Comparative Theology
Recent papers in Comparative Theology
It is the result of my own work and includes nothing which is the outcome of work done in collaboration except where specifically indicated in the text. Word Count excluding bibliography: 85869, not exceeding the word limit of 87000 set... more
In this article, I reconsider the relation between revelation and prophetic political witness by means of a critical correlation between George Hunsinger's retrieval of Karl Barth's "Chalcedonian imagination" and the defense of verbal... more
Il confronto tra il cristianesimo e le altre religioni oggi necessita di essere compreso e riconfigurato nel contesto della pluralità delle tradizioni religiose. Il pluralismo incide sulle culture e sulle società coinvolgendo il modo di... more
Ovaj esej, baziran najprije na teološkim promišljanjima Miroslava Volfa u knjizi Allah: kršćanski odgovor (Ex Libris, 2015.), ima za cilj iskoračiti iz svojevrsnog mentalnog dogmatskog kazamata u polje promišljanja transcedentalnog kao... more
“Theologians do not compare to discover which religion is better, but to be illumined by the religious ‘Other,’ while remaining rooted in their own traditions.”
A cross-comparison of the Grand Mosque and the Papal Basilica of St. Peter the Divine and the broader themes of Christianity and Islam.
Co-edited with Elizabeth Harris and Shanthikumar Hettiararchi, Brill, Currents of Encounter Series, 2016
Paper and presentation slides from the American Academy of Religion annual conference, presented November 17, 2018, in Denver, CO, for the Theological Reflections unit.
The Confucian-Christian dialogue began with the Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci in sixteenth-century China. As Ricci found a theological ally in the Confucian tradition, he devoted years in China to the study of the Confucian classics in... more
In the vast collection of his writings, the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur only sporadically raised the issue of interreligious dialogue. In this book, comparative theologian Marianne Moyaert argues that Ricoeur’s hermeneutical... more
For centuries, Christian theology has understood the Eucharist in terms of metaphysics or in protest against it. Today an opening has been made to imagine the sacrament through the method of phenomenology, bringing about new theological... more
It would be fair to say that in recent times there has been a growth in the acceptance of the so-called New Atheism as professed by such eminent scientists as Richard Dawkins and others. What is different about New Atheism, as compared to... more
Anand Amaladass SJ, "The Experience of Wholeness and God-equivalents in Hinduism", in "Dialogue & Alliance" 5/1 (1991): 44-54
To watch the video presentation, visit:
Apophatic Measures: Toward a Theology of Irreducible Particularity is a work of constructive comparative theology examining select writings of Śaṅkara (Eighth Century, India) and Nicholas of Cusa (Fifteenth Century, Germany). It... more
A book review published in Religious Studies Review.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who... more
Learning Interreligiously: In the Text, in the World is a fascinating series of about one hundred blog posts written from November 2008 to December 2016 by Francis X. Clooney, a global scholar known for his work in the field of... more
The nature and field of comparative theology is mapped with particular attention to the tradition associated with Francis Clooney but noting the global and wider context of theology in a comparative mode. There are four main parts.... more
ABSTRACT: Space, time, cosmos, and architecture are interconnected with the realm of the sacred. At present the modern world and its architecture of newness, speed, information, and consumerism appears to be losing its sense of sacredness... more
Сборникът „Святото във философия на религията. Рудолф Ото“ е първи том от поредицата „Библиотека Философия на религията“. Идеята за тази поредица се роди в резултат на желанието ни да представим пред българския читател едни от най-важните... more
* People identified with being "spiritual but not religious (SBNR)" now comprise around a quarter of American adults and their number keeps growing. Despite the ambiguity of their spiritual states which defy easy characterization, SBNRs... more
Within the Western Christian tradition two distinct methodological approaches dominate the contemporary theological landscape: (1) the anthropological approach embodied in Paul Tillich’s theology of culture, and (2) the revelational... more
Though the notion of vulnerability regularly pops up in Clooney's reflections on comparative theology, he does not develop a systematic account of it. What precisely vulnerability is and how it impacts on interreligious dialogue do not... more
What makes Mama Pacha so dear to self-identified Indigenous Christian- Andean communities and so unpalatable to many theologians and Christian churches’ officials? This article explores Mama Pacha as God’s Spirit present in the world.... more
The question of whether or not Thomas Aquinas's theology is supersessionist has elicited deep disagreement among scholars. Some maintain that Aquinas is the standard-bearer of a supersessionist church that undermines Judaism, while others... more
Announcement of the 2nd WORLD ENCOUNTER TERESIAN MYSTICISM AND INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE: Chan/Zen Buddhism and Carmelite Spirituality: ON LOVE AND COMPASSION (Ávila, Spain, July 26th to 30th of 2022).... more
This is part of a larger work in progress, intended for translation into Chinese to introduce the Bhagavad-gītā to Chinese readers. As noted in the article, this is highly exploratory, and while admittedly exposing my ignorance of Chinese... more
This study is focused on the Christian doctrine of justification by faith, comparing the Eastern Orthodox perspective, represented by the theological thinking of the Romanian theologian Dumitru Stăniloae, with the Protestant Reformed... more
Anand Amaladass SJ, "Indian Image of Christ", in "Co-worker For Your Joy: Festschrift In Honour of George Gispert-Sauch SJ", eds. S. Painadath SJ & Leonard Fernando SJ (Delhi: Vidyajyoti College & ISPCK, 2006): 61-85
Sri Ramakrishna is widely known as a nineteenth-century Indian mystic who affirmed the harmony of all religions on the basis of his richly varied spiritual experiences and eclectic religious practices, both Hindu and non-Hindu. In... more
While many attempts at theodicy explain evil as unavoidable, even for an omnipotent being, except at the cost of a greater good, another approach to theodicy is based on the idea that at least some moral standards do not apply to both God... more
Course Description: This course will explore comparative theology as a spiritual discipline in which the understanding of one's own faith tradition is deepened in light of engaged study with another faith tradition. After learning about... more
This volume is a collection of recent, and in most cases previously unpublished, essays about the philosophical exploration, critique and comparison of (a) the major philosophical models of God, gods and alternative ultimate realities... more
“Christian Ecumenism and Inter-Religious Dialogue: Convergences and Divergences,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 55:2 (2020), 167-189. DOI:
This paper compares modern Advaita (nonduality) Vedānta and Roman Catholic afterlife beliefs, with special attention to the dialogue of Swami Vivekananda, formal Roman Catholic teachings, and the thought of Edith Stein. It draws also on... more
The Quran mentions "the Scale" (mizān) and "the Scales" (mawāzīn) in the context of the Reckoning, or the Hour (i.e., the Day of Judgment), and these images are emblematic of the Quran's teaching on salvation-that a sinful person with a... more
Recent years have seen a proliferation of proposals for multiple religious belonging. While Sri Lankan theologian Aloysius Pieris is often cited as an exemplar of this phenomenon, he himself grants it no separate space of analytical... more
Ова студија коју нудимо широком спектру читалаца и која је управо због тога писана једноставним и не претерано академским стилом, жели да попуни празнину „површног или фрагментарног познавања” тренутне ситуације у званичном дијалогу... more
IBN TAYMIYYA : Réponse « raisonnable » aux chrétiens ? - Foi et raison dans la spiritualité d'Ibn Taymiyya, avec édition et traduction de : La réponse valide à ceux qui ont altéré la religion du Messie (al-Jawāb al-ṣaḥīḥ li-man baddala... more
Comparative theology is a relatively novel theological approach that revolves around a practice of comparative reading of authoritative religious documents. The International Theological Commission’s Theology Today: Perspectives,... more
This book breaks away from this clash between Islam and the West, by arguing that European Islam is possible. It analyses the contribution that European Islam has made to the formation of an innovative Islamic theology that is deeply... more
The Christian tradition’s core theological assertion is the embodiment of God in the person of Jesus Christ. Yet, even while asserting God’s incarnation in space and time, the tradition has usually denied embodiment unto the Godhead... more
“Thomas Plant has written a timely, profound, and trenchant work. He writes with admirable verve, eloquence, and scholarly precision: this is an important book.”—DOUGLAS HEDLEY, Director of the Cambridge Centre for the Study of... more
Prophets are revolutionaries, and Zarathustra was the earliest one…He was the messenger of Ahura Mazda, the refuge of the weak, the solace of the suffering, the hope of humanity, and the regenerator of the world." -Dastur M.N. Dhalla 1