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      Community-based ConservationCommunity Conservation
It is good for us, too, to touch the earth. We, and our children, need the chance to walk upon the sacred earth, this final abiding place of all that lives. We must preserve our sacred places in order to know our place in time, our reach... more
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      Traditional Ecological KnowledgeEcological restorationCommunity-based Conservation
ALIMENTAÇÃO DE FILHOTES E JUVENIS DE TRACAJÁS (Podocnemis unifilis) E TARTARUGAS (Podocnemis expansa) NA NATUREZA E EM SISTEMAS DE CRIAÇÃO COMUNITÁRIA NO AMAZONAS RESUMO: O consumo de quelônios faz parte da culinária amazônica. O manejo... more
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      AquacultureCommunity-based ConservationTurtlesFreshwater Aquculture
The current and projected impacts of climate change make understanding the environmental and social vulnerability of coastal communities and the planning of adaptations important international goals and national policy initiatives. Yet,... more
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      Climate ChangeCommunity ResilienceClimate Change AdaptationResilience
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      ArchitectureCultural LandscapesCommunity-based ConservationManual
Community-conserved areas are popular in the Philippines. The bulk of studies on community-conserved areas in the Philippines focuses on marine protected areas (MPAs). This paper addresses the question of effectiveness in... more
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      FisheriesEnvironmental Impact AssessmentFreshwater EcologyCommunity-based Conservation
I studied the Contribution of Community Based Anti-poaching Unit (CBAPU) in Wildlife Conservation in Meghauli Buffer Zone (BZ) of Chitwan National Park (CNP) to understand Conservation initiatives of the CBAPU as well as its motivation... more
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      ConservationNational ParksWildlife ConservationBuffer Zones
In the Western Indian Ocean (WIO), local communities are increasingly assuming responsibility for inshore marine resources either on their own or through collaborative management arrangements with governments or non-state actors. In this... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationMarine Protected AreasCommunity Based Natural Resources ManagementMarine Conservation
Mangrove forests are valuable and vulnerable ecosystems covering the liminal area between sea and land. According to Forest Department data, Sri Lanka has 15,670 hectares of mangroves which are mainly concentrated in the Puttalam, Jaffna,... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesClimate Change AdaptationMangrovesSri Lanka
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a global recession and mass unemployment. Through reductions in trade and international tourism, the pandemic has particularly affected rural economies of tropical low-and middle-income countries where... more
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      CriminologyConservationCommunity DevelopmentSustainable Rural Development
The facilitators guide provides all the necessary information, required tools, and steps involved in the preparation of community-based forest management and development plan. The guide was expected to help both the facilitators and local... more
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      BotanyForestryCommunity Based Natural Resources ManagementEnvironmental Sustainability
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      Marine EcologyCommunity-based Conservation
This paper is a synopsis of the results, findings and insights learned from a UNDP-supported project on "Leveraging Best Practices" among 100+ community-based sustainable development projects in the Philippines
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      Social SciencesKnowledge ManagementProject ManagementEmotional intelligence
1.3 Tujuan dan Sasaran Penelitian: Tujuan Sesuai dengan permasalahan yang dibahas, maka penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan utama yaitu terindentifikasi faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan Kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementTourism Planning and Policy
The Tapiche-Blanco region epitomizes Loreto’s extraordinary landscape diversity. It harbors large expanses of wetlands and peatland forests, white-sand forests, and hyperdiverse upland forests, and these are drained by a variety of black,... more
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      Plant EcologyConservation BiologyTropical EcologyAmazonia
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyNatural Resource ManagementCommunity-based Conservation
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      AfricaCommunity Based Natural Resources ManagementCommunity-based Conservation
Biodiversity loss is a major threat to life on planet earth today. The major causes of biodiversity loss include habitat loss and degradation, over-exploitation, alien invasive species, climate change and pollution. Globally, the use of... more
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      Community DevelopmentPastoralism in AfricaCommunity Based Natural Resources ManagementAsset-Based Community Development
Taiwanese indigenous people constitute about two percent of the island's population, more than 550,000 people. Their ancestors have been living on Taiwan for almost 8,000 years, long before the major Han immigration from China, which... more
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      Indigenous StudiesCommunity-based Conservation
This article supports a concept of convivial conservation, here conceived as efforts to establish vital interdependencies among humans and ecosystems, toward the mutual regeneration of both. Building from ethnographic research we have... more
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      Political EcologyBrazilian StudiesConservation EcologyLatin American Environmental History
Political ecologists have developed scathing analyses of capitalism’s tendency for enclosure and dispossession of the commons. In this context commons are analyzed as a force to resist neo-liberalism, a main site of conflict over... more
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      Social MovementsLatin American StudiesCommonsPolitical Ecology
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      African StudiesDevelopment StudiesPolitical EcologyCommunity Ecology
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      Conservation EducationSustainable LivelihoodsCommunity-based ConservationConservation Psychology, Sustainability, Environmental Ethics and Environmental Education
By supporting creation of protected areas, conservation projects are known to bring economic prosperity to the local communities, but also incite criticism. A common theme in the critique of conservation organizations is the proximity to... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental History
Peace parks provide a land ethic that transcends borders and seeks to stabilize tensions between bordering States, honoring the unity of biosphere systems in its efforts to achieve peace, conservation and cooperation. In theory, peace... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesEnvironmental LawCommunity Based Natural Resources ManagementConflict Resolution
Access, defined as the ability to use and benefit from available marine resources or areas of the ocean or coast, is important for the well-being and sustainability of coastal communities. In Canada, access to marine resources and ocean... more
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      Social SciencesCoastal ManagementEnvironmental StudiesMarine Protected Areas
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      Human GeographyAfrican StudiesConservationPastoralism (Social Anthropology)
Community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) related to protected areas (PAs) originated in the 1980‟s in Zimbabwe, Africa, in the buffer zone communities of Africa‟s National Parks. CBNRM attempted to address the problems... more
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      ConservationEnvironmental StudiesCommunity DevelopmentCommunity Based Natural Resources Management
Increasingly, natural resource conservation programs refer to participation and local community involvement as one of the necessary prerequisites for sustainable resource management. In frameworks of adaptive co-management, the theory of... more
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      Political EcologyDiscourseEnvironmental GovernanceCommunity-based Conservation
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      African StudiesDevelopment StudiesTanzanian StudiesWildlife Conservation
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      ConservationTraditional Ecological KnowledgeIndigenous Peoples RightsProtected areas
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      ParticipationCommunity-based Conservation
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      Tourism StudiesCommunity Based Natural Resources ManagementEast AfricaEast Africa (History)
This edited collection of papers on Protected Areas in Northern Tanzania is the outcome of a collaboration between the College of African Wildlife Management at Mweka and researchers – mostly geographers – at Brigham Young University in... more
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      Landscape EcologyZoologyTourism StudiesConservation
La Conservación Basada en Comunidad (CBC) es una estrategia de conservación de la biodiversidad que parte del principio que la gente local – bajo ciertas condiciones de gobernanza - puede contribuir a la conservación de los... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationCommunity-based Conservation
Debido a la estrecha relación que existe entre la naturaleza y las sociedades, la denominada “crisis de la biodiversidad” constituye en realidad “crisis socioambientales”. Una de las principales acciones para abordar dichas crisis... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationCommunity DevelopmentProtected areas
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      ArtConservationPrimatesCommunity-based Conservation
It is no doubt that Thailand's precious biodiversity is under threat, but a historical overview of past coercive conservation tactics prove many of these policies to be inhumane and ineffective. The Karen Hill Tribe of northern Thailand... more
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      Indigenous Peoples RightsEnvironmental JusticeWildlife ConservationNorthern Thailand
the timidity syndrome could be small and only socioeconomic impacts would be prominent. To sort this and other pertinent questions out, improved collaboration among field behavioral ecologists, fisheries and wildlife biologists, managers,... more
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      Conservation BiologyEcologyTourismCommunity-based Conservation
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      Marine AquacultureMarine ConservationWestern Indian OceanMadagascar
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      Population ecologyCommunity-based ConservationLivestock Managementthe pligt of maasai in Ngorongoro conservation Area
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      Conservation BiologyConservationPolitical EcologyNeoliberalism
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      Community-based ConservationCommunity based conservationCommunity Conservation
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This paper aims to clarify the possibility of community-based cultural landscape management through rural tourism activities in villages surrounding Borobudur heritage site. First, it explains the actual conditions and current policy... more
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      ManagementCultural LandscapesRural TourismCommunity-based Conservation
This paper consists of data gathered during the first year of implementation of MPA strengthening and replication project in North Sulawesi Indonesia. Ecologically, among three village targets, Bahoi shows the best environmental... more
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      Marine ConservationCommunity-based Conservation
Human-Orangutan conflict has become one of the biggest challenges in orangutan conservation in Indonesia. Local community who lives near the orangutan habitat has big roles to mitigate and protect the orangutan. In this paper I proposed... more
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      Conservation BiologyIndonesiaHuman-wildlife conflictsOrangutans