Comics Studies
Recent papers in Comics Studies
Reinhard Kleist' s graphic novel The Boxer tells the story of Holocaust survivor Harry Haft and his participation in forced boxing matches in Nazi concentration camps. Throughout the work, Kleist works against clear delineations of right... more
An article about Anders Nilsen's work, Don't Go Where I Can't Follow, in the context of grief theory and the literature of grief. The article can be found in the edited collection, Pathographics: Narrative, Aesthetics, Contention,... more
From its creation in the late 1930s onwards, the figure of the superhero has become increasingly ambiguous and problematic. Especially in two crucial periods of recent history – the height of the Cold War in the 1980s as well as after... more
La Guerra Civil española es una cuestión sin agotar. Entre sus consecuencias se encuentra el impacto que ésta tuvo en la memoria de varias generaciones. Sin embargo, el estudio de la memoria social y de sus representaciones sobre la... more
This essay analyzes the comic book superhero as a popular figure whose queer-ness follows as much from the logic of the comics medium and the aesthetic principles of the genre as it does from a dialectic tension between historically... more
This book chapter, published as part of the edited volume "Empirical Comics Research (Routledge, 2018), puts forward a quantitative approach to the study of comics by introducing a stylistic analysis of a corpus of around 240 graphic... more
Il Marvel Cinematic Universe è il più vasto e coraggioso esperimento narrativo seriale dell’intera storia del cinema: un enorme affresco, più ampio persino di Star Wars, basato sulle avventure dei supereroi della casa editrice americana... more
With the release of ‘Outlaw King’, the upcoming film ‘Robert the Bruce’ and the long shadow cast by ‘Braveheart’, the wars for Scottish independence of the fourteenth century are being re-fought in modern popular culture, just as they... more
У монографії здійснено системне дослідження української експериментальної прози ХХ - початку ХХІ століть в історико-культурній та жанрово-стильовій перспективі. Парадигма експериментальної прози розглядається на структурно-семантичному... more
The purpose of this essay is to reconstruct the comics controversy in Germany in the 1950s and 1960s, paying special attention to the debate over effects, which was paramount. A guiding principle of this investigation is to relate the... more
Les revues jouent le rôle de catalyseur dans le développement d’un langage critique propre à la bande dessinée. Celle-ci prend sa source dans les bureaux de rédaction. Les équipes se forment tant au niveau artistique qu’au niveau... more
Before the former Yugoslavia was divided by wars, its inhabitants successfully lived side by side in peace. This collection seeks to explain how former neighbors became enemies, with the hope that understanding what drove these peoples... more
Bringing together interdisciplinary leaders in methodology and arts-based research (ABR), this comprehensive handbook explores the synergies between artistic and research practices and addresses issues in designing, implementing,... more
Drawing on three contemporary comics-The Movement, Jughead, and Sex Criminals-this essay explores the challenges that visual media face when trying to illustrate the "invisible orientation" of asexuality. More specifically, the author... more
If Barbara Postema’s Narrative Structure in Comics is any indication, RIT Press’s new “Comics Monograph Series” promises to offer first-rate scholarly work for both newcomers and veterans in the field. Postema offers a smart, lucid... more
In Narrative Structure in Comics: Making Sense of Fragments, Barbara Postema uses the notion of the gap to explain how comics create meaning. As texts that combine words and images, comics rely on the verbal register to communicate... more
Both in literature and art, exponents of modernism sought new forms of expression that took into account changes in the social, economic, technical and political conditions of the time. A similar trend towards questioning outmoded forms... more
"Le journalisme graphique, dit aussi « BD-journalisme », est passé en l’espace de quelques années du statut de curiosité générique explorée par quelques francs-tireurs à partir des années 1960 à celui de phénomène éditorial de masse.... more
In contemporary histories of psychology, William Moulton Marston is remembered for helping develop the lie detector test. He is better remembered in the history of popular culture for creating the comic book superhero Wonder Woman. In his... more
This article focuses on visual adaptation strategies and practices in the publication of foreign comics. It first defines visual adaptation in the context of related terms such as audiovisual translation (AVT) and localization. Then, it... more
My contribution today is titled Walking with buildings. The flâneur and the (im)mobilizing power of non-human narrators and aims to reflect on the contrasting encounter between the apparent immobility of buildings, as non-human inert... more
In this issue, master of communication design candidate Roberto Bruzzese gives us an inside look at his exegesis: Teaching teachers: learning through graphic literacy. Here is a preview of what he got into! This exegesis documents my... more
El conocido por algunos teóricos y editores como boom del cómic adulto, fue el último momento en que el cómic pensado para quiosco tuvo un carácter masivo en España, gracias a revistas como El Víbora, Cairo o 1984. Durante las décadas de... more
Reprenant partiellement mon mémoire de master II, ce dossier aborde l'histoire des éditions Lug, principal importateur des comics Marvel entre 1969 et 1989 en France, évoquant à la fois la biographie de ses membres fondateurs, la pression... more
인터뷰_존 렌트] 만화연구, 지식의 틈을 채우기 위한 여정 2011 년 봄, 당시 존 렌트 (John A. Lent) 박사의 연구 조교였던 아내를 졸라 그의 집을 처음 방문했을 때가 기억난다. 현관문을 열자 그가 출간해온 International Journal of Comic Art (IJOCA)와 세계 각지 에서 보내온 원고 뭉치들이 가득 쌓여 있었다. 식탁이 놓여 있어야 할 다이닝룸은 만화서적, 연구자료, 집필 중인... more
Unnatural narratology has recently focused our attention on unnatural representations of time. It is usually assumed that the ‘typical sjuzhet’ must be linear, while the ‘variable sjuzhet’ is unnatural and belongs exclusively to... more
Der Comic hatte es lange Zeit schwer: Kritiker und Kritikerinnen verurteilten ihn als Schundliteratur und unterstellten ihm, die Jugend zu gefährden. Erst in den 1960er- und 70er-Jahren stieg die Akzeptanz für die Bildergeschichten.... more
Communication pour le colloque international "Traduire, un engagement politique" organisé par le CET à l'université Paris Diderot du 29 novembre au 1 décembre 2018. La traduction des comics Marvel par les éditions Lug: Un engagement dans... more
Emphasizing films such as Batman: The Movie that have received little scholarly attention, this book presents a new and more coherent definition of the comic book film as a stylistic approach rather than a genre.
Super-héros : histoire d’un mythe américain UE libre pour le Bureau des enseignements transversaux de l’université Paris 3 Sorbonne-Nouvelle Année universitaire 2020-2021 Du 27 janvier 2021 au 21 avril 2021 Descriptif : En plus de... more
Superman, apparu en juin 1938 dans les pages d’Action Comics n°1 n’est sans doute pas le premier super-héros. Il existe bien avant lui des personnages possédant des pouvoirs hors du commun qui agissent sous le couvert d’une identité... more
This article offers a close analysis of a trilogy of ‘refugee comics’ entitled ‘A Perilous Journey’, which were produced in 2015 by the non-profit organisation PositiveNegatives, to conceive of comics as a bordered form able to establish... more
In Superman #216 (1969), Superman intervened in the Vietnam War. Until this point, DC Comics had kept Superman away from any of America's wars in comic books. During the Second World War, Superman urged Americans to buy war bonds on the... more
Reviewed August 2014, updated October 2015 To commemorate his 75th year in 2013, this is the fascinating true story about the "birthplace" and "parents" of Superman. Not Krypton. Not Jor-el and Lara. Not even Jonathan and Martha. But the... more
CuCo, Cuadernos de cómic número 1. Septiembre de 2013 222 CuCoEnsayo Entre el sueño y la muerte: las tradiciones meditativas y Vapor de Max JOSEP OLIVER Josep Oliver (1979) es licenciado en Filología Hispánica y actualmente termina un... more