Community Care
Recent papers in Community Care
An epidemiological study of Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) suggests that the prevalence may be two to three times higher than the figure of 3 ± 5% often cited. In addition, the data suggest that both underdiagnosis and... more
Objective: In the intent-to-treat analysis of the Multimodal Treatment Study of Children With ADHD (MTA), the effects of medication management (MedMgt), behavior therapy (Beh), their combination (Comb), and usual community care (CC)... more
The complex formed by chronic illness, episodes of acute illness, physiological disabilities, functional limitations, and cognitive problems is prevalent among frail elderly persons. These individuals rely on assistance from social and... more
To develop and test a standardised clinical handover discharge strategy for improving information transfer between private mental health hospitals and community practitioners. A quality improvement intervention using collaborative,... more
A~traet--Language that trauma center nurses directed to 29 distressed patients was systematically examined from videotaped data. A unique set of co-occurring linguistic features and intonation patterns which characterize the comfort talk... more
A B S T R A C T : Patients d i s c h a r g e d f r o m state psychiatric hospitals into c o m m u n i t y care h o m e s were followed for four m o n t h s . Both observers a n d the patients themselves r a t e d the h o m e s ' social e... more
Full thesis is available through the Cork Open Access Archive, here: * Although the term ‘infantilisation’ is used across disciplines and in different contexts, its meaning is frequently unclear.... more
Review of Mental Health in the Community: the case of Slovenia. Editor: Vesna Švab This book gives an up-to-date and hard-hitting assessment of the state of mental health care in Slovenia and paints a clear picture of the direction... more
Resumo - Com o objetivo de auxiliar as equipes de profissionais de saúde da família na organização e realização de práticas de prevenção de doenças e promoção da saúde, que sejam eficazes, cientificamente comprovadas e adequadas aos... more
The Collaborative Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), the MTA, is the first multisite, cooperative agreement treatment study of children, and the largest psychiatric/psychological... more
Zuurendonk. Zij waren verantwoordelijk voor de mondelinge afname van 358 vragenlijsten, 24 open interviews en 10 groepsinterviews. Een ander deel van de gegevens die betrekking hebben op de bewoners in de acht dorpen is verkregen in het... more
We describe different models of community care for persons with severe mental illness and review the research literature on case management, including the results of 75 studies. Most research has been conducted on the assertive community... more
Partiendo del principio protestante del "sacerdocio de todos los creyentes", que propuso Lutero , se plantean las implicaciones teológicas y eclesiales de este "sacerdocio universal", como la confesión de la "sanctorum communio". Se hace... more
As a money-saving strategy, the majority of western countries have been moving away from institutionalized care and gravitating towards a home-based care system. Home care services continue to be promoted and a growing variety of services... more
Here, we provide an overview of the cultural aspects of epidemiological findings and provision of mental health care to people with intellectual disability (ID). The prevalence of intellectual disability may vary between cultural and... more
Der von Bund, Kommunen und Selbsthilfeorganisationen ausgerufene ‚demenzfreundliche‘ Umbau der Gesellschaft wird einer kritischen Analyse unterzogen. Hierfür werden die polit-ökonomischen und wohlfahrtstaatlichen Rahmenbedingungen des... more
Pressure ulcers continue to be a significant problem in hospitals, nursing homes and community care settings. Pressure ulcer incidence is widely accepted as an indicator for the quality of care. Negative attitudes towards pressure ulcer... more
Thailand has been engaging ageing population, life expectancy of the populations including older people has been increasing. The numbers and proportion of the elderly have rapidly increased. In addition, reduction in family size and... more
This paper describes the forms and contents of television representations of mental illness in the UK in 1992. The theoretical framework is provided by Moscovici's theory of social representations and some modi®cations are proposed for... more
An epidemiological study of Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) suggests that the prevalence may be two to three times higher than the figure of 3 ± 5% often cited. In addition, the data suggest that both underdiagnosis and... more
Child sexual abuse is a pervasive social disorder, posing distressing psychological, social and economic implications to the victims as well as to the society. Children are more likely to be the victims of abuse, and especially sexual... more
This rapid review summarises and assesses the review literature to identify key attributes that are associated with high-performing care provided closer to home
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
ISSN 0151-0193 | pages 49 à 83 Pour citer cet article : -Béland F., Bergman H., Lebel P., Dallaire L., Fletcher J., Contandriopoulos A.-P. et Tousignant P., Des services intégrés pour les personnes âgées fragiles (SIPA). Expérimentation... more
This prestigious three year PhD studentship is available beginning 1st October 2015. The new Rehabilitation and Recovery Service for People with Severe and Enduring Mental Health Needs was introduced in January 2015. The service aims to... more
Im Beitrag wird ein Evaluationsprojekt zum Thema ‚Inklusives Wohnen‘ behandelt, das am Department für Soziale Arbeit am Management Center Innsbruck im Studienjahr 2017/18 durchgeführt wurde. Die Lebenshilfe Tirol orientiert sich an der... more
Towards the end of the 1970s the concept of ‘community care’ was emerging as the preferred alternative to institutionalized service provision. For feminist writers it presented a potential problem in that the family was identified as the... more
Zuurendonk. Zij waren verantwoordelijk voor de mondelinge afname van 358 vragenlijsten, 24 open interviews en 10 groepsinterviews. Een ander deel van de gegevens die betrekking hebben op de bewoners in de acht dorpen is verkregen in het... more
The twelve years preceding the introduction of the community care reforms in 1993/4 saw an increased demand for health and social services generated by the increase in numbers of older people (particularly the over 85s) and reflected in... more
This article discusses the organisation of community care for older people in two rural municipalities in Slovenia, which are contrasting in terms of “wellbeing” attained. The two case studies are part of a wider research project on... more
Pierre Robin sequence (PRS) is associated with long-term respiratory, nutritional, and developmental difficulties. Hypoxic complications, including cerebral impairment, cor pulmonale, and failure to thrive may be prevented or minimized... more
Background: Costs and consumer preference have led to a shift from the long-term institutional care of aged older people to home and community based care. The aim of this review is to evaluate the outcomes of case managed, integrated or... more
Background: While a number of studies have looked at life on service users' experiences of life on psychiatric wards, no research exists that have approached these experiences from the user perspective since the introduction of community... more
This is a report for which I am frequently asked for copies. Completed in 1995, it presents the results from a local area study which examines the impact that community care has on those most directly affected: those who require help,... more
This paper intends to evaluate the mental health system in Italy thirty years after the psychiatric reform, using epidemiological evidence on the prevalence of mental disorders and the features of primary care and community mental health... more
International Journal of Health & Ageing Management, September 2006, v1, n1. ... International Journal of Health & Ageing Management Volume 1 Number 1 (September) 2006 <> ... How can... more
... Reproduced with the cooperation of the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. ... Rushen and Pajor, 1987), a subtle type of withinlitter competition that persists throughout lactation (Fraser, 1990), and a rich... more
Despite increased international concern about fall prevention throughout the past twenty years, only limited attention has been paid to the experiences and perspectives of health care providers who deliver fall prevention programs. The... more
This article presents the results of a survey on personal assistance (PA) for disabled people, conducted among PA users and members of the independent living movement in Europe. The survey was developed and implemented in the spirit of... more
Background: Dementia is a major public health problem with enormous costs to society and major consequences for both patients and their relatives. Family members of persons with dementia provide much of the care for older adults with... more
Since the closure of many psychiatric hospitals, case management has come to be accepted worldwide as a method of community care for the seriously mentally ill. Although case management has many commendable values, it falls short of... more