Computational Harmonic Analysis

38 papers
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Computational Harmonic Analysis is a branch of mathematics that focuses on the study of functions and signals through the use of harmonic analysis techniques, emphasizing algorithmic and numerical methods for analyzing, synthesizing, and processing data in various applications, including signal processing, image analysis, and data compression.
"The Harmonic Math, Chromatic numbers and sounds" presents a novel framework that integrates numerical systems with color representation through a unique chromatic approach based on cyclic orders. The concept revolves around the... more
• Elaborar um Programa em LabVIEW para a Análise Harmónica de Tensão e Corrente de uma Carga Não-Linear (Lâmpada Fluorescente Compacta) ligada à Rede Eléctrica; • Configurar Entradas Analógicas de uma Carta de Aquisição de Sinal; •... more
We address the issue of approximating the pseudoinverse of the coecient matrix A for dynamically building preconditioning strategies for the numerical solution of large dense linear least-squares problems. The new preconditioning... more
Resumen: Se explican en forma general los principales efectos de las armónicas en los componentes de los sistemas eléctricos actuales. Se muestra la necesidad de conocer los mismos para llevar a cabo un diseño o adaptación de los sistemas... more
Finite difference schemes for the 2-D wave equation operating on hexagonal grids and the accompanying numerical dispersion properties have received little attention in comparison to schemes operating on rectilinear grids. This paper... more
In this work we consider numerical discretization of one dimensional cubic non-linear Schrödinger equation by finite differences in space and Strang splitting in time. The steps with the linear part are integrated with the midpoint rule.... more
A tide analysis in Santa Martha bay was performed. Tide measurements were effectuated at Santa Marta bay using WLR7 Mareograph of Aandera family. The amplitude and phase of principal constituents of the tide were established from the time... more
We derive the weakly nonlocal limit of a one-population neuronal field model of the Wilson-Cowan type in one spatial dimension. By transforming this equation to an equation in the firing rate variable, it is shown that stationary periodic... more
Functional harmonic analysis is an important task in music composition, accompaniment, arrangement and others. However, the solutions are still not satisfactory. The proposed process is divided into two levels: the first one extends one... more
We address the issue of approximating the pseudoinverse of the coefficient matrix for dynamically building preconditioning strategies for the numerical solution of large dense linear least-squares problems. The new preconditioning... more
This report describes the development and evaluation of mathematical models for predicting human performance from discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) of event-related potentials (ERP) elicited by task-relevant stimuli. The DWT was compared... more
This report describes the development and evaluation of mathematical models for predicting human performance from discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) of event-related potentials (ERP) elicited by task-relevant stimuli. The DWT was compared... more