Columbia School of Law
Recent papers in Columbia School of Law
The US 4th Circuit Court of Appeals has no jurisdiction to impose Reciprocal Discipline when the original entity imposing discipline lacked subject matter jurisdiction to impose discipline on an attorney practicing law in the Commonwealth... more
Two timeless women embody the ideals of our nation. In New York Harbor, the Statue of Liberty proclaims: "Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free ... ."I In Washington, D.C., the statue Contemplation... more
? 1979 Robert & Veda Charrow * Assistant Professor of Law, Howard University. BS 1966, Harvey Mudd College; JD 1969, Stanford University. ** Research Scientist, American Institutes for Research.... more
Research in the field of behavioral economics indicates that humans stumble in their decisionmaking in predictable ways that can often be corrected by a gentle nudge from the appropriate regulatory authority. Two new books--Dan Ariely's... more
Extensive hyperlink listing on one sheet.
This story of the evolution of legal evaluations from the seventeenth century to the close of the twentieth depicts English influences on American law student evaluations, which have waned in the twentieth century with the advent of... more
Lives Probably the most vexing problem raised by the cost-benefit analysis of environmental regulation is how to deal with the fact that the loss of human life generally does not occur contemporaneously with the exposure to certain... more
In this Article, Professors Dorf and Sabel identif a new form of government, democratic experimentalism, in which power is decentralized to enable citizens and other actors to utilize their local knowledge to fit solutions to their... more
uncertainty is distinguished from risk. Risk exists when alternative future states of the world occur with quantifiable probability: The future can be expressed as a probability distribution. Uncertainty exists when alternative future... more
This paper primarily attempts to answer the question of whether the Sharī'a and the modern state are, or can hope to be, compatible in practice or theory. The study reviews three recent works by prominent scholars of Islamic law that... more
Supreme Court doctrine protects two seemingly distinct kinds of interests under the heading of privacy rights: one "substantive," the other "procedural." The Fourth Amendment guarantee against "unreasonable searches and seizures" has been... more
The paper seeks to advise prospective students of the Nigerian law School on how to train academic excellence
some immigrants, all great-grandparents. SUMMARY: ... Critical Race Theory dreams in black and white. ... The change, signified by the instant Symposium, is bound up in the emergence of LatCrit theory. ... Specifically, it addresses race... more
Can a for profit private company maintain affordability in housing? I posit the formation of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village can inform us how to better construct affordable housing in the future.
Economists have invented a game: the ultimatum game. The people who run the game give some money, on a provisional basis, to two players. The first player is instructed to offer some part of the money to the second player. If the second... more
Currently, there are a few law schools in Bangladesh which has ADR as a course module. The subject is mostly taught in the first semester of a 4 year Honors programme. By the time a student graduates, he would forget what he studied on... more
Lon Fuller's "Consideration and Form" originated a scheme for the analysis of contract questions based on multiple formal and substantive con-siderations, with "the principle of private autonomy"first among... more
The research reported in this Essay examines process discounts—differences in sentences imposed for the same offense, depending upon whether the conviction was by jury trial, bench trial, or guilty plea—in five states that use judicial... more
In this Article, Professors Dorf and Sabel identif a new form of government, democratic experimentalism, in which power is decentralized to enable citizens and other actors to utilize their local knowledge to fit solutions to their... more
Under Apprendi v. New Jersey, any fact that increases an offender’s maximum punishment must be found by a jury beyond a reasonable doubt. The Apprendi literature has focused on the allocation of power between judge and jury, ignoring... more
In a series of lectures in 1970,' Professor Grant Gilmore pronounced the death of contract. The announcement heralded a renaissance in contract scholarship. The renaissance has reached maturity: in the past two years no less than four... more
In recent academic writing on the general problem of constitutional protection of property under the takings clause' and due process clauses, 2 a mode of analysis has emerged that is evidently different from the conventional analysis of... more
This paper examines the burgeoning psychological literature on happiness and hedonic adaptation (a person's capacity to preserve or recapture her level of happiness by adjusting to changed circumstances), bringing this literature to bear... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Debates over "entitlements" have lacked conceptual clarity because the term has at least six analytically distinct meanings. The psychological "entitlements" that many attack are distinct from the legalistic "entitlements" that others... more
This Article explores the distinction between in personam contract rights and in rem property rights. It presents a functional explanation for why the legal system utilizes these two modalities of rights, grounded in the pattern of... more
for their helpful comments on earlier versions of this Essay and above all to his dear friend and mentor, the late Marvin Becker, without whose advice and encouragement this Essay would never have been completed. The research of Melanie... more
Professor Rubin's article is an admirable piece of work on many levels, from its attention to jurisprudence to its concern with the practical changes in the Congress and its function, and their implications. In commenting on it, I mean to... more