Recent papers in Compilations
RESUMO: Nesta breve comunicação coloca-se a questão de saber em que medida eventuais fragmentos do Direito romano foram convertidos em Ius proprium, passando a servir de fonte imediata de Direito português, através da colectânea oficial... more
Colt 45 - Underground Post Punk, Tropical Tapes, Lo-Fi Electronics and Other Sounds from Brazil [1983-1993] explores an experimental post-tropicalist sensibility emerged in the early 1980s with the arrival of independent art scenes in key... more
1- Introduction
2- Notion de base
3-Instalation des fichiers sources
4-Réponse aux questions de configuration
5- Compilation et installation du noyau
2- Notion de base
3-Instalation des fichiers sources
4-Réponse aux questions de configuration
5- Compilation et installation du noyau
This ADVENTIST TODAY web site snapshot includes the paper “Ellen G. White and Her English Composition Skills” posted in the magazine and the lame arguments and excuses some Ellen White “believers” have made in her defense as a reaction to... more
The Holy Land was described not just in the accounts of the pilgrims who visited the most sacred land of Christianity, but also in several compilations and collections of texts conceived as guidebooks for clerics and pilgrims. From the... more
The heralds' compendia are covering a surprising variety of texts, dealing as well with the heralds and their office itself as well as the different ceremonies of chivalry and the organisation and the symbols of the noble society.... more
Fascination for antiquity had different aspects in medieval Italian comuni. Medieval cities could claim a Trojan or a Greek origin; ancient stones and epigraphs were reused for the construction of churches or public buildings. Relics of... more
Nel sistema di produzione e fruizione dei testi, la compilazione è nel Medioevo tra i modi che riscuotono maggiore successo non solo tra storiografi e enciclopedisti ma anche tra i narratori. Il contributo prende in esame le procedure di... more
Processes of compiling are of great importance for medieval production aesthetics. This pertains to the selective and restructuring incorporation of ancient culture into medieval thinking as well as to... more
A survey of 5 Slavonic texts arbitrarily attributed to (patriarch?) Gennadius and an analysis of the relations between the two versions of the Izmaragd and its dependence on the Knjažij Izbornik.
Inventory of initia of the early 10th c. Bulgarian compilation "Minejnyj Izbornik" (Bulanin 1991), source of the "Knjažij Izbornik" (Veder 2008), with alphabetic listing
This article shows how the Franciscan Convent of Mount Zion represented a centre of copy and production of texts throughout the last centuries of the Middle Ages, texts that were often consulted by pilgrims while visiting the Holy Land.... more
Inventory of initia in the late 14th c. Bulgarian compilation "Catena aurea" with alphabetic listing.
A review of 15 Slavonic compilations, datable to the 9–11th c., and their interrelations. Their combined size of more than 400,000 words (ca. five times that of original compositions) recommends them for study, if only for the textual... more
Le Roman d'Alexandre, redige en vers par Alexandre de Paris entre 1180 et 1185 n'est pas, comme les autres romans dits d'Antiquite (Thebes, Troie et Eneas) la traduction d'une source latine. L'ouvrage est une... more
ce cours se vocalise sur :
- la structure d'un commpilateur.
- Analyse Lexicale
-Analyse Syntaxique
-Analyse Sémantique
- la structure d'un commpilateur.
- Analyse Lexicale
-Analyse Syntaxique
-Analyse Sémantique
Through this chapter the crafting of compilations is explored as an act, art, and expression of music making, illuminating the listeners’ and compilers’ positions as cocreators of meaning, function, and purpose. Music becomes repositioned... more
The structure of the Slavonic translation of the Apophthegmata patrum and of three compilation derived from it.
An early Rusian compilation revealed to be a unitary political document, attributable to Jacob the Monk and datable to ca 1036, marking the beginning of the acquisition of Slavonic texts in Rus’.
Analysis of the structure and text history of ch. 31 of the early Bulgarian compilation Merilo pravedno (Just Measure), which is compiled from 2 Enoch 65.
The purpose of this study is to examine the significance of the studies of the Hungarian composer and ethnomusicologist Bela Bartok, which became a basis for the ethnomusicology studies in Turkey during the nation state formation process... more
The relations between four 10th century Glagolitic compilations from available Slavonic texts show that the 2008 attribution of the Knjažij Izbornik to "the edification of the crown prince" is untenable. They also open up a perspective on... more
The available measurements of the geo-mechanical properties of rocks in Southern Ontario and the neighbouring regions (New York, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota) are summarized and presented. These measurements... more
From the back cover: With an innovative approach that combines material media history, media theory, and literary poetics, this book reconstructs the great German writer Theodor Fontane's creative process. Petra McGillen follows... more
A study of 14th century manuscripts of the Roman de la Rose, with an extended look at Paris, BnF, 12786, one of only two extant manuscripts that give evidence of the single diffusion of Guillaume de Lorris's part of the Rose (the other... more
Resumo Retomando a perspectiva de Manoel Luiz Salgado Guimarães a respeito da escrita da história no Brasil no século XIX como um campo de disputas em aberto, " um debate que se travava sem que o vencedor estivesse definido a priori " ,... more
Jeudi 5 et vendredi 6 mai 2022 Jeudi 5 mai 9h30-10h-Accueil 10h-10h30-Introduction Fiona Lejosne, Oury Goldman, Maxime Martignon 10h30-12h-De recueil en recueil : lectures transversales et migration des textes Présidence de séance : Oury... more
Close examination of five compilations from texts previously translated into Slavonic (two of which are edited) and their interrelation leads to the recognition that they form part of a corpus with at least another eleven compilations... more
Edition in 2 volumes (1 Introduction and Indices, 2 Text), published by Universitetsko izdatelstvo " Kiril i Metodij", Veliko Tărnovo, 2008.
The history of a compilation copied in a 14th c. Russian MS (its last entry in fair copy by the same scribe in cod. Moskva GIM Čud. 14).