Comparative Criminal Law
Recent papers in Comparative Criminal Law
The discourse on the 'Islamization' of laws in the legal systems of post-colonial Muslim states is dominated by two conflicting narratives. The dominant Western narrative views the Islamization of laws as the reincarnation of narrow and... more
Aktuelle Informationen über Befunde in Impfstoffen zur angeblichen Coronabekämpfung. Gesunde Menschen, die in der guten Resonanz und in der Balance aller Kräfte sind, dürfen sich entspannt zurück lehnen und das Leben weiter, als ein... more
L'Istituto ha lo scopo di: a) Studiare e dibattere, collaborando anche con altri Enti ed Istituti Internazionali, la soluzione dei problemi che interessano la legislazione di tutti i popoli, in un piano mondiale, attraverso... more
L’immagine più diffusa della pirateria è forse quella legata ai romanzi di Emilio Salgari o di Robert Louis Stevenson, ed in tempi più recenti a pellicole e serie televisive americane di grande successo. Denominatore comune, sono le... more
Analysis of the 2018 Polish "memory law", the amendment to the Act on the Institute of the National Remembrance. The article presents legal and political context behind the law and situates it among similar legislation passed in Russia... more
U poslednjih pet godina, tačnije od avgusta meseca 2009. godine, svedoci smo postepenog uvođenja i popularizacije zaključivanja sporazuma između javnog tužioca i okrivljenog u krivičnom postupku Republike Srbije. U početnoj fazi razvoja... more
In recent years it has spread increasingly in international criminological and legal studies the expression "penal populism", indicating by this formula a number of distortions in the functioning of the judicial institutions because of... more
Youths under 18 years get trapped into the Juvenile Justice System after being suspected of committing a delinquent or criminal act. The United States tops in Juvenile arrests in the world. States like West Virginia, Alaska, Oregon, South... more
ss.; G. VITALI, Imprese e integrazione economica europea: una lettura di lungo periodo , in Comunità internaz., 2005, p. 37 ss.; cfr. anche V. DONATI-VI, Concorrenza e mercato nel prisma dell 'ordinamento giuridico: appunti per una... more
ITA: Il presente lavoro, esaminando le scelte operate dalla l. n. 190 del 2012 alla luce delle pulsioni riformatrici degli interpreti interni e delle organizzazioni internazionali, oltre che di un’analisi comparata con gli ordinamenti... more
There is growing consensus that the insider-trading regime in the United States, the oldest in the world, is in need of reform. Indeed, three reform bills are currently before Congress, and one recently passed the House with overwhelming... more
Nell’ambito di un lavoro orientato a comprendere il ruolo della rule of law sull’equilibrio fra sicurezza e libertà nell’ambito di sistemi democratici di qualità, il presente capitolo si propone principalmente di offrire una panoramica,... more
This essay’s aim is to explore possible factors that shaped the necessary emergence of organised police forces in the United Kingdom
The internet has given birth to new concepts in various fields, such as in the field of trade (e-commerce), education (e-learning), government (e-government), business (e-business) and politics (e-democracy). This new concept certainly... more
Schedule 17 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013 introduced Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs) into the English legal system. On the 30th of November 2015 the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited entered into the first-ever... more
Drug prohibition allows us to study over a significant period of time how penal provisions framed at a supranational level flow, settle and unsettle across different countries. At a time of growing doubt about the benefit of... more
This paper represents the second part of a work that thoroughly analyses the common law offence of conspiracy. This second paper deals with the structure of the offence. In particular, it focuses on its definition and juridical nature... more
Вред является одной из центральных, системообразующих категорий, находящейся в центре основных понятий и институтов уголовного права. Вместе с тем сущность данного социально-правового явления далеко не всегда подвергается детальному... more
The hereby presented thesis work - still unpublished - deals with the problem of supervision in the context of corporate criminal liability, particularly with the profile of compliance programs. The main question is: can the compliance... more
Il volume esamina il concetto di consumazione del reato, dal duplice punto di vista dogmatico e politico-criminale. Dopo avere dato conto delle attuali tendenze in tema di consumazione, l'Autrice analizza la teoria "formale" e quella... more
Rights of women in prison have been addressed in the Bangkok Resolution in 2011 and later in 2015 by the Mandela Rules. Nevertheless, with more than 700 000 women in prison around the world it is appalling to witness the lack of measures... more
The paper focuses on the review of material criminal law provisions of European legal systems regarding defamation and libel. As such, it covers statements (passing on statements) and acts that injure, or are capable of injuring, the... more
Following the highly publicized deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown at the hands of white local law enforcement officers, along with the subsequent failure of the justice system to address this repugnant state of affairs, it has... more
An introduction to comparative criminal law, with discussion of its histories and functions and of selected topics.
Sosiologi pemidanaan merupakan diskursus alternatif diantara dua tradisi diskursif yang cukup mapan dalam memahami pemidanaan, penologi dan filsafat. Artikel ini memperkenalkan secara singkat beberapa pemikir yang membahas peran... more
Produced and distributed for t.m.c. asser press by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,... more
English translation of excerpts from Paul Johann Anselm Feuerbach's influential criminal law textbook, a foundational text in German criminal law. The first edition of the textbook appeared in 1801; this translation is based on the 13th... more
Due to the development in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the computer has become host for the perpetration of all sorts of crime. The advent of communication technologies has allowed for terrestrial forms of interpersonal... more
A meno di tre anni dalla riforma "di sistema" del 2012 (l. n. 190), la l. n. 69 del 2015 ha ulteriormente irrobustito l'apparato repressivo delle patologie lato sensu corruttive, avvertite nel nostro Paese come sempre più dilaganti e... more
Bullying is a complex phenomenon, rich of implications. Multiple and complex are its causes as multiple can be its consequences. Several persons are involved in such phenomenon (the bully, the victim, the so-called "non-involved... more
Deborah W. Denno, Empirical Use of Neuroscientific Evidence in Criminal Justice, in THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BEHAVIOURAL NEUROSCIENCE (2nd ed.). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier _ (Sergio Della Salla, ed. 2021) (forthcoming) The growing... more
The right to a remedy and remedies are of fundamental importance for any society. This paper examines selected issues relating to remedies in comparative criminal law: evolution, definition, types and specifics of the remedies in certain... more
Although Malaysia and Singapore have been stark holdouts to the Commonwealth-wide trend away from the mandatory death penalty toward discretionary capital sentencing, recent legislative reforms in Singapore and a softening of public... more
Since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, freedom of association has been universally and customarily acknowledged as a fundamental right under international law. The... more