Both human collaboration and software agent collaboration have been thoroughly studied, but there is relatively little research on hybrid human-agent teamwork. Some research has identified the roles that agents could play in hybrid teams:... more
In this paper, we assess the state of the art of Quality of Services (QoS) support in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Unlike traditional end-to-end multimedia applications, many non-end-to-end mission-critical applications envisioned for... more
Minimizing implementation time and manual configuration, as well as straightforward upgradability are the key requirements of efficient substation automation systems. For larger utilities this often necessitates achieving interoperability... more
Due to the existence of multiple stakeholders with conflicting goals and policies, alterations to the existing Internet are now limited to simple incremental updates; deployment of any new, radically different technology is next to... more
The combined powers of web-based geographic information systems (GIS) and on-line remote sensing tools can significantly reduce the high cost and labor associated with environmental monitoring and natural resource management. This paper... more
Abstrak Pengaturan dan monitoring kecepatan putar motor DC dalam sebuah sistem proses sangat penting peranannya dalam implementasi industri. Pengaturan dan monitoring kecepatan putar motor DC ini menggunakan perangkat antarmuka komputer... more
Distribution Automation (DA) is viewed as an integral component of the Smart Grid paradigm. It facilitates the employment of computer technology and communication infrastructure to advance management and operation of the distribution... more
The Internet of Things (IoT) has promised a future where everything gets connected. Unfortunately, building a single global ecosystem of Things that communicate with each other seamlessly is virtually impossible today. The reason is that... more
IEC 61850 was proposed as a standard protocol for communications within the substation. In its current edition, the standard does not cover communications outside the substation, either with the control center or with other substations,... more
Inter-vehicle communication (IVC) protocols have the potential to increase the safety, efficiency, and convenience of transportation systems involving planes, trains, automobiles, and robots. The applications targeted include peer-to-peer... more
In this paper, we explore mechanisms for defending against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, have become one of the major threats to the operation of the Internet today. We propose a novel scheme for detecting and preventing... more
In this paper we study two problems which often occur in various applications arising in wireless sensor networks. These are the problem of reaching an agreement on the value of local variables in a network of computational agents and the... more
Antes del protocolo DMX512 existía una proliferación de sistemas y protocolos por parte de diversos fabricantes, el más difundido era el control analógico lineal, sistema con el cual cada uno de los dimmers (regulador de intensidad)... more
In traditional face-to-face classrooms, collaborative learning has been endorsed as an effective pedagogy that fosters skills of analysis, communication and higher order thinking. Increasingly, as online learning environments for tertiary... more
Within a smart home environment the information processing is supposed to be thoroughly integrated into everyday objects. This introduces the need to keep track of the everyday objects and their state changes produced based on the... more
A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile stations with wireless interfaces which form a temporary network without using any central administration. MANETs are more vulnerable to attacks because they have some specific... more
This paper outlines the principles on which the U.S. Department of Defense packet internet architecture is based and characterizes some of the protocols which implement the architecture. Major factors which influenced the development of... more
Different methods for coordinated motion of the paper or board machine sections were used, mainly depending on the production date. Present solutions are based on individual sectional AC or DC drives as parts of the network control... more
operations on a resource as previously described, has good stability and performance properties [11]. 4) When the current time approaches the Start Time of an operation, the operation is released and its Start Time is fixed. When the... more
Distributed architectures for industrial applications are a new opportunity to realize cost-effective, flexible, scalable and reliable systems. Direct interfacing of sensors and actuators to the industrial communication network improves... more
In densely deployed wireless sensor networks (WSN), sensor observations are highly correlated in the space domain. Furthermore, the nature of the physical phenomenon constitutes the temporal correlation between each consecutive... more
The second Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment (CanX) satellite, CanX-2, aims to support Canadian researchers while expanding the capabilities of nanosatellites. Designed and built at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace... more
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In Body Area Networks (BANs), quality of service is needed to provide reliable data communication over prioritized data streams coming from energy constrained sensors attached to, or possibly implanted in, patients. In this work, we... more
This paper describes an integrating hardware and software ensemble for the development of microcontroller-based computer numerical control system. The discuss is focused on design and implementation of the communication between the PC and... more
The growth of the Internet of Thing (IoT) results in an expanded attack that requires end-to-end security techniques. IoT applications involve in a business-oriented such as insurance and banking, and mission-critical crisis such as... more
We present Air to Air Communication (AAC) 1,2 , a wireless protocol designed for communication among airplanes as well as airplanes and control centers. AAC enables the broadcast of emergency and surveillance information such as realtime... more
Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) or quantum cryptography has been developed within the last decade; it is proved that QKD is secure against computer attacks and it is considered as a promising solution towards absolute security within... more
Web technologies, as tools, are most popular and widely used today not only in the everyday life but in industry as well. Examples of such technologies are the browsers, search engines, related communication protocols and their... more
performing random simulations or by generating a C program. It can perform an exhaustive verification that can establish with mathematical certainty whether or not a given behavior is error-free. PROMELA is used to specify a system... more
with staff of the battered women's agency to expand and illustrate the quantitative data. The analysis shows that when a woman received battered women's services or had a protective order, a completed court case was more likely and... more
The paper deals with low-level fieldbus interconnections intended for use in simple digital measurement and control applications employing ASI (Actuator-Sensor-Interface), which specifies an industrial communication connection between the... more
Advanced window wall systems have the potential to provide demand response by reducing peak electric loads by 20-30% in many commercial buildings through the active control of motorized shading systems, switchable window coatings,... more
Recent advances in wireless technologies have led to the development of intelligent, in-vehicle safety applications designed to share information about the actions of nearby vehicles, potential road hazards, and ultimately predict... more
Many sensor networks have been deployed to monitor Earth's environment, and more will follow in the future. Environmental sensors have improved continuously by becoming smaller, cheaper, and more intelligent. Due to the large number of... more
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architecture style where software components that provide a piece of functionality communicate with each other via message they exchange. Within SOA these pieces are called services. Nowadays, the... more
Power consumption is a critical issue in many wireless sensor network scenarios where network life expectancy is measured in months or years. Communication protocols typically rely on synchronous operation and duty-cycle mechanisms to... more
Near Field Communications (NFC) is a 13.56 MHz inductively coupled power delivery and communication protocol that extends the ISO 14443 RFID standard. Low cost NFC scanner subsystems are anticipated to be widely incorporated in coming... more
The experimental evidence that radio techniques can be used for synthesizing and analyzing non-integer electromagnetic (EM) orbital angular momentum (OAM) of radiation is presented. The technique used amounts to sample, in space and time,... more
Fariborz Fereydouni_Forouzandeh, Ph.D.
We extend the computation and information sharing capabilities of networked robotics by proposing a cloud robotic architecture. The cloud robotics architecture leverages the combination of a virtual ad-hoc cloud formed by... more
The recent advances in cognitive radio technology based on software defined radio platforms have extended the capabilities of wireless communication systems. The unique ability of cognitive radios to alter their communication protocols to... more
This paper presents progress towards the development of an anthropomorphic 16 degree of freedom, 4 degree of mobility prosthetic hand for use by transradial amputees, named SmartHand. The hand is provided with 40 proprioceptive and... more
Midwifery emerged as a self-regulated profession in British Columbia in the context of a 2-year demonstration project beginning in 1998. The project evaluated accountability among midwives, defined as the provision of safe and appropriate... more
Rapid advances in transmission technology and networking have resulted in development of hardware implementations of several communication protocols, called protocol controllers. Such controllers have been developed for several standard... more