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The Constitution of Kenya of 2010 adopts a bicameral legislative structure, within a devolved system of governance, consisting of the National Assembly and the Senate. In keeping with the devolved structure of government, the Senate’s... more
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      Constitutional LawComparative FederalismConstitutional CourtsKenyan Law
This special issue of the journal, which collects some of the papers presented at the latest World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law in Oslo, is entirely devoted to subnational constitutionalism. Its approach... more
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      Comparative Constitutional LawComparative FederalismSubnational Constitutionalism
Andrew Harding and James Chin (2014) 50 Years of Malaysia: Federalism Revisited (Singapore: Marshall Cavendish) pp. 152-185
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      FederalismComparative FederalismMalaysian StudiesMalaysian Politics
Este segundo trabajo de la "Serie Federalismo y Administración Pública" examina los modelos de gestión pública existentes en países federales. En particular, se analiza el paso desde un modelo de "federalismo dual" a uno “cooperativo";... more
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      FederalismComparative FederalismInstitutions (Political Science)Federalismo
El nivel intermedio de gobierno en un estado garantiza la articulación de las funciones estatales entre el centro y la periferia, y su adecuada configuración requiere adecuarse a la realidad del estado en que se encuentra. Colombia vivió... more
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      FederalismRegionalismComparative FederalismFederalism and Intergovernmental Relations
Like all other nations Nigeria aspires to greatness but over five decades after Independence still ranks very low on all parameters of good governance. The objective of the paper is to examine the concepts of leadership, participatory... more
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      SociologyPublic FinanceDevelopment StudiesPolitical Theory
By a chronological coincidence, this book intended to explain Spanish autonomous state to foreign readers is published in the year in which the Spanish autonomous state has become international news due to the great challenge it is facing... more
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      Constitutional LawFederalismComparative Constitutional LawComparative Federalism
Minority issues in Africa have surfaced in various dimensions affecting the socio-political landscape of the continent. The protection of minorities is without doubt crucial to securing sustainable peace, economic development as well as... more
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      Political ScienceAfricaComparative FederalismMinority Rights
The evolution of Russia's center-regional relations represents a unique political puzzle. At first glance, the country's territorial, cultural, and ethnic diversity may well lead to the emergence of a federal society. This should make... more
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      Comparative ReligionSociologyRussian StudiesLaw
Finding the appropriate balance between diversity and social cohesion is a common concern in constitutional design, particularly in societies divided along ethno-linguistic and religious lines. Constitution drafters have often addressed... more
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      African StudiesConstitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawComparative Federalism
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      Comparative PoliticsFederalismComparative FederalismDemocracy
Argentina is a major producer of lithium, a vital mineral for making a transition from fossil fuel to renewable energy. Mining is concentrated in three Northwestern provinces, Catamarca, Jujuy, and Salta. Although they have shared... more
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      Latin America (Comparative Politics)FederalismLithiumArgentina
Like all other nations Nigeria aspires to greatness but over five decades after Independence still ranks very low on all parameters of good governance. The objective of the paper is to examine the concepts of leadership, participatory... more
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      Public FinanceDevelopment StudiesPolitical TheoryPublic PolicyStudies
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      Comparative Constitutional LawSecessionCanadian Constitutional LawComparative Federalism
This article shows the demos-enabling elements of the Brazilian federal state by examining the decision-making process of 59 legislative initiatives regarding the taxes, policies and expenditures of subnational units submitted to the... more
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      BrazilComparative Federalism
With some exceptions, efforts to systematically apply a historical-institutionalist framework to the study of federalism have been few and far between. This paper argues, however, that historical institutionalism lends itself particularly... more
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      American Political DevelopmentHistorical InstitutionalismComparative FederalismConstitutional Politics
This article embraces comparative law to consider some of the moments that, in over 70 years, led from the granting to the revocation of the autonomy of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). It argues that the epilogue of this... more
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      Comparative LawLegal HistoryFederalismComparative Federalism
This volume presents the first systematic comparative analysis of national traditions of local democracy across the developed world, as well as their origins and evolution. It reveals how inclusive local institutions that integrate... more
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      Comparative FederalismComparative Historical AnalysisMultilevel governanceComparative Local Government
Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or... more
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      ReligionDevelopment StudiesHuman RightsIndian studies
This text proposes a reflection on the paths covered by some of the central topics of a republican framework regarding the organization of state powers and the very idea of ​​the national community. It focuses on a particular country,... more
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      European StudiesContemporary HistoryFederalismRegionalism
Graduate work focused on role of South Africa’s upper parliamentary chamber, known as the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) after the creation of the most recent constitution in 1996, within the federal constitutional arrangements.... more
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      South African Politics and SocietyFederalismParliamentary StudiesComparative Federalism
Much of the scholarly work on Brazilian federalism has long focused on the ways in which decentralization has produced institutional paralysis under intergovernmental conflict. This article, by contrast, suggests that Brazil has been... more
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      Comparative PoliticsLatin American politicsPoliticsBrazil
This is paperback edition of the 1999 book, unchanged except for a brief Epilogue dealing with Kosovo. I still think this is the most detailed study of constitutionalism at the end of Yugoslavia, and in the constitutional design of the... more
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      Democratic TheoryBalkan StudiesContemporary HistoryNationalism
En los Estados territorialmente descentralizados, como los Estados federales o el Estado autonómico español, la decisiva cuestión relativa al reparto del poder público entre la Federación o el Estado central y los estados miembros... more
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      Comparative FederalismFederalismoDerecho constitucionalCompetencias
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    • Comparative Federalism
Formát nášho príspevku nevyhnutne redukuje komplexné teoretické diskurzy na úroveň všeobecnej deskripcie. Preto uvádzame aspoň propedeutický prehľad. Našou ambíciou je venovať sa základným postulátom tradičných teórií medzinárodných... more
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      European integrationComparative FederalismRealism
Al juliol de 1869 les delegacions del Partit Republicà Democràtic federal dels antics territoris de la Corona d'Aragó es reuniren a Tortosa per proposar un model federatiu d'organització d'aquests i l'establiment d'una república federal a... more
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      HistoryRepublicanismFederalismComparative Federalism
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      MethodologyNationalismPolitical InstitutionsComparative Federalism
RESUMO: Considerar os povos platinos como soberanias independentes implica adotar uma perspectiva radicalmente distinta da historiografia atual sobre o tema; supõe considerar as habitualmente chamadas " províncias " como Estados que,... more
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      FederalismArgentina HistoryArgentinaComparative Federalism
El origen de este trabajo es indagar por qué dos países federales, con vasto territorio, similares formas de gobierno, con contemporáneos procesos de transición a la democracia, presentan muy disímiles modelos de sistemas de partidos.... more
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      Comparative PoliticsMethodologyNationalismPolitical Institutions
Este capítulo 3 del libro coordonado par Ilan Bizberg sobre la diversidad de los capitalismos en America latina es un primer intento de corregir el sesgo que constituye la ausencia de un lugar dedicado a la naturaleza federal de los... more
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      Comparative PoliticsLatin America (Comparative Politics)Comparative HistoryFederalism
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      Comparative PoliticsFederalismComparative Federalism
In many European countries are being held constitutional debates. The search for a broader form of participation of all social forces with a new, so-called governance, the struggle for autonomy, regionalism and federalism, they all have... more
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawComparative PoliticsAustria (European History)
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      Comparative PoliticsSoutheast Asian StudiesSouth Asian StudiesFederalism
Saggio pubblicato nel volume "Il Risorgimento italiano. Le culture politiche che hanno fatto l'unità d'Italia", a cura di G. Parlato e M. Zaganella, Roma, Fondazione Ugo Spirito/Cooperativa Nuova Cultura, 2010, pp. 97-134.
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      Modern HistoryFederalismComparative FederalismRisorgimento
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      FederalismComparative FederalismUnited KingdomPolitics of Devolution in the UK
Author(s): Sharma, Chanchal Kumar | Abstract: This paper argues that in response to contemporary challenges, the federal governance structure in India requires fine-tuning. A directional shift is required from a cooperative model to a... more
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      SociologyPolitical ScienceFederalismFiscal Federalism
This article contests the view of Spain as a federation based solely on the notion of the constitutionally entrenched devolution of powers through the rigidity of the national and regional constitutions. To that effect, the article looks... more
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      Comparative Constitutional LawComparative FederalismSpainRegional Autonomy
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      Constitutional LawComparative FederalismFederalism and Intergovernmental RelationsAdministrative Law
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      FederalismIndian FederalismComparative FederalismUnited States of America
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted governance. A strong intergovernmental response is critical for stemming the worst damage during the outset of a disaster. Collaborative planning with networks of constituent... more
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      Political ScienceFederalismAustraliaComparative Federalism
While specialists in nationalism have paid a good deal of attention to central aspects of culture such as language and religion, they have paid remarkably little attention to that other aspect of culture around which nationalism so often... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical ScienceNationalismFiscal federalism and decentralization
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      FederalismFiscal federalism and decentralizationComparative Federalism
This book addresses core issues concerning nations, states, nation-states and statenations. The authors identify the latter as the main functional alternatives to ‘nations-states’, although both must share the necessary condition of being... more
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      Ethnic StudiesNationalismFederalismNational Identity
This comprehensive scholarly book on comparative federalism and the Covid-19 pandemic is written by some of the world's leading federal scholars and national experts. The Covid-19 pandemic presented an unprecedented emergency for... more
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      FederalismComparative FederalismBrazilian PoliticsFederalismo