Complex System
Recent papers in Complex System
We discuss the close link between intermittent events ('quakes') and extremal noise fluctuations which has been advocated in recent numerical and theoretical work. From the idea that record-breaking noise fluctuations trigger the quakes,... more
This position paper illustrates the use of a natural framework for the modelling, analysis, and design of engineering systems that involve two or more controllers, each of which has an associated objective function. Such systems arise... more
Command Control, Communication Computer and Intelligence (C4I) systems enables modern military forces to achieve information superiority in the battlefield. C4I are complex System of systems (SOS) where individual systems interact locally... more
In this paper, concept mapping is suggested as a methodological catalyst for organizational learning. Concept mapping, by virtue of its psychological and sociological foundations, offers a way to simultaneously understand complex systems... more
Public enterprises have been an integral part of the involvement of the state in the economy for most of the 20th century. After 1980, privatization has been the dominant trend until the 2008-2010 economic crisis when new nationalizations... more
Recent discovery of ADDL protein (Amyloid β-Derived Diffusible Ligand) allows the trigger mechanism causing Alzheimer's Disease (AD) to be described by principles of complex systems theory. This entails a teleological cosmology with... more
This paper presents a model-based approach that combines the data-flow and object-oriented computing paradigms to model embedded systems. The rationale behind the approach is that both views are important for modelling purposes in... more
Stimuler la creativite demeure un enjeu majeur pour soutenir l’innovation. Depuis les travaux theoriques fondateurs des annees 1950-1960, il existe aujourd’hui un grand nombre d’outils, de methodes, et de guides d’aide au choix diffuses... more
Resource allocation in complex real-time computer systems (RTCSs) cannot be adequately handled by straightforward extensions of the CPU and peripheral device scheduling techniques used in non-RTCSs. Rather, all the resources including... more
We develop a geometric approach to complexity based on the principle that complexity requires interactions at different scales of description. Complex systems are more than the sum of their parts of any size, and not just more than the... more
Naka, S.; Genji, T.; Yura, T.; Fukuyama,Y Author Affiliations: Kansai Electric Power Co., Japan; Fuji Electric Co., Japan.
Nanotechnology, taken to its full three-dimensional potential, will place within the volume of a cube of sugar systems of vast complexity that far exceed the quantitative and qualitative capabilities of today's largest supercomputers.... more
Each complex network (or class of networks) presents specific topological features which characterize its connectivity and highly influence the dynamics of processes executed on the network. The analysis, discrimination, and synthesis of... more
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and its partners are attempting to restore the riparian ecosystem of the Sacramento River over ~100 river miles, from Red Bluff to Colusa. To evaluate baseline ecosystem conditions, determine how the system is... more
As plant nutrition issues are redefined by society, new applications emerge for a basic understanding of nutrient use efficiency in soil-plant processes to avoid excess on rich soils as commonly found in the temperate zone and make the... more
Consanguinity or inter-cousin marriage is a phenomenon quite prevalent in certain regions around the globe. Consanguineous parents have a higher risk of having offspring with congenital disorders. It is difficult to model large scale... more
When prototyping the requirement specifications of a large and complex system, it is very dificult to express them in a single model containing all the features. It is often disastrous i f the requirement specifications are prototyped in... more
Electronic noses are complex systems built around an array of chemical sensors and designed to mimic the human olfactory system in a wide area of applications. Such systems , and in particular those designed for research applications,... more
Nitrogen fertilization and winter pruning are commonly used to control crop production in peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] orchards. They are also known to affect the dynamics of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) aphid... more
This paper describes the development of a generalized agent -based simulation tool for studying manpower and personnel management behaviors. The subject matter of the simulation are complex organizational behaviors found within Uni ted... more
In this paper, we present a summary of our work on highly photostable supramolecular ruthenium complexes, which may be incorporated into more complex systems for artificial solar energy conversion. We have used supramolecular chemistry... more
We survey and extend the work on the paradigm called "computing by observing". Its central feature is that one considers the behavior of an evolving system as the result of a computation. To this purpose an external observer records this... more
What can enhance the resilience of communities, and can collaborative forms of planning play any role in such an effort? To identify the potential contributions to resilience of collaborative planning approaches and tools, it is important... more
The model of inclined seam excavation is established acc ording to the deformation characteristics of inclined seam and the principles of FEA. It carried out numerical s imulation method to research rock mass movement, surface subsidence... more
Landscape classification is a demanding task,mainly because of andscape's holistic nature. Landscape experts are able to intuitively recognize landscape units which, regarding the morphological and physical factors, prove unified and... more
A well-known problem in complex cognition is the so-called dynamic stocks and flows task (DSF). The challenge in this task is to control different flows, e.g. the inflows and outflows of water to a tank, towards a specified goal... more
Small-world networks are the focus of recent interest because they appear to circumvent many of the limitations of either random networks or regular lattices as frameworks for the study of interaction networks of complex systems. Here, we... more
The waveform data, which is gathered during digital simulation of large and complex systems easily fill up huge amounts of disk space on the simulation computer. This is specially true for many deep-submicron designs. Hence, we developed... more
The current trends in video surveillance systems aim to incorporate mechanisms that understand and remember the activity in a scene to make decisions. These decision modules have as input the object trajectories in a scene resulting from... more
For a long time, one of the major research goals in the computer science research community has been to raise the level of abstraction power of specification languages/programming languages. Many specification languages and formalisms... more
Fractal measurements using the Cantor's dust method in a linear one-dimensional analysis mode were made on the fracture patterns revealed on two-dimensional, planar surfaces in four granites. This method allows one to conclude that: (1)... more
Local assortativity has been recently proposed as a measure to analyse complex networks. It has been noted that the Internet Autonomous System level networks show a markedly different local assortativity profile to most biological and... more
Software understanding (for documentation, maintenance or evolution) is one of the longest-standing problems in Computer Science. The use of "high-level" programming paradigms and object-oriented languages helps, but fundamentally remains... more
... for that taking selected ordering parameters as input is much efficient for modeling. ... Taleb-Bendiab, Performance Evaluation for Self-Healing Distributed Services and Fault Detection Mechanisms, Journal ... 4].M. Steinder and AS... more
We have revised our analysis of the SPIRE observations of 2MASSW J1207334-393254 (2M1207). Recent PACS observations show a bright source located ∼25 ′′ east of 2M1207. There are issues in terms of the detection/non-detection of the bright... more
We investigate the properties of correlation based networks originating from economic complex systems, such as the network of stocks traded at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The weaker links (low correlation) of the system are found... more
This article presents a constrained review of human factors issues relevant to adaptive automation (AA), including designing complex system interfaces to support AA, facilitating human-computer interaction and crew interactions in... more