Competitive Analysis
Recent papers in Competitive Analysis
In this paper, we generalize the Ski-Rental Problem to the Bahncard Problem which is an online problem of practical relevance for all travelers. The Bahncard is a railway pass of the Deutsche Bundesbahn (the German railway company) which... more
In this assignment, you will demonstrate how to best understand and evaluate the critical features of your external environment.
For those unfamiliar with complex competitiveness models, or who lack the time for long-term, in-depth analysis, the Competitiveness Assessment Model is a simple tool that allows for analysis beyond the known quantifiable data into... more
The aim of this master thesis is the detailed presentation of a business plan focused on the world of graphic arts, particularly in the screen printing subsector. In it you can see each of the parts that compose a business plan,... more
У статті визначено модельні характеристики кваліфікованих волейболісток, які включали 36 показників підготовленості та змагальної діяльності. На основі отриманих результатів було розроблено десятибальну шкалу оцінки, використовуючи яку... more
The purpose of the report was analysing the current marketing strategy and operations of Mangers (owned by C&C Ltd) this consisted of an external, internal and competitive report. Broadly this highlighted that Magners fell from market... more
Health organizations have started to become more market-driven. Therefore, it is important for health organizations to analyse the competitive dynamics of their industrial structure. However, relevant theories and models have mainly been... more
Deliveroo is a British online food delivery company that has operations in the UK,
The focus of market research is to capture systematically product information, such as, market competitive analysis data, competitors' product data, etc. The paper describes an integrated template for product improvement by tactically... more
Preface 1. Introduction to competitive analysis: the list accessing problem 2. Introduction to randomized algorithms: the list accessing problem 3. Paging: deterministic algorithms 4. Paging: randomized algorithms 5. Alternative models... more
This essay aims to clarify the definition of the area of Strategic Studies in what concerns its approach and methodology. The fact that Strategic Studies are not exclusively focused in military problems is underlined. In peacetime... more
Comparison and analysis of competitive advantage at Google, PepsiCo and Singapore Airlines.
Sort is a fundamental kernel used in many database operations. In-memory sorts are now feasible; sort performance is limited by compute flops and main memory bandwidth rather than I/O. In this paper, we present a competitive analysis of... more
In this assignment we analyze Etihad airways on the following topics: Basic Introduction; Background; ETIHAD’S CORE VALUES; COMMITMENT; VISION AND MISSION; HISTORY; LOYALTY PROGRAM; FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE; FINANCIAL POSITION; FINANCING... more
Starbucks is the market leader in the beverage industry.Starbucks is known world-wide for its high-quality food products and the differentiated “Third Place” atmosphere. A brief summary of Starbuck’s History and a detailed introduction... more
Competition between students in the academic setting has long been the major tool that is supposedly used to spur students' improvement in various areas. As such, the adverse effects are neglected. This artcle proves the fact that the... more
That is a suggestion book... I am not the auhor
The authors are Dong-Sung Cho and Hwy-Chang Moon
The authors are Dong-Sung Cho and Hwy-Chang Moon
Nestle Pakistan is one of the leading company and this report presents a strategic management analysis of the company touching every dimension.
Este livro é um contributo para a expansão dos estudos de informações e de segurança na Universidade, realizado na perspectiva da História do Presente e sobretudo através da aplicação da técnica da open sources intelligence (osint),... more
ARTICLE in BUSINESS INFORMATION REVIEW 19(2):39-47 · JUNE 2002 Outlines the processes involved in competitive intelligence, and discusses what it is, how to do it and gives examples of what happens when companies fail to monitor their... more
Logistics can be described as having the right type of product or service at the right place, at the right time and in the right condition. The global logistics industry has grown significantly and logistics has been an important part of... more
Porter five forces analysis is a framework to analyze level of competition within an industry and business strategy development. It draws upon industrial organization (IO) economics to derive five forces that determine the competitive... more
National Cash Register (NCR) Corporation supports idea generation through a defined work at a pace expectation. Whereby, NCR currently holds approximately 2,500 patents and continues to work on the leading edge of technology. From a... more
La estrategia competitiva tiene como propósito definir qué acciones se deben emprender para obtener mejores resultados en cada uno de los negocios en los que interviene la firma ESTRATEGIA COMPETITIVA F IR M A ¿cuáles son las distintas... more
The online food ordering system is one of the latest services. With this method, food is ordered online and delivered to the customer. This is possible through the use of electronic payment system. Customers pay with their credit cards,... more
The importance of competitor analysis How firms can best identify against whom they are competing How to evaluate competitive relationships How to identify competitors' likely response profiles The components of the competitive... more
1 Scope and Purpose | Determination of competitive market structure among rival brands and market segmentation represent well-known concepts in strategic marketing planning. During the last decade, approaches that combine the two... more
ESCRIBO en busca del gozo y el presente de cada tiempo para recorrer un cuerpo de cada risa y cada razón para estar riendo Escribo desde el escepticismo prendido a mi cintura desde la soledad y los encuentros Escribo para estar viva para... more
Social media are utilised widely. Companies increasingly use social media to communicate and interact with customers. Much information is thereby generated and is available to everybody, including competitors. Firms need to analyse what... more
We present a model-based approach for competitive analysis of manufacturing plants. As part of this approach, we propose the application of Operational Competitiveness Ratings Analysis (OCRA) to measure the competitiveness of plants in... more
This article investigates the factors underpinning the competitive dynamics between multi-national corporations (MNCs) and domestic companies in base of the pyramid (BoP) markets.We analyze the case of a multi-domestic MNC, Hindustan... more
El Cluster Bioindustrial del Azúcar, ubicado en el valle geográfico del río Cauca en Colombia, es un buen caso de la evolución de un complejo productivo, que construye inicialmente su competitividad a partir de ventajas comparativas... more
El Grupo del Cluster Forestal se creó a raíz de la iniciativa de los Presidentes de Centroamérica de delegar a Harvard-INCAE la elaboración de estrategias de competitividad para llevar las economías centroamericanas al Siglo XXI, en un... more
Lean production has become an integral part of the manufacturing landscape as its link with superior performance and its ability to provide competitive advantage is well accepted among academics and practitioners. Lean production... more
This paper has been prepared as an exercise in strategic analysis as part of my MBA program at the American University of Beirut (AUB), fall 2012-2013 semester. My co-authors: Nadine Mhanna & Atef Sinno.
This article provides an analysis of the problematic of foresight in traditional Chinese thought, articulating it with current developments in the epistemology of futures studies, planning theory, and strategic management. It is argued... more