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What is community participation and how do we measure it? These questions are important as people with intellectual and developmental disabilities continue to experience exclusion, as policymakers design national funding schemes, and as... more
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      Community ParticipationSocial InclusionIntellectual DisabilityIntersectionality
The book (1997) review the main issues on Public Art focussing on the main aspects of art Theory and the relationship between Public art and Urban Regeneration
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      ArchitectureArt TheoryPublic ArtCommunity Engagement & Participation
A study has been done in Luvuvhu Catchment to develop a framework for effective community participation in water quality monitoring and management. Community participation and involvement in development has since the 1970s gathered... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryGeophysicsCommunity Development
Over the past decade, many government policies have been aimed at the elusive concept of 'sustainable development'. Over the same period there has been a growing awareness of the need to evaluate the progress of these policies as well as... more
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      Ecological EconomicsMonitoring And EvaluationSustainable DevelopmentCommunity Participation
The ongoing outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa is the largest on record; it has undermined already fragile healthcare systems and presented new challenges to contain the spread of the disease. Based on our observations in the... more
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      Health PromotionUnited NationsInternational CooperationPublic Health
Community public health interventions based on citizen and community participation are increasingly discussed as promising avenues for the reduction of health inequalities and the promotion of social justice. However, very few authors... more
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      SociologyProgram EvaluationAnthropologyHealth Promotion
Community-based participatory methods have emerged as a response to conventional approaches that have historically failed to make notable improvement in health status or reduce chronic disease among marginalized populations. The... more
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      Health PromotionHealth DisparitiesCommunity ParticipationCommunity Based Participatory Research
The present investigation is a case study of Lucknow, the main metropolis in Northern India, which succumbs to a major problem of municipal solid waste and its management. A qualitative investigation using strengths, weaknesses,... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementIT Management
The Shimshal Nature Trust is an indigenous institution rooted in a thriving and dynamic culture that links the local ecology and society. It has deployed identity, traditional knowledge, science, and institutional innovation to adapt to... more
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      Power QualityNatural Resource ManagementAction LearningKnowledge Systems
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      Earth SciencesCoastal ManagementStrategic ManagementCommunity Participation
This paper reports on a study investigating cross-cultural equivalence in predictors of earthquake preparedness. Data were collected from Napier (New Zealand) and Kyoto (Japan). These locations were selected because they face comparable... more
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      PsychologyResilienceCultureNatural Hazards
Para que una persona o un grupo de personas puedan tomar decisiones con relación al espacio que habiten es necesario, en primer lugar, que estén informados. Necesitan conocer a fondo el lugar en el que se construye, además del... more
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      ArchitectureCommunity ParticipationCitizen participationCodesign
This paper discusses external agency support to improving the standard of education in Kenya. It discusses the sustainability of education and community members' participation in school management decisions.
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      EducationDevelopment StudiesInformed ConsentCommunity Participation
The era of journalism and the participation of the readers on online media websites have changed online journalism. The research interest is now focused on removing the distinction between the publisher/entrepreneur and the... more
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      MarketingCommunicationJournalismOnline Communities
Article rédigé collectivement au sein du groupe Avec Elles de Médecins du Monde Belgique «Soigner ceux que le monde oublie peu à peu», porter leur voix et leurs réalités auprès du grand public et des décideurs à travers la notion de... more
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      Health Care PolicySocial CareCommunity ParticipationHealth Advocacy
Community participation was identified as one of the key components of Primary Health Care as articulated in the Alma Ata declaration of 1978 and is enjoying a renewal of interest in both low and high income countries. There remains,... more
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      SociologyProgram EvaluationAnthropologyHealth Promotion
The objectives of this study were to assess whether Teng's modification of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) improves its performance as a screening test for cognitive impairment and dementia, and to replicate this comparison in... more
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      DementiaEnglish languageEnglishClinical Epidemiology
This article talks about how advances in human language technology can help overcomesome of the barriers that prevent community participation in cyberspace. Human languagetechnology refers to the set of technologies, such as speech... more
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      Speech RecognitionCommunity ParticipationHuman Language Technology
AIM Research funds for cerebral palsy are scarce and competition for them is strong. This study aimed to identify questions for future research that were agreed to be a high priority. METHOD An expert panel of consumers, researchers, and... more
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      GeneticsQuality of lifeCerebral PalsyCommunity Participation
Consumer and carer involvement in mental health research is a growing and developing field. Whilst there has been policy and in-principle support for such involvement from governments around the world, lived experience researchers... more
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      SociologyPsychologyNursingMental Health nursing
یکی ازبرنامههاي آبخیزداري طی دهه هاي اخیر، اجراي طرحهاي مشارکتی بوده است که انجام آنها ازبرنامهپنجسالهسومتوسعه شروعشد.طرح مدیریت پایدار منابع آب وخاك حوزه حبلهرود یکی از این طرحهاي مشارکتی است که فاز اول آنتوسطمعاونت بهاجرادرآمد. باتوجه (... more
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    • Community Participation
Después de varias décadas de instalado el modelo de política pública en Chile, se hace evidente que la promesa del fin de campamentos fue incumplida. Los asentamientos informales han persistido y continuado en expansión desde los años... more
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      Urban StudiesIrregular/Informal Settlements StudiesCommunity Participation
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCommunity ParticipationCase Study
People aged 65 and older without prior venous thrombosis (deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism). MEASUREMENTS: Self-reported exercise was measured two or three times during follow-up and was defined as expending more than 500... more
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      Community ParticipationEnergy MetabolismElderly PeoplePulmonary Embolism
As the Indian government explicitly orients its policies towards encouraging private investment to supplement their efforts towards the goal of slum-free cities, lessons need to be drawn from the variety of schemes and initiatives already... more
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      Real EstateUrban PlanningCommunity ParticipationUrban Redevelopment
The proposal delves into the heterogeneity of households and proves the multiplicity of domestic meanings with the aim of producing useful and operative knowledge related to a wide range of issues affecting communities and urban systems.... more
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      CommonsSocial ActivismCommunity ParticipationSocial Ecology
Community participation is becoming increasingly popular within the field of disaster management. International disaster policies, frameworks and charters embrace the notion that communities should play an active role in initiatives to... more
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      Disaster ManagementCommunity ParticipationFijiMultidisciplinary
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      PsychologyAnxiety DisordersCarbon DioxideCommunity Participation
The purpose of this article is to describe how teacher educators from different higher education institutions used Web 2.0 technology to facilitate collaboration in a small pedagogy group. Faculty from three different institutions... more
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      Teacher EducationHigher EducationCommunity ParticipationCollaborative Writing
Report presenting the main findings from a community-based emancipatory disability research conducted in three counties (Bong, Nimba and Grand Gedeh) in Liberia in West Africa. The research focused on the physical, social, cultural,... more
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      West AfricaCommunity ParticipationEmancipatory ResearchDisability and Health
Camino Verde (the Green Way) is an evidence-based community mobilisation tool for prevention of dengue and other mosquito-borne viral diseases. Its effectiveness was demonstrated in a cluster-randomised controlled trial conducted in... more
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      Community ParticipationDengue VirusChildNicaragua
Kentin yoğunlukla tüketim odaklı gelişimini tetikleyen makro ölçekli ve salt yapı odaklı uygulamaların yerine mikro ölçekli kentsel müdahaleler, son yıllarda sayısı giderek artan bir alternatif kentsel pratik olarak karşımıza çıkıyor.... more
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      Participatory DesignUrban StudiesUrbanismResilience (Sustainability)
This paper presents a case study of a participatory process that was used to understand the needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS in a US state. The case illustrates that participation in a community-based research project is a dynamic... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyParticipatory ResearchCommunity Participation
Aim. The purpose of this study was to compare the frequency of social stigma experiences reported by patients with schizophrenia and by people with other health problems. Method. The stigma subscale of the Consumer Experiences of Stigma... more
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      Social ChangeHealth PromotionSocial epidemiologyStigma
Sense of virtual community (SOVC) reflects the feeling that individual members have of belonging to an online social group. Yet there is a lack of investigation focusing on its individual-level antecedents. We argue that in order to... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceVirtual Community
b Società per l'assistenza al malato oncologico terminal, Italia c Departamento de Enfermería y Fisioterapia, Universidad de les Illes Balears, España Recibido el 9 de octubre de 2007, aceptado el 9 de enero de 2008 PALABRAS CLAVE... more
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      Health PromotionHealth CareCommunity ParticipationPolitical Economics
Abilities associated with adjudicative competence were assessed among 927 adolescents in juvenile detention facilities and community settings. Adolescents' abilities were compared to those of 466 young adults in jails and in the... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLawDecision Making
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      Social ChangeHealth PromotionSocial epidemiologyPolitical Behavior
This study aimed to develop and test a framework and tool for assessing and developing community participation in Primary Health Organisations (PHOs) in New Zealand. A qualitative study completed in three phases: semi-structured... more
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      Program EvaluationPrimary CareGeneral PracticeDecision Making
Review of literature shows that intervention of information and communication technologies (ICT) in rural development initiatives are capable of development, but are not successful. Lack of community participation, absence of an... more
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      Rural DevelopmentInformation and Communication technologyCommunity ParticipationSustainable Rural Development
A partir de réflexions sur la participation citoyenne dans les quartiers, les notions du sensible et de l’esthétique environnementale, mais aussi le rôle de l’art dans les démarches citoyennes, cet article présente la démarche de... more
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      UrbanismCommunity ParticipationCo-creationUrbanisme
Despite broad acceptance of the idea that "sense of ownership" among users is critical to infrastructure sustainability in the developing world, little is known about what sense of ownership is, or what gives rise to it. We develop a... more
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      Community ParticipationSense of OwnershipSustainability
Por meio da compreensão do ativismo de fãs como uma forma de resistência cotidiana cultural, econômica e criativa, o objetivo deste capítulo busca problematizar as relações entre participação, resistência e consumo de fãs do jogo on-line... more
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      Game TheoryGame studiesPolitical ParticipationPolitical Theory
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      Long Term CareDementiaQuality of lifeCommunity Participation
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsSocial Theory
"Since ‘9/11’ and the global war on terrorism that followed, Muslim clerics and intellectuals in India have been under pressure from various quarters to publically denounce terrorism. This demand has come from media, political parties and... more
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      Social MovementsPolice ScienceInternational RelationsTerrorism
This paper focuses on ways in which space is being used to build capacity in science and technology in order to:
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringHuman Resource DevelopmentClimate Change