Computational Harmonic Analysis

38 papers
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Computational Harmonic Analysis is a branch of mathematics that focuses on the study of functions and signals through the use of harmonic analysis techniques, emphasizing algorithmic and numerical methods for analyzing, synthesizing, and processing data in various applications, including signal processing, image analysis, and data compression.
Functional harmonic analysis is an important task in music composition, accompaniment, arrangement and others. However, the solutions are still not satisfactory. The proposed process is divided into two levels: the first one extends one... more
In this article, we discuss a parallel implementation of efficient algorithms for computation of Legendre polynomial transforms and other orthogonal polynomial transforms. We develop an approach to the Driscoll-Healy algorithm using... more
Consequences of the validity of Huygens' principle for the conformally invariant scalar wave equation, Weyl's neutrino equation and Maxwell's equations on Petrov type II space-times
An explicit determination of the Petrov type N spacetimes on which the conformally invariant scalar wave equation satisfies Huygens' principle Annales de l'I. H. P., section A, tome 44, n o 2 (1986), p. 115-153... more
Surface reconstruction from unorganized point set is a common problem in computer graphics. Generation of the signed distance field from the point set is a common methodology for the surface reconstruction. The reconstruction of implicit... more
Technological Advances in Medical Imaging have enabled the acquisition of images accurately describing biological tissues. Finite Element (FE) methods on these images provide the means to simulate biological phenomena such as brain shift... more
An explicit determination of the space-times on which the conformally invariant scalar wave equation satisfies Huygens' principle. Part III : Petrov type III space-times Annales de l'I. H. P., section A, tome 48, n o 1 (1988), p. 77-96... more
Recientemente se ha observado que para un peso w la desigualdad puntual para operadores de Hardy-Littlewood  Mf (x)^p ≤ C · M_w (| f |^p| ) (x), que es consecuencia del tipo débil (p, p) respecto de un peso w en realidad es equivalente a... more
In this paper, we proposed an effective method based on the scaling function of Daubechies wavelets for the solution of the brachistochrone problem. An analytic technique for solving the integral of Daubechies scaling functions on dyadic... more
Usually, the gaussian beam modes are assumed to be solutions of the wave equation in the free space. Nevertheless, these modes are obtained suppo sing some paraxial restrictions. Therefore, we will have to check if our working conditions... more
We present spline wavelets of class C n (R) supported by sequences of aperiodic discretizations of R. The construction is based on multiresolution analysis recently elaborated by G. Bernuau. At a given scale, we consider discretizations... more
En este artículo se presentan los polinomios de Laguerre complejo L(α−k)(z), junto con algunas expresiones que resultan k a partir de ellos, que aparecen utilizando definiciones mencionadas en el texto. Además, se realiza una revisión... more
Resumen. Lo que se pretende en este artículo es relacionar las formas de Dirichlet y los procesos de Markov de manera analítica y probabilística. Se encuentran Procesos de Markov fuertes y movimientos Brownianos en espacios de dimensión... more
This report describes the development and evaluation of mathematical models for predicting human performance from discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) of event-related potentials (ERP) elicited by task-relevant stimuli. The DWTwas compared... more
In this paper, a differential wavelet-based operator defined on an interval is presented and used in evaluating the electromagnetic field described by Maxwell's curl equations, in time domain. The wavelet operator has been generated by... more
It is shown that the conformally invariant scalar wave equation on a general Petrov type-N space-time satisfies Huygens' principle if and only if the space-time is conformally related to an exact plane wave space-time. Some related... more
Figure 1: We present improved subdivision and isosurface reconstruction algorithms for polygonizing implicit surfaces and performing accurate geometric operations. We highlight its performance on the "gun model" of the Bradley Fighting... more
We show pointwise estimates for the maximal operator of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup for functions that are integrable with respect to the Gaussian measure. The estimates are used to prove pointwise convergence.
In this paper we present a novel shape from silhouette algorithm. For an object to be modeled, the algorithm first computes a cloud of points located on a pencil of rays and distributed evenly on the visual hull surface, inside and... more
cuadrados. Se encontró una marea con características mixta principalmente diurna conformada por 12 constituyentes, de ellos seis son de carácter diurno (K1, O1, P1, Q1, J1, OO1) y cinco de carácter semidiurno (M2, S2, K2, N2, Mu2) además... more
Triangular meshes play critical roles in many applications, such as numerical simulation and additive manufacturing. However, the triangular meshes transformed from computer-aided design models using common algorithms may have many... more
Image snapping is the technique to move a cursor position to a nearby feature such as edges in a 2D image when the cursor is located by a user. This paper proposes a new snapping technique called the geometric snapping that naturally... more
Delaunay refinement is a mesh triangulation method with the goal of generating well-shaped triangles to obtain a valid Delaunay triangulation. In this thesis, an approach of using this method for m ...
In order to consider some ordered structures (X,;S) as being isotonic to subsets of the realline (R,$;) we introdu­ ce bivariate functions F: X x X -7R and study which pro­ perties of the ordered structure can be reflected by proper­ ties... more
The effect of preconditioning linear weighted least-squares using an approximation of the model matrix is analyzed, showing the interplay of the eigenstructures of both the model and weighting matrices. A small example is given... more
Subdivision surfaces are an established modeling tool in computer graphics and computer-aided design. While the theoretical foundations of subdivision surfaces are well studied, the correlation between a control mesh and its subdivided... more
cuadrados. Se encontró una marea con características mixta principalmente diurna conformada por 12 constituyentes, de ellos seis son de carácter diurno (K1, O1, P1, Q1, J1, OO1) y cinco de carácter semidiurno (M2, S2, K2, N2, Mu2) además... more
In this paper we introduce a new class of Gaussian singular integrals, the general alternative Gaussian singular integrals and study the boundedness of them in L p (d), 1 < p < 1 and its weak (1, 1) boundedness with respect to the... more
Translationally invariant integro-differential equations are a common choice of model in neuroscience for describing the coarse-grained dynamics of cortical tissue. Here we analyse the propagation of travelling wavefronts in models of... more
In this paper, we present and discuss the NFTOOLS package written for the computer algebra system Maple. The package contains the main routines "nulltran", "inv", "nullor", "omull" and "pptype". The routine "nulltran" is an implementation... more
An explicit determination of the space-times on which the conformally invariant scalar wave equation satisfies Huygens' principle. Part III : Petrov type III space-times Annales de l'I. H. P., section A, tome 48, n o 1 (1988), p. 77-96... more
En el presente trabajo estudiamos la ecuación visco elástica unidimensional definida sobre el intervalo [0, L]. Dividimos el estudio en dos partes: En la primera analizamos la existencia y unicidad de soluciones usando la teoría de los... more
30 digitization devices produce very large sets of 3 0 points sampled from the suqaces of the objects being scanned. A mesh construction procedure needs to be: upplied to derive polygon mesh from the 3 0 point sets\ As ts derived from..... more
This report describes the development and evaluation of mathematical models for predicting human performance from discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) of event-related potentials (ERP) elicited by task-relevant stimuli. The DWTwas compared... more
This paper introduces a two non-invasive electrode based electroencephalography (EEG) scheme to pick-up the biopotential (generated by the neuron network of human brain) for the assessment of consciousness level. With the help of a... more
This paper presents several improvements to the marching triangles algorithm for general implicit surfaces. The original method generates equilateral triangles of constant size almost everywhere on the surface. We present several... more
This paper introduces a unified and general tesselation algorithm for parametric and implicit surfaces. The algorithm produces a hierarchial mesh that is adapted to the surface geometry and has a multiresolution and progressive structure.... more
Figure : We present improved subdivision and isosurface reconstruction algorithms for polygonizing implicit surfaces and performing accurate geometric operations. We highlight its performance on the "gun model" of the Bradley Fighting... more
A number of techniques have been developed for the polygonization of implicit surfaces or isosurfaces. Two approaches for generating polyhedral approximations of implicit models are presented. The first method produces finite element... more