When one learns of any horrific act done in history, one question often arises: How? How could’ve this happened? This paper examines how much that question can be answered with a single word: dehumanization. The concept of dehumanization... more
Esther Bejarano (December 15, 1924 – July 10, 2021), a Holocaust survivor and dedicated artist, pursued avisionary utopia aimed at achieving unity and peace between Jews and Palestinians in Palestine. Her approach is characterized by a... more
Initial salvo in the defense of my dissertation.
Opening salvo in my doctoral defense. What is a credible accusation.
This essay contends that contemporary research should pay greater attention to three fundamentally human characteristics of dehumanization. First, we argue that scholars need to better consider and analyze the ideological context of... more
This is strictly a primer for the classroom in leading a discussion as to whether a genocide accusation has enough merit to investigate as a class project or an individual student’s capstone, thesis, or dissertation.
This is strictly a primer for the classroom in leading a discussion as to whether a genocide accusation has enough merit to investigate as a class project or an individual student’s capstone, thesis, or dissertation.
This is strictly a primer for the classroom in leading a discussion as to whether a genocide accusation has enough merit to investigate as a class project or an individual student’s capstone, thesis, or dissertation.
The footprints of historical, jurisprudential, and scholarly records unambiguously indicate that the origins of international mass atrocity crimes can all be traced back to their conceptual, linguistic origins. Within this constellation,... more
The main objective of the article is to discuss whether food procurement methods during the Armenian Genocide could be considered as unarmed resistance. For this purpose, the first part of the article touched upon some scientific... more
Hendrik Witbooi (1830-1905): Literary memories in Afrikaans in historical context In this article I discuss the literary treatment of Hendrik Witbooi in P.J. Philander’s poetry collection Vuurklip (1960) alongside apartheid-era depictions... more
Hendrik Witbooi (1830-1905): Postcolonial and post-apartheid depictions in Afrikaans and Dutch 21st century literary texts I discuss depictions of Hendrik Witbooi in Afrikaans and Dutch by writers from the Netherlands, South Africa and... more
On January 19 the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued an interim ruling in the case brought against Israel by South Africa for the crime of genocide committed against the Palestinian residents of Gaza.
In this paper, I examine critically the possibilities for implementing the Responsibility to Protect (RtoP)–the principle agreed upon by Member States of the UN to prevent genocide and other mass atrocities–in Indonesia given its ongoing... more
In 2016, the icty Trial Chamber found one of the greatest hate and fear propagandists of the Yugoslav wars, Dr Vojislav Šešelj, not guilty on all counts of the indictment. A full comprehension of the role the propaganda played was lost... more
Genocide is often considered the height of atrocity; the worst example of what humanity can inflict on each other. After the adoption and ratification of the Genocide Convention by the United Nations in 1948 in the aftermath of the... more
The aim of the paper is to provide with insights those young teachers who, in the course of their work, happen to participate in face-to-face discussions on various aspects of The Armenian Genocide with their philology, history and... more
Athens, Greece "'Jeveslik cries out to Heaven against us, we shall be doomed among the nations' one of these declared, while another pleaded with the Vali that the Turkish national honour should be no longer stained with such crimes... more
The media played a significant role during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. Media messages took two forms: incitement to kill (or “incitement to violence”), and hate propaganda (or “hate speech”). In 2003, the International Criminal Tribunal... more
Holocaust vs. Popular Culture debates and deconstructs the binary responses to the representation of the Holocaust in European and non-European forms of Popular Culture. The binary is defined in terms of "incompatibility" between the... more
The Ukrainian Famine of 1932–3: The Role of the Ukrainian Diaspora in Research and Public Discussion
Events in Ukraine during 1932-3 have been surrounded by controversy. Did a famine occur that took millions of lives? If a famine occurred, did natural causes (poor harvest and drought) and the destruction of livestock and seed grain... more
This article looks at the international criminal law on hate speech that falls short of direct and public incitement to commit genocide. Using the most egregious form of hate speech that has been prosecuted as an international crime —... more
HOUSED IN THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS ARCHIVE at Geneva is a collection of intake surveys from the Rescue Home in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo. These documents record the histories of some 2,000 Armenian girls, boys, and young women who... more
My contribution to the international conference "The Crime of Genocide: Prevention, Condemnation and Elimination of Consequences" (Yerevan, December 2010), published in 2011 in a collective monograph.
Mein Vortrag handelt von einem der größten Staatsverbrechen des an Staatsverbrechen reichen 20. Jhs. Deshalb hat man dieses Jahrhundert auch als Jahrhundert der Völkermorde bezeichnet. Ich beziehe mich heute Abend auf den Genozid in der... more
the two books discussed here join a current pushback against the concept (thus also against claims for the historical occurrence) of genocide. Nichanian focuses on the armenian "aghed" ("catastrophe"), inferring from his view of that... more
Ակտիվների արժեթղթավորումը ժամանակակից ֆինանսական շուկաների կարևոր գործառույթներից է, որը սակայն ՀՀ-ում դեռևս արմատավորում չի ստացել: Հոդվածում քննարկվում են զարգացած երկրներում արժեթղթավորման տարբեր դրսևորումները, նշվում են ՀՀ-ում դրանց... more
Not long ago I found myself in the back of a battered old car, juddering down a long bumpy road in Rwanda. It was dusty and hot. The journey was longer than expected. We were in search of one particular building. When we finally arrived... more
The Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (“the Convention”), as amended by the Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees (“the Protocol”) with effect from 4 October 1967 [1], prohibits contracting parties from expelling... more
One of the most frequently asked questions in the wake of the genocide which took place in Rwanda in 1994 has been 'how could it happen?,' or more specifically, how could it be that so many thousands of individual citizens throughout the... more
The emergence of a sustained scholarly interest in the origins of humanitarian organisations is a relatively new phenomenon, which has – in part – led to an overly positivistic and uncritical understanding of humanitarianism, in both its... more
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the beginning of the Rwandan genocide. From April to July 1994, over 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed. In addition, 250,000 women became victims of sexual violence, many of whom were... more
3. His research focuses on the history of health professions in the late Ottoman and Mandatory Middle East, with a focus on Palestine; the history of expertise in the Middle Eastern mandates; and the history of alcohol in the modern... more
This volume of three interrelated studies aims to explore the various contingencies through which individuals responsible, to various degrees, for promoting expressions of racist hate were subjected to markedly different types of legal... more
Antisemitism is a pervasive social issue in Canada. A common response is to invoke the law. Law is expected to bring justice to perpetrators and solace to impacted individuals and communities. This thesis examines legal responses to... more
This paper undertakes a comparative analysis of the motives behind three state-induced genocides within South Asian, which are: (i) the 1971 Genocide in present-day Bangladesh, (ii) the Cambodian Genocide (1975-1979), and (iii) the... more
Athens, Greece "'Jeveslik cries out to Heaven against us, we shall be doomed among the nations' one of these declared, while another pleaded with the Vali that the Turkish national honour should be no longer stained with such crimes... more
This Article examines the framework of criminal accountability for direct and public incitement to commit genocide and critically evaluates the claim made in ICTR Trial Chamber judgments that a causal connection exists between... more
HOUSED IN THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS ARCHIVE at Geneva is a collection of intake surveys from the Rescue Home in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo. These documents record the histories of some 2,000 Armenian girls, boys, and young women who... more
This paper applies the methodological premise of the 'social life of things' to give insight into the context and movements of a collection of records found at the Norwegian National Archive, that contribute to the documentation of the... more