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Many organizations want to predict the number of defects (faults) in software systems, before they are deployed, to gauge the likely delivered quality and maintenance effort. To help in this, numerous software metrics and statistical... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringSoftware MaintenanceSoftware Reliability
This paper reports on a modest study which relates seven different software complexity metrics to the experience of maintenance activities performed on a medium size software system. Three different versions of the system that evolved... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceSoftware MaintenanceProcess Control
To produce high quality object-oriented (OO) applications, a strong emphasis on design aspects, especially during the early phases of software development, is necessary. Design metrics play an important role in helping developers... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware DevelopmentObject Oriented DesignSoftware Quality
Mixed model manufacturing systems are increasingly used to meet global competition by providing a broad variety of products to customers. The increase of product variety adds more complexity to production processes, thus, leading to a... more
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      Information TheoryQualityE Manufacturing SystemsManufacturing systems
The cognitive strategies by which humans process complex, metrically-ambiguous rhythmic patterns remain poorly understood. We investigated listeners' abilities to perceive, process and produce complex, syncopated rhythmic patterns played... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceRecognition memoryMusic Perception
In the absence of an agreed measure of software quality the density of defects has been a very commonly used surrogate measure. As a result there have been numerous attempts to build models for predicting the number of residual software... more
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      Software QualityComplexity MetricsBayesian Belief NetworkBuilding Model
Viewshed calculation can play an important role in urban and natural resource planning. However, difficulties exist in incorporating built structures in viewshed computation. These features are rarely reflected in available elevation maps... more
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      EngineeringSimulationImpact AnalysisEnvironmental Sciences
This paper describes an experimental microprocessor-based tool, SAS (Software Analysis System), which has been developed to enable dynamic program structure acquisition and analysis to be made on digital computing machines. The system... more
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      Software EngineeringFormal Methods (Formal Verification)Computer EngineeringSoftware Maintenance
tivity and flexibility in output, which could result in information customization systems. Data interchange. Data interchange involves transforming information from one representation to another. Often, the same initial and target formats... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware ManagementSoftware IndustryComplexity Metrics
Summary Business Process Models (BPMs), often created using a modeling language such as UML activity diagrams, Event- Driven Process Chains Markup Language (EPML) and Yet Another Workflow Language (YAWL), serve as a base for communication... more
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      Modeling LanguageBusiness ProcessComplexity MetricsSoftware Development Process
A management model for explaining software errors is developed and estimated. The model is used to analyze two years of error log data at a commercial site. The focus is on identifying managerially controllable factors which affect... more
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologySoftware MaintenanceSoftware Reliability
Web applications are increasingly subject to mass attacks, with vulnerabilities found easily in both open source and commercial applications as evinced by the fact that approximately half of reported vulnerabilities are found in web... more
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      Software SecurityStatic AnalysisOpen SourceWeb Application Security
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      Software EngineeringProgramming LanguagesSoftware QualityComplexity Metrics
The proliferation of newer agile integrative business information systems (IBIS) environments that use the software agent and the multiagent systems paradigms has created the need for a common and well-accepted conceptual modeling grammar... more
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      Decision Support SystemsBusiness Information SystemsMathematical SciencesConceptual Model
Refactoring is widely recognized as a way to improve the internal structure of a software system in order to ensure its long-term maintainability. Consequently, software projects which adopt refactoring practices should see reductions in... more
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      Software EvolutionOpen SourceMining Software RepositoriesComplexity Metrics
Software metrics should be used in order to improve the productivity and quality of software, because they provide critical information about reliability and maintainability of the system. In this paper, we propose a cognitive complexity... more
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      EngineeringMeasure TheorySoftware EngineeringComparative Study
It is widely accepted that sizing or predicting the volumes of various kinds of software deliverable items is one of the first and most dominant aspects of software cost estimating. Most of the cost estimation model or techniques usually... more
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      Software DevelopmentCost EstimationObject Oriented Software ModelingSoftware Cost Estimation
A large number of real networks are characterized by two fundamental properties: they are small world and scale-free. A recent paper demonstrated that the structure of many complex networks is also self-similar under a length-scale... more
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      Complex SystemMathematical SciencesScale-Free NetworksComplex network
Cascading style sheets (CSS) is a Web-based style sheet language that is used for the presentation of Web documents. CSS has advanced from CSS1 to CSS3.and extensions to CSS known as CSS pre-processors have also emerged in the last few... more
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      CSSComplexity MetricsEmpirical Validations
Software systems are affected by degradation as an effect of continuous change. Since late interventions are too much onerous, software degradation should be detected early in the software lifetime. Software degradation is currently... more
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      MetricsSoftware QualityCase StudyComplexity Metrics
The proliferation of newer agile integrative business information systems (IBIS) environments that use the software agent and the multiagent systems paradigms has created the need for a common and well-accepted conceptual modeling grammar... more
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      Decision Support SystemsBusiness Information SystemsMathematical SciencesConceptual Model
Many distributed systems lend themselves to be modelled as networks, where nodes can have a range of attributes and properties based on which they may be classified. In this paper, we attempt the task of quantifying varying levels of... more
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      Information TheoryQualityCommunication systemsManufacturing systems
Information overload is a new challenge in e-commerce sites. The problem refers to the fast growing of information that lead following the information flow in real world be impossible. Recommender systems, as the most successful... more
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      Information SystemsControl Systems EngineeringManagement Information SystemsDatabase Systems
The proliferation of newer agile integrative business information systems (IBIS) environments that use the software agent and the multiagent systems paradigms has created the need for a common and well-accepted conceptual modeling grammar... more
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      Decision Support SystemsBusiness Information SystemsMathematical SciencesConceptual Model
Despite the recent advances in the theory underlying obfuscation, there still is a need to evaluate the quality of practical obfuscating transformations more quickly and easily. This paper presents the first steps toward a comprehensive... more
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      Flow ControlComplexity MetricsData Flow DiagramSoftware Complexity
& Conclusions-This paper presents a methodology and an example of risk assessment of functional-requirement specifications for complex real-time software systems. A heuristic risk-assessment technique based on CPN (colored Petri-net)... more
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      Risk assessmentComputer SoftwareNon Functional RequirementRisk factors
Three software complexity measures (Halstead's E,... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringSoftware MaintenanceHuman Factors
Software is unequivocally the foremost and indispensable entity in this technologically driven world. Therefore quality assurance, and in particular, software testing is a crucial step in the software development cycle. This paper... more
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      Software TestingRegression TestingComplexity MetricsBoundary Value Analysis
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      PsychologyBiological PsychologyCognitive ScienceStress
is an agile practice that is widely accepted and advocated by most agile methods and methodologists. In this paper, we report on a post hoc analysis of the results of an IBM team who has sustained use of TDD for five years and over ten... more
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      Quality ImprovementAgile MethodsTeam workAgile
Complexity is often hypothesized to be the enemy of software security. If this hypothesis is true, complexity metrics may be used to predict the locale of security problems and can be used to prioritize inspection and testing efforts. We... more
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      Software SecurityStatistical AnalysisOpen SourcePrediction Model
This paper describes an experiment on tagging Romanian using QTAG, a parts-of-speech tagger that has been developed originally for English, but with a clear separation between the (probabilistic) processing engine and the (language... more
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      Process EngineeringLanguage ResourcesCase StudyComplexity Metrics
In this report we present a complex metric burst, associated with the 14 July 2000 major solar event, recorded by the ARTEMIS-IV radio spectrograph at Thermopylae. Additional space-borne and Earth-bound observational data are used, in... more
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      Statistical AnalysisSolar PhysicsX RaysComplexity Metrics
In order to obtain a most effective return on a software project investment, then at least one requirements inspection shall be completed. A formal requirement inspection identifies low quality knowledge representation content in the... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringComputational LinguisticsSoftware Quality
The complexity of configuring computing systems is a major impediment to the adoption of new information technology (IT) products and greatly increases the cost of IT services. This paper develops a model of configuration complexity and... more
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      Distributed ComputingInformation TechnologyChange ManagementDatabases
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      Process EngineeringLanguage ResourcesCase StudyComplexity Metrics
Web Services technology has the potential to cater an enterprise's needs, providing the ability to integrate different systems and application types regardless of their platform, operating system, programming language, or location. Web... more
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      MetricsWeb ServicesSecurity in Web ServicesSemantic Web Services
Refactoring is widely recognized as a way to improve the internal structure of a software system in order to ensure its long-term maintainability. Consequently, software projects which adopt refactoring practices should see reductions in... more
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      Software MaintenanceComplexitySoftware EvolutionSource Coding
The main objective of this work is to present an application of an extension of the original Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) process called Fuzzy Prototypical Knowledge Discovery (FPKD) together with a FPKD based prediction model.... more
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      Software EngineeringData MiningSoftware QualityKnowledge Discovery
Complexity metrics play an important role in software development; they are reducing the costs during almost the whole development process. There is a growing demand for measuring the complexity of large systems with keeping the... more
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      Software DevelopmentVisual basicSoftware MeasurementComplexity Metrics
Accurate estimates of development effort play an important role in the successful management of larger Web development projects. By applying measurement principles to measure qualities of the applications and their development processes,... more
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      StatisticsProject ManagementMetricsWeb Development
In the absence of an agreed measure of software quality the density of defects has been a very commonly used surrogate measure. As a result there have been numerous attempts to build models for predicting the number of residual software... more
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      Software QualityComplexity MetricsBayesian Belief NetworkBuilding Model
AbstractÐThe dearth of published empirical data on major industrial systems has been one of the reasons that software engineering has failed to establish a proper scientific basis. In this paper, we hope to provide a small contribution to... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringSoftware TestingBenchmarking
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      PsychologyBiological PsychologyCognitive ScienceStress
It is widely accepted that sizing or predicting the volumes of various kinds of software deliverable items is one of the first and most dominant aspects of software cost estimating. Most of the cost estimation model or techniques usually... more
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      Software DevelopmentCost EstimationObject Oriented Software ModelingSoftware Cost Estimation
In this paper, we explore the possibility of using air traffic complexity metrics to accelerate the Interacting Particle System (IPS) method for collision risk estimation.
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      Monte CarloAir Traffic ManagementRare EventIntegrated Approach
The problem of cost estimation in software engineering has been addressed by several researchers. Research shows that among many factors that affect the development cost, size of the product plays an important role. In addition to the... more
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      Software EngineeringObject Oriented ProgrammingCost EstimationSoftware effort estimation
Software metrics are currently used in the industry mainly for cost and effort estimation, while some research suggested their use as fault indicators. There are very few empirical studies in software measurement, especially in the realm... more
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      Software MeasurementEuropean CommissionSoftware effort estimationService management
In the absence of an agreed measure of software quality the density of defects has been a very commonly used surrogate measure. As a result there have been numerous attempts to build models for predicting the number of residual software... more
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      Software QualityComplexity MetricsBayesian Belief NetworkBuilding Model
AbstractÐThe dearth of published empirical data on major industrial systems has been one of the reasons that software engineering has failed to establish a proper scientific basis. In this paper, we hope to provide a small contribution to... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringSoftware TestingBenchmarking