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This policy-oriented research aims to provide insights and recommendations to the Department of Education, Commission on Higher Education, and other organizations involved in the Alternative Learning System (ALS) Program in the... more
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      Community of PracticeEnterprise EducationTeacher LearningYouth and employment
This article discusses the role of practices and people's participation in practices in conceptual accounts of organizing, learning, and organizational learning. Specifically, the discussion takes its point of departure in Jean Lave and... more
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      Practice theoryOrganizational LearningJohn DeweyCommunity of Practice
This paper examines the extent to which a structured undergraduate research intervention, UROP, permits undergraduate students early access to legitimate peripheral participation (LPP) in a research community of practice. Accounts of... more
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      Higher EducationCommunities of practiceUndergraduate ResearchCommunity of Practice
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      Learning and the BrainReflective PracticeCommunity of PracticeEducational design
Special interest groups or communities of practice are seen as important mechanisms for knowledge sharing in the knowledge management literature. However, there are few empirical studies of communities of practice in the software... more
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      Software EngineeringKnowledge ManagementAction ResearchKnowledge sharing
Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationTransformations of education in changing Europe are multifaceted. One of the latter is the process of strengthening the cooperation among universities in this part of the world. This... more
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      EducationCreativityEnglish languageAndragogy
This paper presents a narrative enquiry of the use of learning technologies and communities of practice (Wenger, 1998) in creating and delivering the online Master of Arts (Writing) at Swinburne University of Technology. We consider the... more
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      Creative WritingPolitical ScienceTeaching and Learning Writing OnlineCommunity of Practice
Neste artigo, apresentam-se episódios da prática de um grupo de estudos, formado por professores e futuros professores que se constituiu em uma Comunidade de Prática de Formação de Professores de Matemática, com o objetivo de evidenciar... more
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesTeacher EducationPolitical Science
Supporting context-based collaboration among online users is an important issue to computer-mediated collaboration to fulfill specified tasks. However, several problems make it difficult to be aware of the context. The context of the user... more
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      Community of PracticeCSCWInformation SearchMathematical Sciences
The Bachelor of Nursing (BN) program at Central Queensland University requires students to complete industry based clinical practicum in each of the 3 years of their program. Students spend 40– 60% of their week off campus in clinical... more
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      Online LearningLearning CommunityCommunity of PracticeFlexible Delivery
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      Bounded RationalityLearningCommunity of Practice
Nowadays, Knowledge Management System (KMS) becomes a common medium to distribute knowledge by using the IT as enabler tools for everyone to reach, share with among the members, and used it from any workplace in the world at any time. In... more
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      Knowledge ManagementCompetitive advantageCommunity of PracticeResearch and Development
This paper reports on a case study in which a textile-sloyd teacher sent a message to an internet-based community of practice seeking advice from other textile-sloyd teachers regar- ding how to cope with unruly boys. Two major themes... more
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      DidacticsClassroom ManagementCommunity of PracticeSloyd
This article presents the work of a research and action group that promoted the creation of spin-outs by women researchers in science and engineering. The project involves developing and offering a community of practice to support women... more
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      EntrepreneurshipCommunity of PracticeSpin outSTEM
This paper takes an interdisciplinary view on the societal role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The applied research case discussed in building a global online community of practice for people working on community-based... more
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      EngineeringKnowledge ManagementInternational DevelopmentOnline Communities
The success of information system development involving multi-organizational collaboration can depend heavily on effective knowledge sharing across boundaries. This paper reports on a comparative examination of knowledge sharing in two... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsInformation TechnologyKnowledge sharing
Background: Since being identified as a concept for understanding knowledge sharing, management, and creation, communities of practice (CoPs) have become increasingly popular within the health sector. The CoP concept has been used in the... more
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      BioinformaticsHealth CareSocial InteractionKnowledge sharing
Complex Adaptive Systems of Systems, or CASoS, are vastly complex eco-socio-economictechnical systems which we must understand to design a secure future for the nation and the world. Perturbations/disruptions in CASoS have the potential... more
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      System DesignCommunity of PracticeTheory and PracticeComplex Adaptive System
Implementing and evaluating a Communities of Practice model to align diverse learning and teaching styles in a transnational university. Why did you choose the project? The project was chosen to explore an effective approach to engage... more
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      Teaching and LearningLearning and TeachingTransnational EducationCommunities of practice
This paper analyses the current standing of nursing within the wider United Kingdom (UK) higher education (HE) environment and considers the development of academic identity within the sector, introducing a technology mediated approach to... more
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      NursingHigher EducationOrganizational CultureProfessional Identity
We use identity as a multidimensional lens to explore ways in which beginning teachers saw themselves as scientists and as science teachers during and after 10-week summer apprenticeships at a science lab. Data included four interviews... more
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      Science EducationActivity TheoryRisk TakingSpeech acts
Using a theoretical perspective of communities of practice, this case study examines a prospective chemistry teacher's inquiry-based teaching during his practicum. Conrad was a former student of an inquiry-oriented science course, Inquiry... more
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      ChemistryScience EducationCase StudiesNature of Science
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      Cross-Cultural StudiesEnglish language teachingCommunity of PracticeBritish Studies
ABSTRACT The process of apprenticeship is one means of entering a new profession. Along with the technical skills entailed in learning a new job, apprentices need to acquire proficiency in appropriate ways of communicating in order to... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyCognitive ScienceLinguistics
This paper describes a study of a social media knowledge community designed to induct preservice teacher candidates into the unstructured domain of teaching, The goal of the analysis was to examine the development of Technological... more
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      Social MediaCommunity of PracticeTeacher Resilence
Over the past decade the rapid pace of technological innovation has changed the knowledge-based society and gradually changed the way teaching and learning are conducted (Hargreaves, 2003). Teachers are increasingly viewed as not only the... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationE-learningOnline Communities
For more information on published articles by Hugh Willmott please refer to
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Musical activities are often an integral part of the home life of young children and their caregivers. Activities include songs and rhymes that coordinate the daily routine, as well as opportunities for learning and engagement in a wider... more
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      MusicEducationEarly Childhood EducationEarly Childhood Music Education
Construction is an experience-based discipline, knowledge or experience accumulated from previous projects plays very important role in successful performance of new works. More and more construction organizations have adopted commercial... more
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      EngineeringKnowledge ManagementKnowledge sharingProblem Solving
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      Human TraffickingCommunity of PracticeCommercial Sexual Explotation
Microblogging is the Web2.0 technology with the most important impact in the recent months, with applications in many domains, including education. On a microblogging platform, users can send and receive messages via the web, SMS, instant... more
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      Instant MessagingCommunity of PracticeCase StudyOnline Courses
Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or... more
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      SociologyCommunity OrganizingCase Study ResearchEconomic Justice
A prominent phenomenon in education in Europe and internationally is the demand for research-based education, which is also the case in Sweden, the context of this study. Therefore, greater academic demands have been placed on teachers,... more
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      Action ResearchTeachers' professional developmentSocial learningCommunity of Practice
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      Knowledge ManagementCommunity of Practice
Both quantitative and qualitative methods are being increasingly used to investigate the learning dynamics that take place within CSCL environments. Since such practices are a crucial aspect of the CSCL field, Design Patterns (DPs) can be... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceInstructional Design
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      EducationCommunity of PracticeMind Culture and Activity
How should lecturers teaching postgraduate creative writing in an online master of arts build and maintain e-community to support and socialize learners? The study proposes that such programs need to attend to writers’ investments in... more
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      Online LearningCreative Writing Theory and PedagogyCommunity of PracticeTeaching Creative Writing
MUN simulations can be considered a community of practice since they possess Wenger's (1998) three criteria-mutual engagement, a negotiated joint enterprise, and a shared repertoire. House (2003) argues that ELF too can be considered a... more
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      Global CitizenshipEnglish as a Lingua FrancaNegotiationGlobal Leadership
This study describes how a group of early childhood educators from a diverse range of classroom cultures and pedagogies came together to form a network of support and collaboration, what Gorodetsky and Barak (Teach Teach Educ... more
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      Teacher EducationEarly Childhood EducationTeachers' professional developmentCommunity of Practice
Considerable interest exists among lifelong learners in the USA about fossils and the science of paleontology. Unlike some other science-related groups, e.g., astronomy and ornithology, interest in fossils among amateur paleontologists is... more
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      PaleontologyCommunity of Practice
Purpose -This paper seeks to scope the nature and form of practices, understandings and institutional arrangements that might contribute to the successful ''design'' and continuity of Communities of Practice (CoP) in a state government... more
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      Knowledge ManagementResearch DesignData AnalysisSystems Thinking
This paper presents a study of one public-private partnership in e-government in Sweden, Bygga Villa, that involved 16 organizations from academia, government, and industry to develop an innovative internet portal for the private... more
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      Public Private PartnershipsCommunity of PracticeProject Managment
This paper presents a narrative enquiry of the use of learning technologies and communities of practice (Wenger, 1998) in creating and delivering the online Master of Arts (Writing) at Swinburne University of Technology. We consider the... more
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      Creative WritingTeaching and Learning Writing OnlineCommunity of PracticeCurriculum and Educational Technology
The purpose of this paper is to critically explore the communities of practice approach to managing knowledge and its use among management academics and practitioners in recent years. In so doing, the aim is to identify the limits of the... more
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      MarketingKnowledge ManagementCommunities of practiceCommunity of Practice
Background: In the experience of health professionals, it appears that interacting with peers in the workplace fosters learning and information sharing. Informal groups and networks present good opportunities for information exchange.... more
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      Informal LearningHealth CareImplementation ScienceProfessional Identity
avvy executives recognize that a company's core organizational and operational processes are cru- cial to realizing its competitive potential. These organi- zational processes integrate the goals of the business into its... more
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      Community of PracticeProcess IntegrationBest practiceLean Production
This article introduces the concept of academic social space as a useful construct to understand and interpret the academic language socialization of individuals in English second language academic spaces. Academic social space builds on... more
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      Ethnography of CommunicationSocial Production of SpaceNarrative AnalysisMultimodal Discourse Analysis
RESUMO: Este artigo trata da noção de identidade em diferentes tipos de pesquisa sociolingüística que elegem como objeto de estudo a variação/mudança, com o propósito de averiguar de que modo diferentes instâncias de análise correlacionam... more
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      Speech CommunicationCommunity of PracticeSocial Network
It is recognized by academics and the community of practice that the management of people plays an important role in project management. Recent people skills research expresses the need to develop a better understanding of what good... more
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      Project ManagementConstruction IndustryLiterature ReviewCommunity of Practice