Recent papers in Compassion
Boccaccio inizia il Proemio del Decameron con le parole « Umana cosa è aver compassione degli afflitti », e spiega che essendo stato egli stesso nel passato distolto dai dolori dell'amore dai « piacevoli ragionamenti d'alcuno amico »,... more
In this chapter, I reflect on the implications of Mencius' conception of compassion for one of the most important problems that defines the Western philosophical tradition: the relationship between reason on the one hand and desire and... more
Stand-alone self-compassion or mindful self-compassion, presented independently from the cultivation of other-oriented compassion, has recently emerged as a specific field of secular training and research. Its purported Buddhist... more
Empathy Circles are a hands on, walking the talk, empathy practice. The circles are based in science from many different disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, biology, philosophy and arts (i.e. dance and literature). When... more
Resilience as a Protective Factor Against Compassion Fatigue in Trauma Therapists by Daniel P. David MSW, New York State University at Stony Brook, 2002 Abstract Many adults in the United States experience posttraumatic stress disorder... more
In everyday language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, "people often confuse the words empathy and sympathy." As is clarified promptly, "empathy means 'the ability to understand and share the feelings of another' (as in both... more
The archetypal Death Mother symbolizes women whose behaviour or feelings threaten the lives of their children. Western culture, however, believes that women evolved to love their children instinctively and selflessly, and that women who... more
Compassion, Moderation, and Humility in Interpersonal Relationships 98 I have three treasures Which I hold and cherish. The first is known as compassion, The second is known as frugality The third is known as not daring to take the lead... more
The Oskar Schindler Humanities Foundation established The Irving and Jeanne Glovin Award in 2003, to foster research into the meaning and underlying principles for “good human conduct.” The Foundation is interested in stimulating... more
It comes as no surprise that the students we serve are experiencing heightened levels of stress and anxiety. Liu and colleague’s (2019) research “point to an urgent need for service utilization strategies, especially among racial/ethnic,... more
This research examines the impact of attending a Well Now course on participants' wellbeing and contrasts this with their reports of previous experiences of seeking support with weight concerns. The Well Now course teaches health-gain and... more
The paper presents a comparative analysis of Max Scheler’s and Friedrich Nietzsche’s concepts of compassion, in the light of Scheler’s critical treatment of Nietzsche’s ethical and anthropological ideas. In The Nature of Sympathy ,... more
While games may help to support skills practice and attitudinal change, the game creation process itself may also be effective in enhancing empathy and compassion for other people. Nigeria has over 250 ethnic groups and 500 languages amid... more
Historic inequities exacerbated by COVID-19 and spotlighted by social justice movements like Black Lives Matter have reinforced the necessity and urgency for societies and organizations to bring healing into focus. However, few integrated... more
This paper focuses on the elevated need for compassion in writing instruction. There is ample research and a long history of writing about empathy and compassion, from Plato and Aristotle to bell hooks and Paulo Friere, and I provide a... more
Wisdom traditions around the world share an ethic of lovingkindness, grounded in the belief of Oneness, a belief in spiritual oneness, corresponding to the notion that everything partakes the same constituting principle—energy,... more
IN THEIR BOLD VISION Forward Framework, the Association for College Personnel Administrators (ACPA; 2018) has defined an explorative divesting of power from colonizers as decolonization. The defini- tion of decolonization is “a long-term... more
O interesse pela vida e pela experiência de fé da pastorinha Jacinta Marto motivou-nos a explorar a atitude de compaixão não só como categoria hermenêutica da personalidade desta criança, mas também como categoria heurística para repensar... more
This paper argues that political compassion is a necessary disposition for engaging with human rights principles and combatting social injustices such as racial discrimination. Drawing from Martha Nussbaum’s theory of political emotions,... more
conservative for progressives? Too often, political questions are framed in impossible ways for the faithful Christian: we're forced to choose between social justice and biblical values, between supporting women and opposing abortion. As... more
Is our affective capability that makes us "moral"? Are our moral acts necessarily due to some emotion? I deny that. We might have unemotive moral agents; just regulated by internal moral principles and decisions. Conversely, only a... more
Intellectual and Developmental Disability is a disorder that affects individuals’ adaptive and intelligent performance in practical, social, and conceptual areas. The present study aimed to compare the effectiveness of parenting education... more
Whilethiswasonlyasmallstudy,andassuchneedstobetreated withsomecaution,itdoesreinforcetheneedtothinkaboutthe wellbeingoftheworkforceandthenecessityformanagersto providesupportforAPsintheirroles.
Despite its advantages in social contexts, trait guilt can have deleterious effects on one’s sense of self. This paper aims to investigate the extent to which this construct may serve as an interpersonal strength while simultaneously... more
The emerging ‘turn to sentiment’ in cosmopolitan thought is to be welcomed insofar as it better reflects the sort of beings that humans are, and it overcomes some deficiencies in exclusively rationalist accounts of cosmopolitan... more
In this paper I explore how the cultivation of compassion, karuṇā,
developed from involving a potentially joyful experience in early
Buddhist thought to taking on a more painful tonality in later times.
developed from involving a potentially joyful experience in early
Buddhist thought to taking on a more painful tonality in later times.
This paper argues that meditation is only partially determined by its technique but to a much greater degree by its ethical and cultural context. As a case in point, the paper analyses the origins and evolution of the meditation of... more
The aim of this paper is to detail a recent paradigm shift in the field of cognitive science (the so-called embodied or enactive approach to cognition) and to demonstrate how its unique approach to understanding life, the mind, and... more
Participatory action research is often informed by strength-based approaches such as appreciative inquiry. However, when social change and collective action appear to be difficult, feelings of powerlessness and suffering can arise. There... more
What does Equality have to do with Compassion? Compassion is often thought of as sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. Training compassion means learning to tune in to other people in a kind and loving... more
We are all very much a work in progress. It is a lifetime's journey to come to terms with life and to get a grasp on what it might mean for us to play our particular part in its unfolding drama. As we age, we grow in experience and in... more
Feeling concern about the suffering of others is considered a basic human response, and yet we know surprisingly little about the cultural factors that shape how people respond to the suffering of another person. To this end, we conducted... more
Theoretically, people who have the benefits of secure social attachments should find it easier to perceive and respond to other people's suffering, compared with those who have insecure attachments. This is because compassionate reactions... more
The is a book about authenticity. The first few chapters deconstruct authenticity then the remaining chapters reconstruct it as
1. Attachment
2. Atonement
3. Attunment
4. Presence
5. Congruence
1. Attachment
2. Atonement
3. Attunment
4. Presence
5. Congruence
Objective: Physicians are expected to be compassionate. However, most compassion research focuses on compassion fatigue – an outcome variable – rather than examining the specific factors that may interfere with compassion in a... more
'Of all the teachings, the ultimate is Emptiness, of which compassion is the very essence. It is like a very powerful medicine, a panacea that can cure every disease in the world. And just like that very powerful medicine, the realization... more
Tatak ng isang Kristiyano ang pagpapaubaya at pagpapakumbaba.
Following research evidence that suggests that the gratification derived from the consumption of sad content can be better explained by the experience of meaningful affect/feelings of being moved than by the experience of sadness, this... more
Anmerkung: Da der Verlag ohne Rücksprache mit dem Autor den Titel verändert hat und der von den performativen Gesten im Werk von Johann Baptist Metz geprägte Text durch die Layoutierung im publizierten Band weitgehend unleserlich geworden... more
The aim of this dissertation is to draw a connection between romantic love and love for God, through the eyes of three philosophers, Miguel De Unamuno, Erich Fromm and Vladimir Solovyov. Each thinker’s theory will be explained and briefly... more