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The Region Chaouia-ouardigha produces approximately 200.000 tons of chicken litter each year. These wastes present environmental and health risks because of their high content of nitrogen and high density of pathogens. The objective of... more
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      Sustainable agricultureComposting
For both speed and consistency of composting, forced air gets the nod over turning and vacuum induction systems.
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    • Composting
USM has envisioned " sustainability " as a core development theme of the university in light of global sustainability issues. In becoming a world-renowned university for sustainability, USM facilitates sustainability attainment... more
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      Higher EducationSustainable DevelopmentStakeholdersRecycling
The disposal problem represented by vegetable-tannery sludge is of great and ever-increasing concern in Italy. Such sludge is of a highly polluting nature and therefore, requires a reliable and safe treatment to make it harmless before... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringWaste ManagementComposting
Unusually I will start my article with references that have been hiring them: 1. Saad Ahmed Mursi and others: the use of certain agricultural waste "rice straw" as an organic fertilizer (compost.) 2. Saad Ahmed Mursi: The effect of... more
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      CompostingCOMPOSTIE MATERIALSComposting and Organic FertilizersVermi Compost
This study intends to assess the effect of compost types and rates on lettuce growth. A pot experiment was conducted at the greenhouse of the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine experimental station, Saudi Arabia. Three types... more
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      Plant NutritionCompostingSoil Fertility and Plant NutritionLettuce crop
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    • Composting
Inhana rational farming (IRF) technology was studied as an organic package of practice in farmers' field using green gram (Samrat: PDM-84-139) as test crop. The study was conducted at Binuria village in Birbhum district of West Bengal... more
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      MicrobiologyGeographyMathematicsSoil Science
This study aims to improve fertilization management of artichoke in organic farming. Four fertilization program treatments based on compost and compost tea have been experienced: Control Treatment (T0): 100% compost needs are made in... more
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      Materials ScienceOrganic agricultureOrganic FarmingFertigation
Background Over the years, the use of organic materials in farming has reduced due to the increase in the use of chemical fertilizers which are rich in readily available plant nutrients. Intensive use of inorganic fertilizers may have... more
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      MathematicsOrganic agricultureCompostingPlant growth
This chronology provides an overview of the lengthy fight about the infamous proposal to convert the Adams Mine - an open pit iron ore mine near Kirkland lake - into a mega dump for Toronto's garbage. The idea first was seriously proposed... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementWaste recyclingLocal Government and Local DevelopmentGroundwater Contamination
This study aims to examine the effect of zeolites in optimizing the process of food waste composting. A novel method of sequential hydrothermal was introduced to modify the natural zeolite and apply to in-vessel compost bioreactors. Raw... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceSoil ScienceEnvironmental Education
In this research, an integrated system for sustainable agriculture and environment was designed and built at the experimental farm of Palestine Technical University. The system included: a) Hydroponic unit, b) Aquaponic unit, c) Pilot... more
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      Environmental ScienceSustainable DevelopmentAquaponicsHydroponics
This chapter seeks to historicize composting in Israel, and to characterize composting as a ‘waste regime’ (Gille, 2007), in the sense of a particular constellation of materials, practices, institutions and narratives mutually organized... more
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      Environmental HistoryEnvironmental AnthropologyIsrael/PalestineDiscard Studies
This paper aims to examine the influence of biochar produced from lawn waste in accelerating the degradation and mineralization rates of food waste compost. Biochar produced at two different temperatures (350 and 450 °C) was applied at... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementBIOCHARWaste Management
Chicken manure is one of the popular organic fertilizers used in vegetable farming in Malaysia. Chicken manure is divided into two types, namely broiler chicken manure (BCM) and layer chicken manure (LCM). The effectiveness of these... more
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      BiologyAgriculturePlant NutritionComposting
Keywords: Bio-Diesel; Black Soldier Fly; Compost; Fish Meal Cake; Struvite The larvae of Hermetia illucens, colloquially known as Black Soldier Fly (BSF) pose an enormous potential for small-scale entre-preneurship, especially for... more
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      EntrepreneurshipPoultry ScienceAnimal FeedComposting
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      Earth SciencesBIOCHARBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
An incubation study was carried out to assess the quality of the vermicompost and farmyard manure in terms of total nutrient content and microbial population count following inoculation of various microbial cultures. Azotobacter,... more
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      Soil ScienceCompostingSoil Microorganism
The effect of various additives such as fly ash, phosphogypsum, jaggery, lime, and polyethylene glycol on green waste composting was investigated through assessing their influence on microbial growth, enzymatic activities, organic matter... more
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    • Composting
Vermicomposting of cooked and vegetable/fruit wastes in a pit.
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      Solid Waste ManagementVermicompostingFood WasteComposting
Topraklarımız için çok değerli kompost malzemesini israf edip çöpe atıyoruz. Oysa bunları apartmandan bahçeye, otellerden fabrikalara, sanayiden tarlalara kadar kuracağımız basit ve ucuz sistemlerle ileri dönüştürebilir yani... more
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      EcologyOrganic FarmingCompostingSustanability
Paper presented the International Conference Herbert Marcuse Society 9th Bienal, on November 8, 2021, at the Feminist Futures session. Composting feminism aims to add life to degraded spaces, acting for regeneration of life for... more
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      Herbert MarcuseFeminismDonna HarawayComposting
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      CompostingLandscapingSteam Boilers
Resumen El trabajo de investigación titulado "Producción de fertilizantes orgánicos tipo compost, biol y abono líquido, para huertos caseros", realizado en cada uno de los hogares de los estudiantes, ubicados en las provincias,... more
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      Organic FarmingCompostingFertilizer
This paper attempts to understand the occupational health and safety issues faced by those engaged in composting and makes recommendations on the basis of its findings
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      Environmental SustainabilityCooperativesSolid Waste ManagementOccupational health and safety
Increase of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is an ever challenging concern to mitigate global climate change. Governments and corporations across the world have introduced innovative strategies to reduce steadily rising GHG emissions. Some... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementCarbon SequestrationWaste ManagementSoil carbon sequestration
Solid waste has become a major environmental problem for growing towns and cities in low income countries. Especially in rural municipalities, the solid waste generation is commonly dominated by organic residues. However, the importance... more
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      Solid Waste ManagementCompostingMSW Composting
Ammonia suppressants are applied to chicken litter to decrease ammonia levels. Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) producers use poultry litter to increase the N in the compost. To determine the influence of ammonia suppressants used in poultry... more
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      CompostingAmmoniaMushroom Cultivation and Breeding
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      Physical GeographySoil ScienceEnvironmental EconomicsNatural Resource Management
Ruminants have low efficiency of nitrogen utilisation; unutilised nitrogen is being excreted in the faeces and urine. The most effective way to minimise nitrogen losses in ruminant production is through efficient feeding strategy.... more
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Food waste has significant environmental, economic, and social costs. The majority of food waste occurs at the point of household consumption in the developed world. This chapter explores the literature on the determinants of household... more
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      Consumer BehaviorBuilt EnvironmentFood WasteComposting
Sustainable management of municipal solid waste (MSW) is a critical issue around the world, especially in South Asia where waste generation is expected to double by 2050. Closing the food-nutrient cycle through composting biodegradable... more
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      Food SystemsStakeholdersMarketsCase Studies
APV - Agriculture | Permaculture | Vermiculture ile solucan yetiştiriciliği ve solucan gübresi üretimi hakkında merak edilenler, bilinmesi gerekenler ve kısa adı MeyveDer olan Meyve Üreticileri Derneği üyeleri ile paylaşılanlar. Kısaca... more
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Chandigarh is a green city which hosts numerous evergreen and deciduous trees with the green cover of 33%. The Municipal Corporation, the house owners and the residents wanted dried leaves to be removed from the streets and public spaces.... more
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    • Composting
Introduction Vermicomposting could increase nutrients availability including phosphorus. During vermicomposting, a decomposition of organic substrates leads to the production of several organic acids, such as malonic, fumaric, succinic... more
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La lombricultura es una de las labores más importantes de la agricultura en la actualidad en México fue introducida en la década de los 80’s, siendo establecida por primera vez en 1996. El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad evaluar... more
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      Organic agricultureCompostingComposting and Organic Fertilizers
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POOR 2 GOOD 3 VERY GOOD 4 Stamp/Signature Received  OBJECTIVES 1. To expose students to the concept of composting, 2. To design and build an indoor bioreactor system
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      CompostingBioremediation & Composting
Abstract A pot trial was conducted in the screen-house of Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria during 2014 to examine the influence of organic, mineral and organomineral fertilizers on growth, yield, and soil properties in grain... more
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    • Composting
A complete guide to understanding the waste infrastructure, plastic materials, product design and integrating sustainability into plastics.
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      RecyclingMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementWaste recyclingCorporate Sustainability
This paper aims to (1) examine the challenges in the compost facilities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), (2) optimize the composting techniques using indigenous natural zeolite and locally produced biochar from agricultural residues... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental EducationEnvironmental Studies
Urbanisation and economic development generally coincide with an increase in per capita waste production as well as food consumption. Therefore it is imperative to implement, especially in the African cities, a solid waste management... more
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      Waste recyclingSolid Waste ManagementUrban AgricultureComposting
This report proposes a waste disposal system which includes integrated informal recycling, small scale biomethanation, MBT and RDF/WTE. Informal recycling can be integrated into the formal system by training and employing waste pickers... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationWaste recyclingWaste-to-Energy
Plastic items are a critical part of modern society and they are used in almost every aspect of our lives. One of the values of plastics for packaging and manufacturing articles is the strength and durability of the material, however,... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentRecyclingWaste recyclingPolymer recycling
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementWaste recyclingWaste-to-EnergyEnvironmental awareness
Agricultural production is the concept of food sufficiency in every country, from the early 80's when there was an increase in the investment in organic production systems in response to this global consumption. This thesis proposed... more
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      ProductionCompostingCompost useCompost
As a developing country with such a huge population, India faces a lot of issues in managing the daily waste. Popular cities are expanding their boundaries but Municipal Corporations do not have the technology to handle the waste... more
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      Waste ManagementCompostingHousehold Solid Waste