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      Mental HealthSocial InclusionCommunity ArtsArts and Mental Health
The overall aim of this evaluation is to examine the role of arts and culture in climate change conversations. Using the case study of Refuge 2016, the evaluation focuses on how communities like North Melbourne can build resilience and... more
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      Community ResilienceCultural DiversityCommunity ArtsArts-Based Participatory Action Research
At the hand of three artistic projects —Suzanne Lacy’s Between the Door and the Street (2013) , Lee Mingwei’s The Moving Garden (2009/2015) and Rirkrit Tiravanija’s The Land Foundation — this paper reflects on the methodological precepts... more
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      SociologyHumanitiesArtPublic Sphere
How does play impact the way we work in, and with communities? What can we learn about play as an approach in the artistic practices of artists Koh Hui Ling, Lin Shiyun and Tan Beng Tian? Read our freshly published “playbook”, which will... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationCommunity DevelopmentCommunity ArtsPlay in the theory and practice of art
This book explores the potential for lifelong learning in dementia. A growing social issue, dementia has previously been understood as a wasteland for learning: at best, those with dementia are helped to hold on to some pre-existing... more
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      MusicInformal LearningLifelong LearningPosthumanism
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      Performing ArtsDisability StudiesVisual ArtsCommunity Arts
Move, Act, Play, Sing (MAPS) explored early childhood teaching and learning in the performing arts through community artist interventions and relational practices and pedagogies. The research developed three early childhood centre case... more
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      EducationEducational ResearchEarly Childhood EducationArts Education
Community arts have been in evidence in Ireland for over three decades; however, this form of artistic practice has been largely overlooked from social studies perspectives. There is a dearth of social studies scholarship on community... more
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      Youth StudiesCommunity DevelopmentVisual ArtsCommunity Arts
This article explores the painting of two murals as part of a community arts education project aimed at understanding Marshallese children's experiences of displacement and belonging. It describes the process and outcome of mural making... more
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      Arts EducationMarshall IslandsCommunity ArtsCommunity Education
In 2010, The Arts and Culture Strategic Review (ACSR) was initiated to chart the next phase of cultural development in Singapore. The final report, which was released in 2012, appears to propose a paradigm shift in focus for arts and... more
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      Cultural PolicySingaporeCommunity Arts What Can Space Do for the Arts?; What Can Arts Do for Space?; and What Can Arts and Space Do for the Community? Through the lenses of creative placemaking and neighbourhood arts ecology, Trivic... more
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      SingaporeCommunity Arts
With reference to 'Arts and Culture Nodes' strategy initiated in 2012 by the National Arts Council (NAC) in Singapore, this paper outlines the study that investigated the impacts of community arts and culture events on five local housing... more
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      SingaporeCommunity ArtsArts and CultureCreative Placemaking
Chapter One of an anthology on community cultural development practice co-edited with Arlene Goldbard, published by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2002
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      Cultural PolicyCommunity DevelopmentCommunity Cultural DevelopmentCommunity Arts
What is the value of arts and cultural approaches to community development? To better understand arts-based community development practices in geographically-based communities, this case study looks at the practices of 3 case examples to... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationCommunity DevelopmentCommunity ArtsCommunity Art
Kura, yeye borda, bulla gnulla boodjar, moort, karla': yesterday, today and in the future our country, family and home fires burn deep.
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    • Community Arts
A partir de um cenário de aumento constante dos índices de violência e alastramento da quantidade de vítimas crianças e jovens, há um início de trabalho a respeito da formulação e efetivação de políticas públicas na perspectiva da... more
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      Social PsychologyViolence PreventionCommunity Arts
Description of an art project with University of Michigan Psychiatry Patient and Family Centered Care
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      Disability StudiesMental HealthCommunity Arts
TEN: Territory, Encounter & Negotiation (2014) is a self-published critical memoir, produced as a learning tool for the sectors of collaborative arts, education and youth/community work. The publication explores a decade of collaborative... more
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      Youth StudiesParticipatory Action ResearchEquality StudiesCritical Pedagogy
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      Community ArtsCommunity Engagement In the ArtsOut of School Learning
Art and arts-based projects are gaining increasing attention as an alternative to traditional peace-building mechanisms and the last decade has seen a more deliberate application of the arts into peace-building work. Focusing on the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesCommunity Engagement & ParticipationCommunity ArtsReconciliation
Esta publicação reúne artigos selecionados – através de revisão cega por pares – decorrentes das apresentações pro- feridas no III EIRPAC – Encontro Internacional de Reflexão sobre Práticas Artísticas Comunitárias 2019,... more
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    • Community Arts
Nowadays, the gap between arts and everyday lives is narrowing. When it comes to the arts, everything goes. But what makes good community arts? What are the aesthetic standards? How can we assess it? How can it be developed? Community... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationCommunity DevelopmentCommunity ArtsRelational aesthetics
In the fall of 2004, API approached the Center for the Study of Art & Community (CSA&C) to undertake a a study of exemplary practice in the growing but largely disconnected community arts field. Its focus is exemplary arts-based programs... more
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      Performing ArtsCommunity DevelopmentArt, Culture and Social ChangeVisual Arts
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      Community ArtsRelational aestheticsCommunity ArtConnective Aesthetics
There is growing interest in the arts in community and economic development, yet little research examines the dynamics of community-based arts institutions to inform urban planning and policy. Drawing on interviews with participants and... more
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      Cultural PolicyCommunity DevelopmentUrban PlanningUrban Studies
本文以研究者與楊逵文學紀念館的合作為例,探析一個應用劇場方案如何跨 越劇場、博物館與社區的邊界,在博物館使命、劇場實踐與社區脈絡所涵構的空 間中建立多樣的互動關係。工作坊課程、觀摩、排練與呈現提供了多層次的戲劇 經驗,社區的地方知識和凝聚力不僅有利計畫的推動,也啟發了課程設計。整體 而言,這個跨界的劇場方案,促成不同的機構、規訓和人們在關係中互相學習, 進行文化交換。 This paper shares the example of a cooperative... more
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      Drama EducationApplied Drama/TheatreCommunity ArtsRelational aesthetics
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      Social ChangePolitical EconomyArt Economics and MarketsArt Practice as Research
inscreve as reflexões e as investigações desenvolvidas por um conjunto de 59 investigadores, provenientes de 24 universidades e 7 entidades artísticas e culturais de 6 países, no domínio das práticas artísticas comunitárias. É... more
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    • Community Arts
This is a special issue of the international association of social workers online paper  on arts in social work that  myself and Eltje Boss edited; It is colorful rich and shows how arts can be used in community social work
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      Community PsychologySocial WorkCultural PolicyArt Therapy
De finals de 2001 fins a 2003, la Fundació Jaume Bofill va animar un procés de reflexió al voltant de projectes i experiències de Catalunya que ja aleshores utilitzaven l'expressió artística com a mitjà educatiu amb joves en risc... more
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      Youth StudiesCommunity DevelopmentCommunity Cultural DevelopmentCommunity Arts
This research review, consisting of a 90-entry annotated bibliography, was produced as part of an AHRC Connected Communities programme project entitled Community Music, its History and Current Practice, its Constructions of ‘Community’,... more
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      Cultural PolicyCommunity MusicCommunity ArtsCommunity music therapy
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      SociologyCultural StudiesPerforming ArtsPublic Art
Imagine a Melbourne-based theatre company with experienced writers, actors, directors and stage crew touring regional communities. They do not simply perform. They do not merely want audience acclaim. Instead they lend their expertise and... more
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      Community Cultural DevelopmentDramaCommunity ArtsCommunity Drama
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      ArtResilienceArt EducationCommunity Arts
A special issue of Art and the Public Sphere Journal, that invites contributions that examine the interrelationships between public murals and left-wing politics across the past hundred years, and their legacies and resonance within the... more
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      Public ArtPublic SphereCommunity ArtsUrban Art
This essay engages collaborative art projects in a field of settler/indigenous relations: drumming and performances of self at a Michigan language revitalization symposium, Native Women Language Keepers; Anishinaabe artist Rebecca... more
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      Indigenous StudiesPerformance StudiesArts EducationCommunity-based art, performance and dialogue
The UK has been a pivotal national player within the development of community music practice. In the UK community music developed broadly from the 1960s and had a significant burgeoning period in the 1980s. Community music nationally and... more
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      Music EducationCultural PolicyParticipatory CultureCommunity Music
This report, commissioned by Grantmakers in the Arts, is about the ways that arts and culture grantmakers can engage in systems-change work that addresses root causes rather than symptoms of cultural inequity. The cultural sector is... more
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      MusicNew MediaPerforming ArtsTraditional Crafts
This article comprises an oral history from Dr Enda Murray about his involvement in the live music and club scene in Drogheda, a small Irish town in the early '80's. Murray was one of a small group of young people who set up a music... more
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      Irish StudiesEthnomusicologyIrish MusicPunk Culture
ii Keywords community arts community media community cultural development participatory media appropriate technology sustainability materiality internet studies software studies critical design critical making cultural policy informal... more
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      Internet StudiesParticipatory MediaSustainable DevelopmentCommunity Cultural Development
The convergence of art and culture within Australian cultural policy disguises conflicting and preferred meanings ascribed to key terms such as ‘culture’ and ‘community’. Arguments for funding the arts tend to support programs that... more
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      MusicCultural PolicyCreative IndustriesCommunity Arts
The Pomegranate Center, based in Issaquah, Washington, works “with communities to imagine, plan and create shared public places.” One prominent expression of their work is the “creation of community gathering places (parks, neighborhood... more
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      Community DevelopmentArt, Culture and Social ChangeCommunity ArtsCreative Placemaking
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      Cultural PolicyMalaysiaJapanArts Management
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    • Community Arts
Recent literature credits community art spaces with both enhancing social interaction and engagement and generating economic revitalization. This article argues that the ability of art spaces to realize these outcomes is linked to their... more
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      Community DevelopmentUrban PlanningUrban StudiesCommunity Arts
An increasing number of creative artists, arts organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are working on socially-engaged initiatives that aim to bring about positive change in communities. Examples of outstanding arts... more
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      SociologySocial ChangePolitical ScienceAustralia
Between 2010 and 2013, social circus instructor Jon Burtt worked on a number of social circus projects in the Arctic and the sub-Arctic in the far north of Quebec in Nunavik, a semi-autonomous region with Inuit communities dotted around... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesCommunity ArtsSocial Resilience
There is a conflict between recent creative placemaking policies intended to promote positive neighborhood development through the arts and the fact that the arts have long been cited as contributing to gentrification and the displacement... more
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      Urban GeographyCommunity DevelopmentUrban PlanningGentrification