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Sri Ramakrishna is widely known as a nineteenth-century Indian mystic who affirmed the harmony of all religions on the basis of his richly varied spiritual experiences and eclectic religious practices, both Hindu and non-Hindu. In... more
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      ReligionHinduismPhilosophyAnalytic Philosophy
a) Problemeröffnung: "Eine Offenbarung, die wahrhaftig wäre…" Holbachs Einheit von Religions-und Offenbarungskritik Beginnen wir diese Vorlesung, deren Gegenstand so oft und vielfach diskutiert wurde, nicht mit einer längeren, mehr oder... more
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      Systematic TheologyKarl RahnerMaurice BlondelSecond Vatican Council
I argue that contemporary philosophers have unduly ignored Sri Ramakrishna’s pioneering views on religious pluralism. The Bengali mystic Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886) taught the harmony of all religions on the basis of his own spiritual... more
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      ReligionHinduismPhilosophyPhilosophy Of Religion
A volume of essays on the topic of rebirth, or reincarnation, which explore this topic from theological, philosophical, historical, and literary perspectives, with a primary focus on Hindu, Christian, and scientific claims about this topic.
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      ChristianityHinduismParanormalAfterlife studies
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      ReligionChristianityHinduismComparative Religion
This book breaks away from this clash between Islam and the West, by arguing that European Islam is possible. It analyses the contribution that European Islam has made to the formation of an innovative Islamic theology that is deeply... more
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      European StudiesMulticulturalismPhilosophy Of ReligionIslamic Contemporary Studies
It is the result of my own work and includes nothing which is the outcome of work done in collaboration except where specifically indicated in the text. Word Count excluding bibliography: 85869, not exceeding the word limit of 87000 set... more
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      Pseudo-DionysiusJodo ShinshuComparative TheologyHenri de Lubac
considers the unfortunate entailments of using the category "theology" for Buddhist thought
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      BuddhismComparative ReligionComparative PhilosophyBuddhist Philosophy
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      PhilosophyTheologyArabicArab Christian Studies
Parallels between the spiritual paths of Theravāda Buddhists and Discalced Carmelites have long been observed, although not satisfactorily explained. This study contributes to objectively clarifying the similarities and differences... more
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      ReligionChristianityBuddhismComparative Religion
Somewhat belatedly and perhaps datedly, as it was examined ten years ago, this thesis explores the effects of twentieth century controversies around the theology of nature and grace on Hans Urs von Balthasar and Karl Rahner’s theology of... more
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      Karl RahnerHans Urs von BalthasarComparative TheologyHenri de Lubac
Recent years have seen a proliferation of proposals for multiple religious belonging. While Sri Lankan theologian Aloysius Pieris is often cited as an exemplar of this phenomenon, he himself grants it no separate space of analytical... more
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      BuddhismContemporary ChristianityReligious PluralismReligious Conversion
This paper employs the hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer as a tool to underpin the methodology of Comparative Theology. Acknowledging limitations in Gadamer’s framework, it argues these can either be overcome or bypassed in this context.... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionTheology
This dissertation is a qualitative study of reflection practices among Buddhist chaplains and chaplain interns using grounded theory methods. This study describes and interprets the existing reflexive practices of Buddhist chaplains to... more
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      BuddhismPractical theologyBuddhist StudiesChaplaincy
Prophets are revolutionaries, and Zarathustra was the earliest one…He was the messenger of Ahura Mazda, the refuge of the weak, the solace of the suffering, the hope of humanity, and the regenerator of the world." -Dastur M.N. Dhalla 1
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      Comparative ReligionZoroastrianismAncient ReligionInterreligious Dialogue
by Tuba Işık
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      Islamic StudiesInterreligious DialogueComparative TheologyMuslims in Germany
The article is intended to provide an adequate analytical description of the theology of the Eucharist as it is formulated and understood within three Protestant theological traditions: the Lutheran, the Anglican and the Russian Baptist.... more
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      TheologyBaptist TheologyProtestantismEucharist
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      Comparative ReligionReligious PluralismComparative TheologyIslamic Theology
Must the God of monotheism necessarily be a “nice” God, as Richard Dawkins seems to imply? One problem with this formulation is that it takes for granted that God is a moral agent that can be judged, and found wanting, by the same sort of... more
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      HinduismTheodicyAdvaita VedantaTantra
The nature and field of comparative theology is mapped with particular attention to the tradition associated with Francis Clooney but noting the global and wider context of theology in a comparative mode. There are four main parts.... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionTheologyFeminist Theology
Den Koran „europäisch“ zu lesen, meint nach Angelika Neuwirth, den Koran vor dem Hintergrund der Spätantike zu lesen, als eine Stimme jener Zeit, „die wir gewohnt sind als formative Epoche für das spätere Europa zu reklamieren“ (Angelika... more
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      Cultural HistoryBiblical StudiesQuranic StudiesComparative Theology
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      BuddhismBuddhist PhilosophyTheologyBuddhist Studies
The unfortunate event of the historical intersection of European colonialism and the Christian mission has become problematic for Christian identity in India. While the stark reality of Indian religious plurality has to be adequately... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyPostcolonial StudiesHybridity
Burgeoning efforts in “Abrahamic dialogue” reflect increasing interest in utilizing the common appeal to Abraham by Jews, Christians and Muslims in today’s pluralistic world. Abraham is frequently recruited as a key ally in efforts to... more
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      Abrahamic ReligionsBiblical TheologyComparative TheologyQuranic and Islamic Studies
Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? We answer: it depends. To begin, we clear away some specious arguments surrounding this issue, to make room for the central question: What determines the reference of a name, and under what... more
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      ChristianityPhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of Language
Can the comparison of two theologians vastly separated in time and space help contemporary theologians to think better? This book argues that it can. Specifically, this book argues that the novel and burgeoning discipline of comparative... more
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      HinduismComparative ReligionTheologySystematic Theology
Fax: 09-264.9483 I want to see how he has walked the tight rope and what its results are. The sub-title of his book, deep learning across religious borders, suggests that inter-religious learning should not only be 'deep' but also that it... more
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      HinduismComparative TheologyComparative Science of CulturesTheology of Religions
One of the main challenges to interreligious dialogue is in locating a proper balance between commitment to one's own religion while maintaining openness to the other. 1 "Can one combine openness and identity, dialogability and... more
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      Paul RicoeurComparative TheologyTheology of Religions
This chapter looks at how dialogue between theologians of the Christian East and West would be enriched by a non-synthetic approach (giving up making syntheses of once own positions or of those of the other), where difference was valued... more
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      ChristianityTheologySystematic TheologyPhilosophical Theology
Paper and presentation slides from the American Academy of Religion annual conference, presented November 17, 2018, in Denver, CO, for the Theological Reflections unit.
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      Comparative TheologyInter-religious DialoguePastoral Care and CounsellingSpiritual care
Published in: Robert W. Jensen and Eugene Korn editors, Swords into Plowshares: Reflections on Religion and Violence (Essays from the Institute for Theological Inquiry). Center for Jewish and Christian Understanding and Cooperation... more
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsComparative ReligionJewish Law
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsComparative TheologyMishnah Avot
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      ChristianityChinese PhilosophyConfucianismComparative Theology
In addition to serving as a historical record, the collection and publication of these essays serve several purposes: they show how Mennonite and Shi`ite scholars seek to make themselves understood to those of other traditions without... more
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      Interreligious DialogueComparative TheologyShiism, Shiite Islam, Shii IslamMennonite theology
Comparative theology is a relatively novel theological approach that revolves around a practice of comparative reading of authoritative religious documents. The International Theological Commission’s Theology Today: Perspectives,... more
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      Systematic TheologyComparative Theology
The Christian tradition’s core theological assertion is the embodiment of God in the person of Jesus Christ. Yet, even while asserting God’s incarnation in space and time, the tradition has usually denied embodiment unto the Godhead... more
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      ChristianityHinduismComparative ReligionTheology
This essay identifies salient points of affinity and divergence in the monistic metaphysics and skeptical methodologies of the German idealist Hegel and the Indian Advaitin Śrī Harṣa. Remarkably, both Śrī Harṣa’s Khaṇḍanakhaṇḍakhādya (c.... more
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      Comparative ReligionPhilosophyMetaphysicsComparative Philosophy
Globalised Western hegemony has resulted in the obscurest parts of the world having a contrived front to present to Western visitors and investigators. In European languages, many of these fronts are known as world religions. These... more
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      TheologyAfricaGlobalisation and DevelopmentComparative Theology
Hindu Theology and Biology: The Bhāgavatapurāṇa and Contemporary Theory is a conceptually ambitious book, because it seeks to articulate a program and a position so novel that there is scarcely any extant literature to draw on.
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      ReligionHinduismComparative ReligionEvolutionary Biology
This essay proposes that Buddhism and Christianity can be brought into a complementary, mutually enriching relationship through exploring the theme of "desire." Both traditions in different ways depict a human condition distorted by... more
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      Religious PluralismComparative TheologyInterfaith DialogueBuddhist-Christian Studies
Abstract: This paper disputes that a strong contrast can be drawn between the Old Comparative Theology and the New Comparative Theology, looking particularly at the arguments of Hugh Nicholson as well as drawing on Francis Clooney. It... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionTheologyHistory of Religion
While many attempts at theodicy explain evil as unavoidable, even for an omnipotent being, except at the cost of a greater good, another approach to theodicy is based on the idea that at least some moral standards do not apply to both God... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionKalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic StudiesProblem of Evil
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      Comparative TheologyReligious StudiesMechthild of MagdeburgMechthild von Magdeburg
ABSTRACT: Space, time, cosmos, and architecture are interconnected with the realm of the sacred. At present the modern world and its architecture of newness, speed, information, and consumerism appears to be losing its sense of sacredness... more
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      ChristianityComparative ReligionSpace and PlaceCosmology (Anthropology)
Die Theologie der Religionen wird oft mit dem Vorwurf konfrontiert, sie sei abstrakt, allgemein und viel zu theoretisch, sie beschäftige sich nicht mit den konkreten Problemen vor Ort und sei deshalb auch schon längst überflüssig... more
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      Israel StudiesCatholic TheologyJewish - Christian RelationsJudaism
Several varieties of moral constructivism are defined. Epistemological moral constructivism is the thesis that moral knowledge or justification is acquired ‎ through the use of and reflection on the practical point of view or the... more
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      Virtue EthicsIslamic PhilosophyComparative TheologyMulla Sadra
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      HinduismReligious PluralismComparative TheologyVedanta
In the last year of the second millennium, the Jubilee Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church adopted several important documents, one of which—The Basic Principles of the Russian Orthodox Church’s Attitude towards Heterodoxy,... more
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      TheologyRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian HistoryComparative Theology
This research outlines the concept of resurrection from the ancient Hebrew Torah to Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity according to authoritative and linguistically accurate scriptures accompanied by English translations. Although some... more
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      ChristianityBibleJudaismComparative Theology
Co-edited with Elizabeth Harris and Shanthikumar Hettiararchi, Brill, Currents of Encounter Series, 2016
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      ReligionTheologyInterfaith DiscourseJewish - Christian Relations