Recent papers in Commentary
(An english version follows) Dans cet article, je traite de la difficulté de se savoir mortel. Je pars de la caractérisation de la mort comme « pur point d’interrogation » (Levinas) pour montrer que la position épistémique qu’elle... more
Commentaries on international law abound and proliferate. To re ect upon this trend in international legal scholarship, three commentaries on the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties are reviewed. They are compared with regard to the... more
In “Yuletide Terror and Other Holiday Horrors”, columnist Frederick Meekins focused upon the growing war against Christmas and other traditional holidays. In “Return Of The Yuletide Terror & Other Holiday Horrors”, he proves that this... more
Comúnmente, cuando apoyamos el proceso de escritura de los estudiantes, los docentes dejamos consignadas anotaciones en sus escritos. Los comentarios escritos (CE) representan un género discursivo que presenta rasgos constantes a pesar de... more
The Calloused Digit #13
The development of Philippines' poetic terrain is a product of the nation's historical circumstances. The country, being a prey of colonial and imperial projects by Spain and the US, has transformed its own poetic landscape into an area... more
Review of Zuo Tradition / Zuozhuan 左傳: Commentary on the “Spring and Autumn Annals”, translated with an introduction by Stephen Durrant, Wai-yee Li, and David Schaberg. 3 vols. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2016.
Appians Keltiké, das vierte Buch seiner vierundzwanzig Bücher umfassenden Römischen Geschichte, behandelt die kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Römern und Kelten, beginnend mit dem von Brennus geführten Angriff auf Rom bis hin... more
Mathematical writers, above all, Euclid, tend to present their theorems as decontextualized, abstract propositions, which has become the standard modus of textual presentation in theoretical mathematics. Mathematical commentators,... more
Table of Contents of the thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
The Underground by Seamus Heaney is a poem set in retrospect as Heaney remembers rather nostalgically an experience with his beloved. The experience occurs in a 'vaulting tunnel' in London-between the underground and the Albert Hall.... more
В статье рассматривается проблема жанровой принадлежности "Новой жизни" Данте Алигьери. Анализ структуры текста, "идеологических" установок его автора, стремящегося представить свой текст как значимый, стоящий в одном ряду с сочинениями... more
Цель данного обзора состоит в том, чтобы оценить практическую пользу толкования Брюггемана на книгу Бытие. Для этого стоит рассмотреть положительные и отрицательные моменты этого комментария.
Chapter 3 from a Bible commentary on the Book of Daniel written from an evangelical (non-critical) perspective. To download a pdf version (where the fonts come out best), either sign up to or email me.
Tradução do comentario tomista ao "De Hebdomadibus" de Boécio.
This chapter considers the roles, challenges and limits of context in a philological commentary. Taking a short letter of Pliny the Younger as its example, it proceeds in three stages. First, a comparative reading of commentaries from the... more
This is a concise practical set of guidelines on the commentary of literary texts, aimed at undergraduate students of literature. It addresses a number of different aspects in the text and the student's interaction with it: reading,... more
En una visión retrospectiva, para entender el alcance propagandístico de los Comentarios cesarianos y la oportunidad de su publicación (§ 5), hay que tener presente que este tipo de memorias autojustificativas y apologéticas contaba con... more
Clueless is an interesting social experiment. The producers deliberately set out to make new trends for teenagers, even releasing a Clueless-inspired line of Barbie dolls, and these efforts were wildly successfully. But, at the same time,... more
Basically, an attempt to elucidate what Hegel means by the astounding claim that "all the things are a syllogism"
In Othello, like in most of his other work, William Shakespeare relies heavily on the use of puns to illustrate his observations about human behavior, a popular literary theme during the Jacobean period. Though the manipulation of... more
louis fournel (Paris VIII), alfred noe (Universität Wien), franCisCo riCo (Universidad autónoma de Barcelona), maria antonietta terzoli (Universität Basel). redazione enriCo mattioda (segretario), lorenzo BoCCa Il «Giornale storico della... more
Shakespeare wrote a tragedy about a black military hero, portrayed in a glowing light in the beginning, in the midst of a Europe that was still killing people over whether or not they believed that wine is the blood of Christ, let alone a... more
The most characteristic feature of the bohemian Jesuit Iacobus Pontanus’ commentary on Ovid’s Metamorphoses (Antverpiae 1618) is the distinction he makes between the electi passages for the students and the commentary assigned to teachers... more
More fun and games from everyone's favourite lovesick poet.
(Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2005).
Pulp Fiction is a tragedy without the sadness and a comedy without the comic plot line. And at the same time as it portrays itself as a champion of those who want to escape the world of political correctness and limitations, it also mocks... more
Selçuklu devleti vezirlerinden Hüseyin b. Ali et-Tuğrâî’nin (ö. 515/1121) yazdığı Lâmiyyetü’l-acem isimli kaside, şairin kullandığı edebî sanatlar ve şiirin muhtevasıyla Arapça yazılmış kasideler arasında öne çıkar. Yazıldığı dönemden... more
's poem gives details of the conditions during the war in the trenches. The poem is rife with emotion and imagery as the poet illustrates his experience within the trenches. It is a poem of hopelessness and pessimism, all which is backed... more
This essay proposes to share with the readers some of the experiences of using commentaries on Sanskrit texts, particularly philosophical texts. No Sanskrit work can be understood properly or adequately without the help of commentaries... more