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Innovative projects to reduce disparities in cancer treatment and research include partnerships between academic and community cancer centers, patient navigation programs and strategies to promote community awareness, education and... more
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      Cancer ResearchCommunity Health WorkersCommunity-based health interventions
Objectives: Implementation of a large-scale, child weight management program in low-income, ethnically diverse communities provided an important opportunity to evaluate its effectiveness under service level conditions (i.e. provision as a... more
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      Childhood ObesityPeer effectsEarly Childhood InterventionCommunity-based health interventions
Does the Bell Let’s Talk mental health campaign successfully articulate and undertake one of its core mandates: the reduction of stigma and promoting awareness of mental health? Bell Let’s Talk uses a variety of media to communicate and... more
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      SociologyLanguages and LinguisticsMental HealthHealth
Social norms, as a topic of inquiry, has garnered significant attention from a variety of perspectives in recent years. Because of the rapidly-growing interest in social norms from scholars in multiple disciplines, this area of... more
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      Health PromotionHealth BehaviorsSocial NormsSocial Norms (Psychology)
Emerging and re-emerging communicable disease outbreaks are a global concern and Uganda is no exception. The West Nile region of Uganda has experienced annual epidemics of cholera, meningococcal meningitis, plaque, measles, hepatitis E... more
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      Traditional, Complementary and Alternative MedicineHealth FinancingHealth and WellnessCommunity-based health interventions
A country's Healthcare system speak volumes about her developmental stage. This paper examines Mozambique healthcare system and identified the leading health challenges. HIV/AIDS and Malaria are the two major leading cause of death for... more
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      GeographyRural DevelopmentMedical TourismMaternal and Child Health
This paper reviews the experience of the Istanbul Tuberculosis Aid Program, which targeted tuberculosis (TB) disease in the growing irregular migrant populations of Istanbul. This experience illustrated the importance of community-based... more
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      Public Health PolicyTuberculosis and Infectious DiseasePublic HealthInfectious Diseases
Barbershops represent a promising setting for reaching men and promoting health (Cowart et al., 2004; Magnus, 2004; Madigan et al., 2007; Releford et al., 2010; Victor et al., 2009). Hart and Bowen (2004) have discussed the feasibility of... more
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      Health BehaviorsCommunity HealthPublic HealthCommunity-based health interventions
This report investigates perceptions and practices of community-driven, strengths-based approaches to Aboriginal health and wellbeing services. It particularly considers what success looks like to organisations providing these services,... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesAboriginal HealthHealth PolicyCommunity-based participatory action research and public health
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      Cardiovascular diseaseHealth policy in low- and middle-income countriesCommunity-based health interventions
Objective : To describe sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs of female sex workers (FSWs) to inform the future implementation of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention in this population. Design and setting : The ANRS... more
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      Sexual and Reproductive HealthHIV/AIDSAccess to health servicesUnwanted pregnancy and abortion
USA Leadership networks Evidence-based interventions Social network analysis Faith-based organizations a b s t r a c t Through two case studies of Catholic parishes in Massachusetts, this study explores the implications of leader-centered... more
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      Health PromotionSocial NetworksLatinosCommunity-based health interventions
Reported by: SW Nicholas, MD, VE Hutchinson, MD, B Ortiz, MD, S Klihr-Beall, MA, Dept of Pediatrics, Harlem Hospital Center; B Jean-Louis, PhD, K Shoemaker, MPP, C Singleton, MSW, J Credell, R Swaner, MPA, Harlem Children's Zone, Inc.;... more
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      PediatricsSocial WorkEnvironmental HealthHousing
A report by the Traveller Movement undertaken on behalf of the National Inclusion Health Board (a UK Government health agency responsible for guidance on working with 'at risk' groups). A literature review and qualitative study of the... more
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      Race and EthnicityPublic HealthEnvironmental Health and SafetyGypsies & Travellers
objectives Further scale-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) to those in need while supporting the growing patient cohort on ART requires continuous adaptation of healthcare delivery models. We describe several approaches to manage stable... more
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      HIV/AIDSPublic HealthAntiretroviral TherapyCommunity-based health interventions
Introduccon Many Nepali adolescents (10-19 years) are undernourished, which increases the risk of morbidity and mortality. Inadequate nutriion during adolescence can retard physical growth and sexual maturaon and increases the risk of... more
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      Health Promotion and EducationCommunity-based health interventions
Interventionists usually blame cultural factors and traditional attitudes for non-compliance of target populations, a framework Didier Fassin terms as culturalism. Despite their efforts, what the Roll Back Malaria employees find in... more
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      Medical AnthropologyGlobalizationGlobal HealthPost-Neoliberalism
Abstract The present work shows the utilization of the Primary Care methodology Orientated to the Community (APOC) as a management tool applied to a priority program in health in the First Level of Attention. The Program depends of the... more
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      Child CareCommunity-based health interventionsAtencion Primaria De La Salud
Background: In many low-and middle-income countries, community health volunteers (CHVs) are employed as a key element of the public health system in rural areas with poor accessibility. However, few studies have assessed the effectiveness... more
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      Maternal and Child HealthCommunity Health Worker ProgramsCommunity-based health interventions
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      Health SciencesIndigenous HealthWomen's HealthCardiovascular
Information on the costs of public health interventions is crucial for policy makers to assess whether scarce resources are being used efficiently. There is growing recognition of the importance of cost analyses of health interventions at... more
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    • Community-based health interventions
In Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), health‐mediation programs (HMPs) have become central policy instruments targeting health inequities between segregated Roma and general populations. Social determinants of health (SDH) represent the... more
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      Medical AnthropologyHealth PromotionSocial epidemiologyHealth Inequalities
Despite political change over the past 25 years in Britain there has been an unprecedented national policy focus on the social determinants of health and population-based approaches to prevent chronic disease. Yet, policy impacts have... more
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      Sociology of SportHealth PromotionGovernmentalityHealth Inequalities
Thirty-three community-based health care programmes were surveyed in 19 districts all over Uganda. Programmes and projects calling themselves community-based health care cover a wide variety of sectors and activities. Most CBHC programmes... more
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      Community DevelopmentUgandaUNICEFResults Based Management
Harmful cultural practices, socio-economic, legal and gender inequity make women and girls at greater risk of HIV/AIDS infection. Increasing health care worker’s awareness of medical, legal and social services, and practical skills for... more
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      Sexual and Reproductive HealthHIV and AIDS educationHIV/AIDSGlobal Health
Background: This study was conducted to gauge how the demographic profile of smokeless tobacco (SLT) users from Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh, India, differs from that of smokers. It also addresses how factors associated with the initiation... more
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      Public Health PolicyPublic HealthTobacco control policyTobacco Control
Globally, the population is ageing, which has serious consequences for businesses. The prosperity of companies is crucially dependent on the ability to effectively manage their employees, including older workers. Best practice in age... more
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      Older WorkersErgonomyOlder Age Workforce Management Practice and PolicyAge Management
Perspectives into Better Communication Practices at this Conference The "7th International Conference on Public Health and Nursing" scheduled during September 19-20, 2018 at Singapore.. The conference is with the Theme: Focusing on the... more
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      NursingNursing TheoriesPublic Health NutritionPublic Health Law
Indigenous peoples (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis) are currently overrepresented in the HIV epidemic in Canada and are infected at a younger age than those who are not Indigenous. This article presents our findings on the stigma and... more
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Theatre-based interventions have been used in health promotion with young people to address HIV and sexual health. In this study, we explored the experience of undergraduate student performers participating in a theatre-based HIV... more
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      Sexual and Reproductive HealthHIV/AIDSTheater and Performance StudiesCommunity-based health interventions
Theatre-based interventions have been used in health promotion activities among young people to address HIV and sexual health. In this study, we explored the experience of undergraduate student performers participating in a theatre-based... more
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      PsychologySexual and Reproductive HealthSexual HealthMedicine
A variety of health financing schemes shaped on pre-payment scheme have been implemented across Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) to address the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In Mauritania, the Obstetric Risk Insurance package (ORI)... more
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      Child healthImpact EvaluationHealth insuranceMaternal Health
Objectives: Representation of the key groups in community-level healthcare decisions is a prerequisite for accountable and responsive primary healthcare systems. However, meaningful representation requires both the presence of individuals... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationPublic Health Systems & Services ResearchPolicy ImplementationCommunity-based health interventions
This case study is about Master A. A, a 4 year old boy with sickle cell disease who was diagnosed of osteomyelitis with pathological fracture of the right humerus. Patient has been hospitalised before for dactylitis on the 7 th July,... more
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    • Community-based health interventions
Abstract The use of community health workers to administer prompt treatments is gaining popularity in most sub-Saharan African countries. Their performance is a key challenge because it varies considerably, depending on the context,... more
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      MalariaCommunity Health WorkersCommunity-based health interventions
Background: Community-based health programs (CBHPs) with participatory approaches has been recognized as an important tool in health promotion. The goal of this study was to understand the nature of participation practice in CBHP and to... more
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      Preventive medicineCommunity-based health interventions
Community-based health programs (CBHPs) with participatory approaches has been recognized as an important tool in health promotion. The goal of this study was to understand the nature of participation practice in CBHP and to use the data... more
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      Preventive medicineCommunity-based health interventions
By David Ayre, Lucy Capron, Pedro Guertler and Sarah Royston The Warm and Informed project was launched in September 2014 as a partnership between Northern Gas Networks (NGN) and The Children’s Society, focusing on two low income areas... more
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      Children and FamiliesEnergy efficiencyFuel PovertyEnergy Efficiency, consumption, policy and fuel poverty
Fundamental conceptual tensions underlie current debates regarding the implementation of psychosocial interventions with war-affected populations. Three particular tensions structuring current discourse concern the generalisability versus... more
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      Psychosocial StudiesPsychosocial InterventionsCommunity-based health interventions
Thirty years after Alma-Ata, there has been an upsurge of interest in community health workers (CHWs) in low- and middle-income countries. This echoes several strategic policies recently endorsed by the World Health Organization and its... more
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      Primary Health CareMalariaCommunity Health WorkersCommunity-based health interventions
This supplement provides a comprehensive and indepth examination of proven clinical-community health strategies employed by the Alliance to Reduce Disparities in Diabetes, across five sites located in diverse geographic regions of the... more
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      DiabetesRace and EthnicityHealth DisparitiesCommunity-academic partnerships
Background and Objectives: Based on different studies, substance use is one of the health problems in the Iranian society. The prevalence of substance use is on a growing trend; moreover, the age of the onset of substance use has declined... more
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      Health PsychologyHealth PromotionFamily studiesAddiction
Background. Childhood poisoning is an important cause of morbidity in both developed and developing countries. Epidemiological studies on accidental poisoning in children show a consistent pattern regarding age and gender. Childhood... more
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      Community DevelopmentCommunity HealthPublic HealthMedicine
In Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), health-mediation programs (HMPs) have become central policy instruments targeting health inequities between segregated Roma and general populations. Social determinants of health (SDH) represent the... more
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      Medical AnthropologyHealth PromotionSocial epidemiologyHealth Inequalities
Background and Objectives: Based on different studies, substance use is one of the health problems in the Iranian society. The prevalence of substance use is on a growing trend; moreover, the age of the onset of substance use has declined... more
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      Health PsychologyHealth PromotionFamily studiesAddiction
Background AIDS-related stigma and mental disorders are the most common conditions in people living with HIV (PLHIV). We therefore conducted this study to examine the association of AIDS-related stigma and discrimination with mental... more
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      CambodiaCommunity-based health interventionsPeople Living With HIV/AIDS
Community-based health programs (CBHPs) with participatory approaches has been recognized as an important tool in health promotion. The goal of this study was to understand the nature of participation practice in CBHP and to use the data... more
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      Preventive medicineCommunity-based health interventions