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      Gender StudiesTheologySystematic TheologyTheological Ethics
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesEthicsNormative Ethics
As plant nutrition issues are redefined by society, new applications emerge for a basic understanding of nutrient use efficiency in soil-plant processes to avoid excess on rich soils as commonly found in the temperate zone and make the... more
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      BiologyAgroforestryCompetitionBiological Sciences
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the viability of Community-Based Tourism (CBT) for achieving sustainable development. The paper pointed out an argument on the facts that CBT befits itself as an active player in the sustainable... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentCommunity Based TourismComplementarityEnvironmental
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      SemioticsLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationSubjectivityMetodología de la enseñanza
This paper study the relation between International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the world economy. First we study the prob- lem in a multiple-network perspective, showing that the two networks are strongly correlated... more
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      EconometricsInternational TradeGravity ModelGlobal Value Chains
Synchrony has been found to increase trust, prosociality and interpersonal cohesion, possibly via neurocognitive self-other blurring. Researchers have thus highlighted synchrony as an engine of collective identity and cooperation,... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceEvolution of cooperation (Evolutionary Biology)Leadership
Successful companies in the information technology sector pursue alliances and acquisitions as a way to compete and grow. It is, however, not clear if these strategies work in all situations. In this study we look at 103 alliances in the... more
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologyApplied EconomicsEvent Study
Understanding the link between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF) is pivotal in the context of global biodiversity loss. Yet, long-term effects have been explored only weakly, especially for forests, and no clear evidence has... more
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Social Legal Theory (SLT) has been heralded as the “third pillar” of jurisprudence, offering a social scientific alternative to the rational relativity of legal positivism and the moral determinism of natural law. Yet recently SLT’s most... more
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      Information SystemsSociologyJurisprudenceGene Culture Coevolution
This article explores the ICC's impact on domestic judicial reform and the rule of law in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Drawing on empirical research conducted in Congo, it assesses to what extent domestic normative,... more
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      International Criminal LawInternational Criminal CourtDemocratic Republic of CongoInternational Criminal Justice
Have we finally found a way to bring together gravity and quantum mechanics in a unified theory? This article looks at the latest research against the backdrop of historical physics experiments, some re-visited with our latest technology.
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum GravityFoundations of Quantum MechanicsGeneral Relativity
An examination of how education policies and expenditures help, and sometimes impede, the establishment of a virtuous cycle of human development in Indonesia, Thailand & Malaysia.
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      Economic GrowthSoutheast AsiaMalaysiaHuman Development
There has been substantial work done interpreting the descriptive texts from the early-modern encounters of Portuguese colonizers in Brazil. The interpretations have had major difficulty with significant elements of the texts, which the... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteratureIndigenous StudiesEarly Modern HistoryPostcolonial Studies
The fractious discussions between Bohr and Heisenberg in Copenhagen in 1927 have been the subject of much historical scholarship. However, little attention has been given to Heisenberg's understanding of the notion of complementary... more
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      PhilosophyInterpretation of Quantum MechanicsSpace TimeComplementarity
El ser humano ha estado en la búsqueda de conocimientos en la realidad; no obstante, en las ciencias sociales dicha realidad cambia. El artículo analiza la investigación cuantitativa asociada a la complementariedad de métodos para abordar... more
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      SociologyArtQuantitative analysisComplementarity
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      Document TheoryComplementarity
Comment repenser l'articulation de la souveraineté nationale en matière pénale avec la compétence des juridictions pénales internationales? L'article évoque notamment les questions de complémentarité et coopération
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      SovereigntyInternational Criminal CourtInternational CooperationComplementarity
The Bohr Einstein debate on the meaning of quantum physics involved Einstein inventing a series of thought experiments to challenge the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum physics. Einstein disliked many aspects of the Copenhagen... more
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum TheoryQuantum MechanicsPhilosophy of Quantum Mechanics
Ziel dieses Papiers ist es, den Jungschen Begriff der Synchronizität als Theorie bildende Metapher aus dem rein psychischen Bereich herauszuholen, um ihn auch in anderen Bereichen einzuführen. Dazu werden zunächst die Verbindungen... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityInternational Criminal LawIsrael/PalestineInternational Criminal Court
INTRODUCTION Si on demande à un physicien quelle est l'interprétation qu'il donne au formalisme quantique la plupart d'entre eux répondront qu'ils adhérent à l'interprétation dite de Copenhague. Cependant dans la pratique il est assez... more
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      Quantum MechanicsLanguageRealityComplementarity
Pe piața produselor de îmbrăcăminte, regăsim două firme aflate în competiția pentru primul loc mondial ce aplică modele de business diferite și cu toate acestea obțin rezultate remarcabile. Este vorba de Zara și H&M: prima se bazează pe... more
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      BusinessRetailInternalizationBusiness Models
The following is fresh translation and commentary on an especially controversial passage in the evangelical community. I suggest, among other things, that Paul is not speaking to men and women in general, but husbands and wives. The... more
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      EgalitarianismApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersPauline TheologyComplementarity
This research paper provides a brief history of the disunity in the SBC caused by the differences in complementarian and egalitarian interpretations of Scripture, argues against the idea that complementarianism is explicit in Scripture,... more
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      Gender StudiesHermeneuticsBiblical StudiesGender Equality
International Criminal Justice in Africa contains a collection of papers by members of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung's African Group of Experts on International Criminal Justice. The members of the group, mostly academics and legal... more
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      International Criminal LawAfricaInternational Criminal CourtUniversal Jurisdiction
The Self, representing the wholeness of the psyche, has in different guises functioned as a role model for the individual, throughout history. In the Christian era, the ideal of the spiritual individual who is morally perfect (Jesus... more
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      ChristianityPsychoanalysisMythologySelf and Identity
In this paper I argue that 1 Corinthians 11:3 is something like a mindmap merging imageries of creation, procreation, and new creation. I'm arriving at this conclusion by adopting Troy Martin's proposal and considering it's implications... more
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      Egalitarianism1 CorinthiansComplementarity1 Corinthians 11:2-16
The concept of complementarity was used as a heuristic tool in the development of quantum mechanics, one of the most complex theories in science. Between 1913 and 1935, Niels Bohr used complementarity to develop his model of the atom,... more
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      Quantum PhysicsComplex SystemsNiels BohrComplementarity
The divide between science and religion has its roots in the early modern period. In the first part, the popular talk of oracles of reason is traced back to the ancient oracles published in the 15th century, and it is shown how this led... more
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      Cosmology (Physics)Science and ReligionPhilosophy of CosmologyWilliam Blake
The domain of applications of quantum mechanics (QM) is enormously successful. However, as diverse ontologies emerge from different interpretations of QM, it is difficult to find a satisfactory interpretation of the theory. This article... more
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      Quantum PhysicsInterdisciplinarityScience and ReligionScientific Realism
> Context • Society is faced with “wicked” problems of environmental sustainability, which are inherently multiperspectival, and there is a need for explicitly constructivist and perspectivist theories to address them. > Problem •... more
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This article proposes a new understanding of structure as a synthetic foundation for theories. For this, I first introduce the notion of inside-outside duality, one that derives from our way of every experience. I then lay this duality's... more
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      StructuralismSocial StructureComplementarityWave particle duality
Many phenomena in the realm of psychology are unapproachable to science. It calls for a complementarian metaphysical model according to which the universe is both spiritual and material. But it is not experiential as a dual universe.... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of SciencePlatoAristotle
The ontologic framework of Fundamental Awareness proposed here assumes that non-dual Awareness is foundational to the universe, not arising from the interactions or structures of higher level phenomena. The framework allows comparison and... more
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      BuddhismQuantum PhysicsPhilosophy of MindComplex Systems Science
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      HistoryPhilosophy of ScienceHistory of ScienceNiels Bohr
This article studies emotional dependency in the context of the couple relationship. The vicissitudes in the negotiation of the parameters in which couples are formed, that is symmetry and complementarity, are considered enough to explain... more
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      PsychotherapyLoveMoral DevelopmentSymmetry
— The low productivity of the Ethiopian diary sector has been explained by the genetic potentials and management practices. Milk production and consumption largely rely on the indigenous cows. To enhance the contribution of dairy to... more
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      Environmental ScienceAdoptionProductivityAgriculture
E. Schro¨dinger's ideas on interpreting quantum mechanics have been recently re-examined by historians and revived by philosophers of quantum mechanics. Such recent re-evaluations have focused on Schro¨dinger's retention of space-time... more
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      PhilosophyQuantum MechanicsInterpretation of Quantum MechanicsSpace Time
Just before Christmas 1941 Luigi Fantappiè, one of the major mathematicians of the last century, saw the possibility of interpreting a wide range of solutions (the anticipated potentials of the wave equations) which had been always... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceEnergyLife SciencesResonance
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      LawSubsidiarityHuman rightLegislation
Classical propositional logic can be characterized, indirectly , by means of a complementary formal system whose theorems are exactly those formulas that are not classical tautologies, i.e., contradictions and truth-functional... more
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      Logical ConsequenceNon-Classical LogicParaconsistent logicDialetheism
Educational philosophy in English-speaking countries tends to be informed mainly by analytic philosophy common to Western thinking. A welcome alternative is provided by pragmatism in the tradition of Peirce, James and Dewey. Still, the... more
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      SemioticsPhilosophy of EducationPsychology of UnconsciousGilles Deleuze
Glosario sobre términos de derecho penal internacional. Tuve la oportunidad de contribuir con la definición del concepto de complementariedad. Disponible en:... more
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      International Criminal LawDerecho Penal InternacionalComplementarityPrincipio De Complementariedad
Although the description just given is meant to apply to a whole series of thinkers in the West, it fits the position of our opening thinker, Plato, with alarming accuracy. Plato inherited a rich tradition of natural philosophy developed... more
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      HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyMathematicsMechanics
Ámbitos educativos diferenciados, educación formal y no formal, pueden y deben interrelacionarse en beneficio de una formación integral del individuo al disponer de muchos más espacios para educar que las propias aulas . El texto pone de... more
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      Primary EducationComplementarity
The Special Criminal Court in the Central African Republic can be viewed in two ways. The optimistic view is that it is a vindication of the idea that the international community should complement the efforts of states in the fight... more
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      International LawInternational Criminal LawInternational Criminal CourtPeacekeeping
Resumen: La alfabetización científica significa lo que el público debe saber acerca de la ciencia con el fin de participar en la sociedad del conocimiento. Nuestro objetivo es demostrar cómo la teoría epistemológico constructivista de... more
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      EpistemologyTechnologyHumanismScientific Literacy
Ja n e M a nsbr i d ge , Ja m e s Boh m a n, Si mon e Ch a m ber s, T hom as Ch r ist i a no, A rchon Fu ng, Joh n Pa r k i nson, Den n is F. Thompson a n d M a r k E. Wa r r en The last several decades have seen growing agreement among... more
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      HeuristicsInclusionCitizen JournalismBoundaries