Complex Networks
Recent papers in Complex Networks
We develop and apply several novel methods quantifying dynamic multi-agent team interactions. These interactions are detected information-theoretically and captured in two ways: via (i) directed networks (interaction diagrams)... more
The viral spread of digital misinformation has become so severe that the World Economic Forum considers it among the main threats to human society. This spread have been suggested to be related to the similarly problematized phenomenon of... more
Complex network statistical analysis tools are helpful to understand silent features of complex systems. One of the most important system growing intentions in recent days is power grid. Complex system like power system with specific... more
Many natural structures can be naturally represented by complex networks. Discovering network motifs, which are overrepresented patterns of inter-connections, is a computationally hard task related to graph isomorphism. Sequential methods... more
A Minimum Vertex Cover is the smallest set of vertices whose removal completely disconnects a graph. In this paper, we perform experiments on a number of graphs from standard complex networks databases addressing the problem of finding a... more
Complex networks theory offers a unique chance to describe protein structures at the light of the intra-molecular interactions network. The perspective is appealing, supported by evidences of the topology weight on protein function and... more
With the increasing functionality and complexity of distributed systems, resource failures are inevitable. While numerous models and algorithms for dealing with failures exist, the lack of public trace data sets and tools has prevented... more
Comparative network analysis is an emerging line of research that provides insights into the structure and dynamics of networks by finding similarities and discrepancies in their topologies. Unfortunately, comparing networks directly is... more
The operation of Echo State Networks (ESNs) is extended to the complex domain, in order to perform nonlinear complex valued adaptive filtering of nonlinear and nonstationary signals. This is achieved by introducing a nonlinear output... more
We show that neural network classifiers with single-layer training can be applied efficiently to complex real-world classification problems such as the recognition of handwritten digits. We introduce the STEPNET procedure, which... more
In our global world, the increasing complexity of social relations and transport infrastructures are key factors in the spread of epidemics. In recent years, the increasing availability of computer power has enabled both to obtain... more
The comprehensive abstract of my
resentation at the 12th EIKE Congress (Munich November 2018)
resentation at the 12th EIKE Congress (Munich November 2018)
This paper analyses the top-level structure of the Bombay Stock Exchange using a complex networks framework. The market is visualized as a network, consisting of stock prices as its nodes, and their dynamic interactions being reflected in... more
Security and reliability are major concerns for future power systems with distributed generation. A comprehensive evaluation of the risk associated with these systems must consider contingencies under normal environmental conditions and... more
Severe space storms pose significant risk to critical infrastructures. They are typically classified as high consequence, low probability events, yet the record over the last several hundred years indicates we may be overdue for a... more
Stability is a concern in complex networks as disparate as power grids, ecosystems, financial networks, the Internet, and metabolisms. I introduce two forms of topological stability that are relevant to network architectures: cut and... more
There are a lot of complex systems all around us. For example, the World Wide Web is a collection of web pages, Social media is a system of people. Going to biology, the human body is also a complex system of bones, muscles, fibers,... more
"Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policy is partially informed by evidence-based measures. Many traditional measures are derived from population averages whose validity assumes adherence to the Central Limit Theorem. When a... more
Eucaridan evolution involved a process starting from a body organization characterized by an elongate and cylindrical cephalothorax, a well-developed abdomen composed of swimming appendages, ending in a tail fan formed by flattened... more
The purpose here is to see if the paper, Universal Resilience Patterns in Complex Networks (Gao, Barzel, and Barabási 2016), can allow " one to think about complexity differently along a path to perhaps suggest modeling applications for... more
Ecole Doctorale N° 488 Sciences, Ingénierie, Santé Spécialité / discipline de doctorat : Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication / Traitement d'images Soutenue publiquement le 02
Literature on the modeling and simulation of complex adaptive systems (cas) has primarily advanced vertically in different scientific domains with scientists developing a variety of domain-specific approaches and applications. However,... more
ABSTRACT: By means of historical-critical analysis of the evolution of metaphors for indicating the structure of knowledge, I will try to identify common themes and differences in the transition from a semantic domain expression of... more
В учебном пособии рассматриваются базовые вопросы теории сложных сетей: характеристики, алгоритмы, модели, задачи поиска, ранжирования, а также приводятся сведения, необходимые для математического и компьютерного моделирования и анализа... more
A review of Peter L. Laurence's just-published BECOMING JANE JACOBS (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016).
This essay analyzes Leonard Cohen's poetry translated and retranslated in France and Quebec, as well as its importance for a theory of retranslation, a concept which today is still very much related to the idea of updating old renditions... more
Este libro ha sido coeditado en el marco del programa Mestizajes del Donostia International Physics Center. Ha sido el resultado de la colaboración entre un físico y un humanista durante dos años, y de las contribuciones de casi noventa... more
.....the double bind as constituting an entirely new, non-material, principle of evolution, major conceptual revisions may need to be made in our general understanding of evolution as contained within the “modern evolutionary... more
Elinor Ostrom's contributions to the understanding self-organization in collective action processes are discussed from a complexity theory perspective. It is argued that complexity researchers can learn from Ostrom's theory building... more
This document is the slides and text of the presentation I gave at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) held April 6-10, 2016, in Orlando, Florida. Comments and suggestions may be emailed to me at... more
RESUMEN: La psicología analítica es la obra de Carl Gustav Jung y sus seguidores. También conocida como psicología de los complejos, el término aparece oficialmente en 1913 para designar una ampliación del psicoanálisis, razón por la... more
Complex systems have been widely studied by social and natural scientists in terms of their dynamics and their structure. Scholars of cities and urban planning have incorporated complexity theories from qualitative and quantitative... more
El método comparativo con el que se envaneció la antropología desde sus inicios (y por el que la disciplina fuera cuestionada por todos los relativismos, perspectivismos y decolonialismos que han habido) nunca existió en plenitud hasta... more
Within a world-system characterized by processes and dynamics whose interconnections and interdependencies increase exponentially each day, we are passing through an extremely delicate and complex phase of global mutation. What we are... more
Megaproject Planning and Management: Essential Readings contains the seminal articles from the growing body of research on megaproject planning and management along with an original introduction by the editor, Bent Flyvbjerg. The leading... more
The main aim of this paper is to answer and discuss whether policy analysis is still relevant in the age of complex governance networks. This paper also proposes an ideal typical definition of policy analysis, which is that a government... more
The success of new scientific areas can be assessed by their potential for contributing to new theoretical approaches and in applications to real-world problems. Complex networks have fared extremely well in both of these aspects, with... more