This paper describes an ongoing research project aiming to find design implications for information technology supporting police patrol work. A field study of approximately 300 hours over a twelve-month period has been conducted.... more
The changing technology landscape has reshaped the relationship between producers and consumers and has signaled a shift towards more collaborative and social cultural forms. These changing cultural practices are referred to as... more
In this paper, we introduce the novel concept of a secure interface de nition compiler (a\ security" compiler, for short). We show how interface designers can declare an application's security requirements as part of the... more
This paper describes an application-independent tool called Anchored Conversations that brings together text-based conversations and documents. The design of Anchored Conversations is based on our observations of the use of documents and... more
Identity today has become a complex issue. An average user of the Internet has accounts for a number of services, and several traces of use are gathered by large companies. However, the same companies are using Artificial Intelligence in... more
This panel session examines major issues in the design and implementation of online help systems.
Thinking is a critical methodology used by designers to work through and solve complex problems, and to develop solutions aimed at creating a preferred future. Designing for aging requires focused expertise, considerations, and principles... more
Design Thinking is a critical methodology used by designers to work through and solve complex problems, and to develop solutions aimed at creating a preferred future. Designing for aging requires focused expertise, considerations, and... more
Pen-based user interfaces are becoming ever more popular. G e s t u r e s (i.e., m a r k s made with a pen to i n v o k e a command) are a valuable aspect of pen-based UIs, but they also have drawbacks. The challenge in designing good... more
A tension exists between designers' comfort with physical artifacts and the need for effective remote collaboration: physical objects live in one place. Previous research and technologies to support remote collaboration have focused on... more
Overweight and obesity are a global epidemic, with over one billion overweight adults worldwide (300+ million of whom are obese). Obesity is linked to several serious health problems and medical conditions. Medical experts agree that... more
Figure 1. SUEDE's Design mode allows the easy creation of example scripts (top) and speech UI designs (bottom).
Web site designers have expressed concerns that formal, cleaned-up representations of early ideas cause end-users to focus on inappropriate details. It is believed that the highfidelity of formal representations cause end-users to believe... more
Interest in pen-based user interfaces is growing rapidly. One potentially useful feature of pen-based user interfaces is gestures, that is, a mark or stroke that causes a command to execute. Unfortunately, it is difficult to design... more
Gestures are an essential element in the realization of paper-like user interfaces. Unfortunately, poor design and recognition of gestures has impeded the adoption of these interfaces. This paper describes a survey intended to illuminate... more
One problem evaluating mobile and wearable devices is that they are used in mobile settings, making it hard to collect usability data. We present a study of tap-based selection of on-screen targets whilst walking and sitting, using a... more
When transcribing Ancient inscribed texts, Classicists are confronted with several difficulties. Incisions of heterogeneous depths, palimpsests, pronounced woodgrain, and the physical state of the document (which can be damaged, stained,... more
We seek to motivate drivers who regularly use webbased local and mapping services and have access to viable alternative transit methods -such as public transportation, carpooling, walking or bicycling -to use these alternatives instead of... more
This paper describes the taxonomy for designing interactive groupware systems. The taxonomy defines the objectives, methods and principles for classifying models and facilitates their integration. In particular, we show the integration... more
In a previous issue of Usability News, we examined the use of paging vs. scrolling for the presentation of search results. In that study we found that a moderate amount of scrolling (fifty links per page) was preferred to search result... more
This paper reports progress towards mapping workplace soundscapes. In order to design auditory interfaces that integrate effectively with workplace environments, we need a detailed understanding of the way in which end users inhabit these... more
With the acceleration of technological development we are reaching the point where our systems and their user interfaces become to some degree outdated 'legacy systems' as soon as they are released. This raises the question of how can we... more
We report on a diary study of how and why knowledge workers use the World Wide Web. By examining in detail a complete two-day set of Web activities from each of 24 people, we construct a framework with which to describe the different... more
An experiment is described comparing three devices (a mouse, a trackball, and a stylus with tablet) in the performance of pointing and dragging tasks. During pointing, movement times were shorter and error rates were lower than during... more
We designed, built, and deployed ConsiderIt to support the Living Voters Guide, a website where any voter could participate in writing a voters' guide for the 2010 election in Washington. ConsiderIt is a new method of integrating the... more
In affective computing, classification algorithms are commonly used to recognize users' psychological states and adapt the technology's behavior accordingly. The accuracy of such classification and adaptation is never perfect, although... more
Physiological sensors are commonly applied for user state monitoring and consequent machine behavior adaptation in applications such as rehabilitation and intelligent cars. While more accurate user state monitoring is known to lead to... more
This paper presents empirical results to support the use of vibrotactile cues as a means of improving user performance on a spatial task. In a building-clearing exercise, directional vibrotactile cues were employed to alert subjects to... more
A consistent theoretical and practical challenge in the design of socio-technical systems is that of motivating users to participate in and contribute to them. This study examines the case of users from the theoretical... more
Most website design projects involve small to mediumsized sites consisting of between ten and fifty pages. Such projects require designers to operate on a tight schedule and a very limited budget. With tightly constrained resources, how... more
New equipments and software for providing different modes for user interaction emerged and became popular in the last decade; they are used in various devices, such as mobile and game consoles, which can display Web pages due to the... more
A quantitative scoring mechanism based on signal detection theory was developed in the context of an experimental command-and-control environment. The scoring approach was designed to include well-established evaluation criteria of... more
The rise of smart cities and Internet of Things (IoT) networks has transformed urban management and services, placing telecom operators at the core of connectivity and data-driven decision-making. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI)... more
A new set of computationally-augmented games have emerged recently that require the user to move their body. These exertion games are believed to contribute to social, mental and in particular, physical benefits, marking a change in how... more
We introduce a multi-location interactive touch screen based system (Collage), which enables the sharing of digital images and textual content between distributed intergenerational familial homes. We further explore the significance and... more