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    • Computational Epidemiology
We review research papers which use game theory to model the decision making of individuals during an epidemic, attempting to classify the literature and identify the emerging trends in this field. We show that the literature can be... more
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      Game TheoryVaccinesComplex NetworksBiological Sciences
Background: The goal of this research is to create a system that can use the available relevant information about the factors responsible for the spread of dengue and; use it to predict the occurrence of dengue within a geographical... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyIndonesiaClimate
Epidemiology is the study of spread of diseases among the group of population. If not controlled properly, the epidemic would cause an enormous number of problems and lead to pandemic situation. Here in this paper we consider the... more
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      Theory Of ComputationCellular AutomataCompilerComputational Epidemiology
This paper is focused on a cellular automata based computational model for the spread of disease named Leptospirosis using voting rules. Leptospirosis is most commonly found in bovine rats and the humans get infected when they come into... more
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      Cellular AutomataComputational Epidemiology
Many countries are implementing lockdown measures to slow the COVID-19 pandemic, putting more than a third of the world's population under restrictions. The scale of such lockdowns is unprecedented, and while some effects of lockdowns are... more
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      EpidemiologyMalariaModeling and SimulationAgent-based modeling
We review research studies which use game theory to model the decision-making of individuals during an epidemic, attempting to classify the literature and identify the emerging trends in this field. The literature is classified based on... more
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      Game TheoryVaccinesComplex NetworksInfection and immunity
Data-centric models of COVID-19 have been attempted, but have certain limitations. In this work, we propose an agent-based model of the epidemic in a confined space of agents representing humans. An extension to the SEIR model allows us... more
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      EpidemiologyModeling and SimulationPublic HealthAgent-based modeling
The resurgence of measles is largely attributed to the decline in vaccine adoption and the increase in mobility. Although the vaccine for measles is readily available and highly successful, its current adoption is not adequate to prevent... more
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      Complex Systems ScienceDynamical SystemsEpidemiology MethodsComplex Systems
Thousands of lives are lost every year in developing countries for failing to detect epidemics early because of the lack of real-time disease surveillance data. We present results from a large-scale deployment of a telephone triage... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyScienceForecastingPublic Health
In this paper we present AceMod, an agent-based modelling framework for studying influenza epidemics in Australia. The simulator is designed to analyse the spatiotemporal spread of contagion and influenza spatial synchrony across the... more
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      EpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiologyAgent Based SimulationEpidemiology Methods