Computational Biophysics
Recent papers in Computational Biophysics
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
The study of molecular evolution at the level of protein-coding genes often entails comparing large datasets of sequences to infer their evolutionary relationships. Despite the importance of a protein's structure and conformational... more
Aging is one of the chief biomedical problems of the 21st century. After decades of basic research on biogerontology (the science of aging), the aging process still remains an enigma. Although hundreds of "theories" on aging have been... more
The priming dose effect, called also the Raper-Yonezawa effect or simply the Yonezawa effect, is a special case of the radiation adaptive response phenomenon (radioadaptation), which refers to: (a) faster repair of direct DNA lesions... more
It is well known that ionizing radiation can cause damages to cells that interact with it directly. However, many studies have shown that damages also occur in cells that have not experienced direct interaction. This is due to the... more
Biocomputing is a recently growing and highly interdisciplinary field of research that investigates models and computational techniques inspired by biology and related sciences. Here, cyclic behavior (redox cycling) of purified... more
Recent experimental studies have shown that astrocytes respond to external stimuli with a transient increase of the intracellular calcium concentration or can exhibit self- sustained spontaneous activity. Both evoked and spontaneous... more
The innate flexibility of a DNA sequence is quantified by the Jacobson-Stockmayer's J-factor, which measures the propensity for DNA loop formation. Recent studies of ultra-short DNA sequences revealed a discrepancy of up to six orders of... more
With drug resistance becoming widespread in Plasmodium falciparum infections, the development of the alternative drugs is the desired strategy for prevention and cure of malaria. Three drug targets were selected to screen promising drug... more
Allostery plays a fundamental role in most biological processes. However, little theory is available to describe it outside of two-state models. Here we use a statistical mechanical approach to show that the allosteric coupling between... more
Allostery plays a fundamental role in most biological processes. However, little theory is available to describe it outside of two-state models. Here we use a statistical mechanical approach to show that the allosteric coupling between... more
We show how it is possible to use the plethystic program in order to compute baryonic generating functions that count BPS operators in the chiral ring of quiver gauge theories living on the world volume of D branes probing a non compact... more
Keywords: A. Fe 1.06 Te 0.6 Se 0.4 single crystal B. Critical current density C. Flux pinning mechanism a b s t r a c t The temperature and magnetic field dependence of the magnetization and critical current density of Fe Te Se 1.06 0.6... more
Electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy images of cholesterol-dependent cytolysins and related proteins that form large pores in lipid membranes have revealed the presence of incomplete rings, or arcs. Some evidence indicates that... more
The nucleation and growth theory, described by the Avrami equation (also called Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov equation), and usually used to describe crystallization and nucleation processes in condensed matter physics, was applied in... more
Allostery plays a fundamental role in most biological processes. However, little theory is available to describe it outside of two-state models. Here we use a statistical mechanical approach to show that the allosteric coupling between... more
The membrane environment, its composition, dynamics, and remodeling, have been shown to participate in the function and organization of a wide variety of transmembrane (TM) proteins, making it necessary to study the molecular mechanisms... more
are cytoskeletal polymers that exhibit dynamic instability, the random alternation between growth and shrinkage. MT dynamic instability plays an essential role in cell development, division, and motility. To investigate dynamic... more
The ability to detect a chemical gradient is fundamental to many cellular processes. In multi-cellular organisms gradient sensing plays an important role in many physiological processes such as wound healing and development. Unicellular... more
The forward-reverse or FR method is an efficient bidirectional work method for determining the potential of mean force w(z) and also supposedly gives in principle the position-dependent diffusion coefficient D(z). Results from a variation... more
We present a method that enables the use of the forward-reverse (FR) method of Kosztin et al. on a broader range of problems in soft matter physics. Our method, which we call the oscillating forward-reverse (OFR) method, adds an... more
The effect of salt concentration on association properties of caffeine molecule was investigated by employing molecular dynamics simulations in isothermal-isobaric ensemble of eight caffeine molecules in pure water and three different... more
ABSTRACTCell penetration after recognition of the SARS-CoV-2 virus by the ACE2 receptor, and the fusion of its viral envelope membrane with cellular membranes, are the early steps of infectivity. A region of the Spike protein (S) of the... more
Ions play key mechanistic roles in the gating dynamics of Neurotransmitter:sodium symporters (NSS). In recent microsecond scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of a complete model of the dopamine transporter (DAT), a NSS protein, we... more
ABSTRACTComputational modeling and simulation of biomolecular systems at their functional pH ranges requires an accurate approach to exploring the pH dependence of conformations and interactions. Here we present a new approach – the... more
The allergic response in humans results from the crosslinking of IgE-Fc< RI receptor complexes via the binding of IgE antibodies to antigens, which results in cell degranulation. The relationship between cell degranulation and... more
Induction and proliferation of cancer cells are complex processes whose ab initio mathematical description is virtually impossible. Nevertheless, some integral characteristics such as the Gompertz law, which is generally used to describe... more
Rotary sequential hydrolysis of the metabolic machine F 1-ATPase is a prominent manifestation of high coordination among multiple chemical sites in ring-shaped molecular machines, and it is also functionally essential for F 1 to tightly... more
We present a new sampling and analysis scheme for calculating the 8 potential of mean force (PMF) of systems studied by steered molecular dynamics 9 simulations. This scheme, which we call the bin-passing method, is based on the 10... more
We present a computational framework tailored for the modeling of the complex, dynamic relationships that are encountered in splicing regulation. The starting point is whole-genome transcriptomic data from high-throughput array or... more