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by Benjamin A. Stickler & Ewald Schachinger
Second Edition
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      Computational PhysicsComputational Nano PhysicsComputational materials physicsComputational Plasma Physics
Simulation of Classical and Quantum Systems,
Third Edition,
by Philipp O.J. Scherer,
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      Computational PhysicsComputational Nano PhysicsComputational materials physicsComputational Plasma Physics
In order to search for a new anode material for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), a borophene/boron nitride (B/BN) interface was investigated in detail using density functional theory. Borophene is an excellent two-dimensional (2D) anode... more
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      Computational materials physicsEnergy storage systems, Li-ion battery modeling and control design in electrified vehiclesDensity Functional Theory (DFT)
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      Space SciencesComputational materials physicsNanoscience
We propose a long-range corrected hybrid meta-generalized-gradient approximation (GGA) functional, based on a global hybrid meta-GGA functional, M05 [Y. Zhao, N. E. Schultz, and D. G. Truhlar, J. Chem. Phys. 123, 161103 (2005)], and... more
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      PhysicsComputational PhysicsQuantum PhysicsChemistry
MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY AND MAGNETIZATION PLATEAUS IN Cd0.5Mn0.5Te DMS MATERIAL. In this paper, the magnetic susceptibilities and magnetization plateaus in Cd0.5Mn0.5Te DMS material are simulated in the spin exchange Heisenberg model... more
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    • Computational materials physics
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    • Computational materials physics
In this work, we present ab-initio calculation results for the Tm3+ interstitial (), vacancy–interstitial complex (VGe-Tmi3+) and substitutional () defects in germanium (Ge) as determined by the density functional theory (DFT) using the... more
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      Computational Materials ScienceComputational materials physics
We study here the magnetic properties of two dimensional silicene using spin polarized density functional theory. The magnetic properties were studied by introducingm onovacancy and di-vacancy, as well as by doping phosphorous and... more
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      Density-functional theoryComputational materials physicsTheoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Boron bulk crystals are marked by exceptional structural complexity and unusual related physical phenomena. Recent reports of hydrogenated α-tetragonal and a new δ-orthorhombic boron B 52 phase have raised many fundamental questions.... more
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    • Computational materials physics
The dynamic spray-gun deposition method was developed in 2006 to fabricate Field Effect Transistors based on random arrays of carbon nanotubes (CNTFETs) for gas sensing applications. Thanks to this deposition method, we were able to... more
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    • Computational materials physics
Incommensurate crystal structure, thermal expansion study and magnetic properties of (dimethylimidazolium)<sub>2</sub>[Fe<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>6</sub>(μ-O)]
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    • Computational materials physics
MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY AND MAGNETIZATION PLATEAUS IN Cd0.5Mn0.5Te DMS MATERIAL. In this paper, the magnetic susceptibilities and magnetization plateaus in Cd0.5Mn0.5Te DMS material are simulated in the spin exchange Heisenberg model... more
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    • Computational materials physics
-The unique optical and electrical properties of indium tin oxide (ITO) films have been regarded as one of the prominent transparent and conducting oxides (TCO) films used as contact layer in several optoelectronic applications. ITO films... more
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      Computational materials physicsMaterial Science
List of my earlier (before 1995) publications in the referenced magazines.
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      Computational materials physicsAb initio calculationsDensity Functional TheoryAb-Intio Study of Phonons
Controlled excitation of materials can transiently induce changed or novel properties with many fundamental and technological implications. Especially, the concept of Floquet engineering, manipulation of the electronic structure via... more
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    • Computational materials physics
A structurally modified cathode material for Lithium ion battery is reported in this study. This study was based on first principle calculations to study the electronic, ionic, and diffusion properties of olivine phosphate family of... more
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      Computational materials physicsMaterials for lithium ion batteries
Graphene oxide (GO) is considered as a promising component for electronics because of its unique anisotropy, easy processing and sometimes claimed giant permittivity. The latter would arise from an enhanced electronic polarizability due... more
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    • Computational materials physics
We are investigating the use oflaw energy ions ( < 1 keY) in low temperature thin film growth techniques, ion beam deposition (IBD) and combined ion and molecular deposition (CIMD). In IBD, a thin film is directly grown from a low energy... more
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      EngineeringMicroelectronics And Semiconductor EngineeringEngineering PhysicsMaterials Engineering
Monolayer tungsten disulfide (WS2) has recently attracted large interest as a promising material for advanced electronic and optoelectronic devices such as photodetectors, modulators, and sensors. Since these devices can be integrated in... more
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      PhysicsComputational materials physics
The opening of a quantum confinement gap in nanostructured graphene yields extremely sensitive photodetectors, with electrical noise equivalent power lower than 10 −15 W Hz −0.5 at temperatures below 3 K, for detection of radiation in a... more
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      Computational materials physicsMaterials Physics
The Novel Materials Discovery (NOMAD) Laboratory is a user-driven platform for sharing and exploiting computational materials science data. It accounts for the various aspects of data being a crucial raw material and most relevant to... more
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    • Computational materials physics
High-reflection interferential mirrors for current gravitational wave detectors (aLIGO, Advanced Virgo, KAGRA) are made of high-quality oxide multilayers deposited by ion beam sputtering (IBS) at the Laboratoire des Matériaux Avancés... more
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    • Computational materials physics
The high theoretical capacity of Li-O2 batteries attracts a lot of attention and this field has expanded significantly in the last two decades. In a more general way, the large number of articles being published daily makes it difficult... more
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    • Computational materials physics