challenging issue. The more energy is consumed during captured data transmission than the local data processing at sensor nodes. Because of this reason network lifetime is... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer NetworkWireless Sensor Network
We developed a networked virtual reality system on which one could have live videoes with high iteractive usage. However, since a client in our system receives both live videoes and computer graphics objects continuously from a server... more
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      Computer GraphicsMultimediaVideoService Quality
new distributed algorithm is presented for dynamically determining weighted shortest paths used for message routing in computer networks. The major features of the algorithm are that the paths .defined do not form transient loops when... more
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      Distributed ComputingDistributed AlgorithmsComputer NetworksRouting
Queueing systems in which arriving customers who find all servers and waiting positions (if any) occupied may retry for service after a period of time are called retrial queues or queues with repeated orders. Retrial queues have been... more
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      Applied MathematicsStatisticsTelecommunication NetworksComputer Network
— In most of the organizations it is highly desirable to perform different tasks on different machines based on their configuration and permissions assigned to the machines for execution of different tasks. This can be achieved by... more
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    • Computer Network
In this paper we offer a topology-driven ('natural') definition of subclusters of an undirected graph or network. In addition we find rules for assigning unique roles (from a small set of possible roles) to each node in the network. Our... more
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      Computer NetworkComputer SoftwareMobile Peer-to-Peer NetworkGraph Clustering
Image Puzzle" is an interactive puzzle game made with the help of the Small Basic programming language. It combines both logical thinking and speed and is suitable for everyone who wishes to have a little break from it all or just some fun.
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      Computer NetworkRobots
An essential function for achieving security in computer networks is reliable authentication of communicating parties and network components. Such authentication typically relies on exchanges of cryptographic messages between the involved... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingComputer NetworksSystem Management
The area of visualization has ,always been one of the ,most attractive sections of network management,technology. Successful management,tools must not only fulfill objective management needs but also be aestheticallyappealing.... more
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      Computer ScienceNetwork ManagementImpression ManagementComputer Network
An electronic voting system makes it possible for the voters to cast their ballots over the computer network. Hence, voters 11 can participate in elections without having to go to the polling places, which is more convenient and... more
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      PrivacyDigital SignatureInternet BankingCryptography
Ethernet is a branching broadcast communication system for carrying digital data packets among locally distributed computing stations. The packet transport mechanism provided by Ethernet has been used to build systems which can be viewed... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputer NetworksPacket SwitchingCommunication System
Our research is focussed on keeping both local and parallel jobs together in a non-dedicated cluster or NOW (Network Of Workstations) and efficiently scheduling them by means of coscheduling mechanisms. A real implementation of a... more
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      SchedulingComputer NetworkLinux ClusterImplementation
The work culture in libraries has changed due to the growth of computer networks and the World Wide Web. The growth of interest in knowledge management (KM) has essentially been contemporary with that of intranets/extranets. It is no... more
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      Knowledge ManagementLibrary and Information StudiesComputer NetworkWorld Wide Web
This paper proposes a new approach for reducing average call delivery cost and location server's load of wireless mobile networks. It uses caches whose up-todate information is responsible for dropping these costs and these caches are... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer NetworkAnalytical ModelLoad Balance
Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) consist of special kind of wireless mobile nodes which form a temporary network without using any infrastructure or centralized administration. MANETs can be used in wide range of future applications as... more
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      Computer ScienceMobile Ad Hoc NetworksAnt Colony OptimizationRouting
The future for WiMAX-based mobile wireless access is so bright. With the increasing popularity of WiMAX, it is gaining a great position in the next generation of wireless networks. Due to the evolution of new technologies wireless is not... more
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      Computer ScienceNetwork SecurityComputer NetworkWireless Network
Abstract: Education can benefit from the use of technology in the teaching process. This has been done in the past using various technologies. In recent years, computers, information systems, multimedia and hypertext systems have been... more
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      Information TechnologyEducational TechnologyComputer NetworksComputer Mediated Communication
A rich computing and communications environment, providing access to a wide variety of computational resources and communications services, can significantly improve the productivity of engineers
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      Distributed ComputingComputer NetworksComputer NetworkIEEE Communications Magazine
With the rapid advance of mobile computing, high speed Wireless Local Area Networks (LAN) attracts a lot of research interests in recent years. A new international stander IEEE 802.11 on wireless LAN has been established. Its physical... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer NetworkComputer Applications
ABSTRACT This article deals with the role of server operating systems (SOS) in sustaining availability and reliability of contemporary E-business. A framework that can be used in identifying the most critical SOS functions and selecting... more
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      Information SystemsOPERATING SYSTEMLibrary and Information StudiesComputer Network
Context awareness has been a vital field of ubiquitous computing research. Numerous methods for capturing, interring external context and providing necessary service have been developed and relevant projects have been performed. However,... more
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      Computer ScienceUbiquitous ComputingNumerical MethodComputer Network
Recent attention to Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) is driven by the need for deeper integration of design disciplines that dominate physical and computational domains. Consequently, heterogeneity is the norm as well as the main challenge in... more
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      Design TheoryHealth ManagementComputer NetworkCyber Physical Systems
The digital revolution that has been taking place for the past two decades propelled by major breakthroughs in the ICT field has changed the way we communicate, work, travel, live-and even the way we use public space. Our cities are... more
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      Distributed ComputingUbiquitous ComputingInformation Communication TechnologyProductivity
8th International Conference on Computer Networks & Data Communications (CNDC 2021) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory and applications of Computer Networks and Data Communications.... more
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      Social NetworksNetwork SecurityComputer NetworksData Communications
The technologies, architectures, and methodologies traditionally used to develop distributed applications exhibit a variety of limitations and drawbacks when applied to large scale distributed settings (e.g., the Internet). In particular,... more
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      Information SystemsObject Oriented ProgrammingComputer NetworksPervasive Computing
This paper presents an extension of MOVICAB-IDS, a Hybrid Intelligent Intrusion Detection System characterized by incorporating temporal control to enable real-time processing and response. The original formulation of MOVICAB-IDS combines... more
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      Computer NetworkIntrusion DetectionArtificial IntelligentTemporal Constraints
Cloud computing enables a transparent access to information technology (IT) services such that the users do not need to know the location and characteristics of the relevant resources. While IT resource virtualization and service... more
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      Distributed ComputingInformation TechnologyPower ElectronicsService Quality
The paper describes the traffic handling mechanisms implemented In the AQUILA pilot QoS IP network [10]. The AQUILA project enhances The DiffServ architecture concept [1,2,3] by adding new functionality for Admission control and resource... more
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      Service QualityAlgorithmTraffic ManagementSimulation
This paper presents the use of a novel Peer to Peer (P2P) infrastructure in order to provide rapid broad digital content exchange, digital rights protection and efficient transaction management through watermarking technologies. Copyright... more
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      Distributed ComputingWatermarkingDigital Image ProcessingDigital Content
The Internet and computer networks are exposed to an increasing number of security threats. With new types of attacks appearing continually, developing flexible and adaptive security oriented approaches is a severe challenge. In this... more
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      AssessmentNetwork SecuritySecurityAnomaly Detection
Modeling computer networks is a complex task, as their behavior depends from several variables. Focusing on a single communication device, ISO/OSI and TCP/IP layered protocol stacks provide interoperability and fast deployment of... more
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      Game TheoryComputer NetworksWireless networksInteroperability
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    • Computer Network
Stochastic simulation is an important aid for the design and performance engineering of computer networks. The credibility of simulative results can, however, be seriously affected by human errors (e.g., inconsistencies in the parameter... more
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      Data AnalysisStatistical AnalysisComputer NetworkNetwork Simulation
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      Computer NetworkTechTrends
We introduce a compact graph-theoretic representation for multi-party game theory. Our main result is a provably correct and efficient algorithm for computing approximate Nash equilibria in one-stage games represented by trees or sparse... more
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      Game TheoryOrganizational structureComputer NetworkBayesian Network
The Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (RM -ODP) was a joint effort by the international standards bodies ISO and ITU-T to develop a coordinating framework for the standardisation of open distributed p~ocessing (ODP). The... more
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      Distributed SystemComputer NetworkDistributed ProcessingStandardisation
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      Information WarfareMobile CommunicationMobile ComputingComputer Network
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      Computer ScienceSoftware DevelopmentQuality ImprovementOptimization Problem