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A main purpose of this work is to give a good algorithm for a certain welldescribed class of integer linear programming problems, called matching problems (or the matching problem). Methods developed for simple matching [2,3], a special... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationCombinatorial
Combinatorial optimization model for railway engine assignment problem. In: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Algorithmic Methods and Models for Optimization of Railways. Dagstuhl Research Online. Strathprints is designed to allow users... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationAssignment Problem
The Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) is one of the classical combinatorial optimization problems and is known for its diverse applications. In this paper, we suggest a genetic algorithm for the QAP and report its computational behavior.... more
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatorial OptimizationSimulated AnnealingGenetic Algorithm
This paper introduces Phased Local Search (PLS), a new stochastic reactive dynamic local search algorithm for the maximum clique problem. PLS interleaves sub-algorithms which alternate between sequences of iterative improvement, during... more
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatorial OptimizationPure MathematicsLocal Search
We propose a technique that we call HodgeRank for ranking data that may be incomplete and imbalanced, characteristics common in modern datasets coming from e-commerce and internet applications. We are primarily interested in cardinal data... more
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      Applied MathematicsComputer ScienceEconometricsCombinatorial Optimization
School timetabling is a classical combinatorial optimization problem, which consists in assigning lessons to time slots, satisfying a set of constraints of various kinds. Due mostly to the constraints this problem falls in the category of... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationSimulated AnnealingDecision support systemLocal Search
W e propose a tabu search algorithm for the generalized assignment problem, which is one of the representative combinatorial optimization problems known to be NP-hard. The algorithm features an ejection chain approach, which is embedded... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationTabu SearchMetaheuristicsMathematical Sciences
This work compares the effectiveness of eight evolutionary heuristic algorithms applied to the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP), reputedly one of the most difficult combinatorial optimization problems. QAP is merely used as a carrier... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationHeuristicsMultidisciplinaryOptimization
We discuss the connection between facility location prob- lems and covering problems, and present approaches to solving facility location problems by reducing them to cov- ering problems. In particular, we discuss the following NP-hard... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationFacility LocationOptimization ProblemApproximate Algorithm
A pebbling move consists of removing two pebbles from one vertex and then placing one pebble at an adjacent vertex. If a distribution δ of pebbles lets us move at least one pebble to each vertex by applying pebbling moves repeatedly(if... more
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatorial OptimizationPure MathematicsNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
In this paper, we apply the tabu-search technique to the job-shop scheduling problem, a notoriously difficult problem in combinatorial optimization. We show that our implementation of this method dominates both a previous approach with... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationTabu SearchMathematical SciencesJob Shop Scheduling Problem
We study the polyhedron P(G) defined by the convex hull of 2-edge-connected subgraphs of G where multiple copies of edges may be chosen. We show that each vertex of P(G) is also a vertex of the LP relaxation. Given the close relationship... more
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatorial OptimizationPure MathematicsClose relationships
Semidefinite programming(SDP) relaxations for the quadratic assignment problem (QAP)are derived using the dual of the (homogenized) Lagrangian dual of appropriate equivalentrepresentations of QAP. These relaxations result in the... more
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatorial OptimizationPure MathematicsQuadratic Assignment Problem
The subject of this paper is the formulation and solution of a variation of the classical binary knapsack problem. The variation that is addressed is termed the “fixed-charge knapsack problem”, in which sub-sets of variables (activities)... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationLinear ProgrammingMultidisciplinaryProblem Solving
This paper presents the SR-GCWS-CS probabilistic algorithm that combines Monte Carlo simulation with splitting techniques and the Clarke and Wright savings heuristic to find competitive quasi-optimal solutions to the Capacitated Vehicle... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingComputer ScienceInformation Technology
In this paper, we present an improved hybrid optimization algorithm, which was applied to the hard combinatorial optimization problem, the quadratic assignment problem (QAP). This is an extended version of the earlier hybrid heuristic... more
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatorial OptimizationTabu SearchSimulated Annealing
The Graph is a powerful mathematical tool applied in many fields as transportation, communication, informatics, economy, … In an ordinary graph, the weights of edges and vertexes are considered independently where the length of a path is... more
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      Computer GraphicsSocial NetworksVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Combinatorial Optimization
Answer Set Programming is a very convenient framework to represent various problems issued from Artificial Intelligence (nonmonotonic reasoning, planning, diagnosis...). Furthermore, it can be used to neatly encode combinatorial problems.... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationAnt Colony OptimizationPlanningNonmonotonic Reasoning
In manufacturing facilities, shipping and receiving traditionally have been concentrated in one or two areas of the building. The widespread introduction of just-in-time shipping policies in US manufacturing companies during the past 15... more
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      EngineeringCombinatorial OptimizationManufacturingDecomposition
We call a matrix A nearly totally unimodular if it can be obtained from a totally unimodular matrixà by adding to each row ofà an integer multiple of some fixed row a T ofÃ. For an integer vector b and a nearly totally unimodular matrix... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationPure MathematicsAlgorithmDiscrete Mathematics
The most well-known theorem in combinatorial optimization is the classical max-flow min-cut theorem of Ford and Fulkerson. This theorem serves as the basis for deriving efficient algorithms for finding max-flows and min-cuts. Starting... more
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      AlgorithmsCombinatorial OptimizationEfficient Algorithm for ECG CodingApproximate Algorithm
In this contribution, we will study the influence of the three components of the Best-Worst Ant System (BWAS) algorithm. As the importance of each of them as the fact whether all of them are necessary will be analyzed. Besides, we will... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationAnt Colony SystemAnt system
A lot of minimization covering problems on graphs consist in covering vertices or edges by subgraphs verifying a certain property. These problems can be seen as particular cases of set-covering. If the number of subgraphs is polynomial in... more
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      Applied MathematicsVlsi DesignCombinatorial OptimizationNetwork Design
The chain rule -fundamental to any kind of analytical differentiation -can be applied in various ways to computational graphs representing vector functions. These variants result in different operations counts for the calculation of the... more
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatorial OptimizationMathematical ProgrammingDynamic programming
In this paper we present a population declining ant colony optimization (PDACO) multiuser detector for asynchronous CDMA communications. Ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms have already been used in multiuser detection in CDMA... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputational ComplexityCombinatorial OptimizationAnt Colony Optimization
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatorial OptimizationMathematical ProgrammingNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
Cooperative game theory is concerned primarily with groups of players who coordinate their actions and pool their winnings. One of the main concerns is how to divide the extra earnings (or cost savings) among the members of the... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationDiscrete OptimizationCost AllocationCost Saving
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      Data MiningCombinatorial OptimizationReverse EngineeringCredit Risk
Developing models and algorithms to generate robust project schedules that are less sensitive to disturbances are essential in today's highly competitive uncertain project environments. This paper addresses robust scheduling in project... more
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      Project ManagementCombinatorial OptimizationOperations ResearchInteger Programming
Scope and Purpose-In several physical distribution problems, goods must be delivered from several depots to a set of geographically dispersed customers, under capacity or route length constraints. Documented examples include the delivery... more
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatorial OptimizationTabu SearchAlgorithm
In order to obtain a competitive level of productivity in a manufacturing system, efficient machine or department arrangements and appropriate transportation path structures are of considerable importance. By defining a production... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationHeuristicsProductivityMultidisciplinary
The linear ordering problem with cumulative costs (LOPCC) is a variant of the well-known linear ordering problem, in which a cumulative propagation makes the objective function highly non-linear. The LOPCC has been recently introduced in... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationMultidisciplinaryMetaheuristicsOscillations
We consider the Variable Cost and Size Bin Packing Problem, a generalization of the well-known bin packing problem, where a set of items must be packed into a set of heterogeneous bins characterized by possibly different volumes and fixed... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsComputer ScienceCombinatorial Optimization
The location routing problem (LRP) appears as a combination of two difficult problems: the facility location problem (FLP) and the vehicle routing problem (VRP). In this work, we consider a discrete LRP with two levels: a set of potential... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationHeuristicsModelingRouting
Harmony search (HS) algorithm was applied to solving Sudoku puzzle. The HS is an evolutionary algorithm which mimics musicians’ behaviors such as random play, memory-based play, and pitch-adjusted play when they perform improvisation.... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationSensitivity AnalysisOptimization ProblemHarmony Search
In this paper we present a general genetic algorithm to address a wide variety o f sequencing and optimization problems including multiple machine scheduling, reso urce allocation and the quadratic assignment problem. When addressing such... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationGenetic AlgorithmsParallel ProcessingGenetic Algorithm
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      Combinatorial OptimizationLogisticsRoutingMultidisciplinary
The school choice problem concerns the design and implementation of matching mechanisms that produce school assignments for students within a given public school district. In this note we define a simple student-optimal criterion that is... more
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      Game TheoryCombinatorial OptimizationSchool ChoiceDesign and Implementation
This paper aims at describing the state of the art on quadratic assignment problems (QAPs). It discusses the most important developments in all aspects of the QAP such as linearizations, QAP polyhedra, algorithms to solve the problem to... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationFacility LocationLocation theoryTraveling Salesman Problem
Fast algorithms can be created for many graph problems when instances are confined to classes of graphs that are recursively constructed. This paper first describes some basic conceptual notions regarding the design of such fast... more
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    • Combinatorial Optimization
The Benders decomposition algorithm has been successfully applied to a wide range of difficult optimization problems.This paper presents a state-of-the-art survey of this algorithm, with an emphasis on its use in combinatorial... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceCombinatorial OptimizationMultidisciplinary
Prioritizing and selecting a few critical transportation projects from several competing projects is a multiobjective combinatorial optimization problem (MOCO). Transportation planners and managers are always interested in analyzing and... more
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      EngineeringCombinatorial OptimizationNetwork AnalysisCase Study
The problem of voltage collapse in power systems due to increased loads can be solved by adding renewable energy sources like wind and photovoltaic (PV) to some bus-bars. This option can reduce the cost of the generated energy and... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsCombinatorial OptimizationSoft Computing Techniques
a presentation on property graph implementation
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      Combinatorial OptimizationGraphs TheoryGraph TheoryCombinatorics
Computing the chromatic number of a graph is an NP-hard problem. For random graphs and some other classes of graphs, estimators of the expected chromatic number have been well studied. In this paper, a new 0–1 integer programming... more
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatorial OptimizationNonlinear ProgrammingNon Linear Programming
Ant-Q is an algorithm belonging to the class of ant colony based methods, that is, of combinatorial optimization methods in which a set of simple agents, called ants, cooperate to find good solutions to combinatorial optimiza tion... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationExperimental StudyANT COLONYAnt system
A discrete cat swarm optimization is a metaheuristic based on natural behavior of cats, each cat has two modes that are the seeking mode, and the tracing mode. The seeking mode is when a cat is at rest, that’s how a cat spends most of its... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationOperations ResearchMetaheuristics (Operations Research)Quadratic Assignment Problem
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      Combinatorial OptimizationLocal Search
A non-convex optimization problem involving minimization of the sum of max and min concave functions over a transportation polytope is studied in this paper. Based upon solving at most (g+1)(p) cost minimizing transportation problems with... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationNon-convex optimizationMathematical SciencesGlobal Optimization
We consider a container loading problem that occurs at a typical furniture manufacturer. Each furniture item has an associated profit. Given container dimensions and a set of furniture items, the problem is to determine a subset of items... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationMultidisciplinaryTransportation PlanningProfitability