Colour and Light
Recent papers in Colour and Light
Seminar held as a Visiting Lecturer at the Polytechnic University in Milan, Italy - School of Design, Course of Ligh Art and Lighting Design (Reference Professor: Gisella Gellini).
"Ocean and Sea", is a conceptual solution of knitted textile dividers that aims to create a colour changing element in the patient’s environment. The knitted screens are for windows in patient and treatment rooms, dividing out-door from... more
Colour is visual identification or perception of a property derived from spectrum of light by human eyes. When a beam of light from sun or light source passes through a glass prism, it dispersed in to seven colours of rainbow. Sunlight... more
In our designed culture, every environment, object and picture is analyzed from the viewpoint of colour and light. Colour and light play an important role in social life and culture. This paper springs from an epistemological project... more
In 1928, in Leningrad, in the Grand conference hall of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the First evening of ‘Art of light and color’ was held, and the examples of the connection of music, dance, recitation and architecture with... more
Paper presented at the "11. Dresnder Farbenforum: Farbe in der Architektur", June 15 and 16 2017, Technical University of Dresden
This article explores the effects of using black on spatial experience by means of phenomenological analysis of its architectural examples with a special focus on Serpentine Gallery Pavilion designed by Peter Zumthor. Contrary to the... more
High-tech Architectures in Italy: Materials, Colors and Dynamic Surfaces. The high-tech style was born in England in the sixties as an evolution of Modernism. Architectural historian Colin Davies identifies four architects as initiators... more
American Director Wes Anderson's films are an interesting case study on the use of representation and visual language as elements capable of implementing the narrative underlying the film plot. His films, in fact, are constructed... more
Contemporary art installations and sculptures are made of a large variety of materials. The modern concept of light art emerged with the development of artificial electric light sources and experimentation by modern artists of the... more
A forced choice paradigm was employed, similar to that of a recent experiment conducted by Hubbard (1996) using paired greyscale patches and pitch intervals, which provided evidence of a universal mapping of lightness value relative to... more
A systematic look at colour on the four worlds of the Qabalistic Tree of life, it's historic evolution and meditational use, especially in terms of energy circulations between Da'ath and Yesod in the Body. Presentation to Servants of... more
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832), uno tra i più importanti autori e poeti di tutti i tempi, definito come l’ultimo genio rinascimentale, è stato non solo un grande letterato, ma anche un pittore, uno scienziato e un pensatore a... more
This paper argues that fine glass dining vessels were prized aesthetic objects in the ancient Roman world. Where a post-Enlightenment bias against applied visual media has allowed these glass works to go under-treated, this paper... more
Bu araştırma camın plastik ifade olanaklarına ilişkin rengin cam sanatındaki kullanımlarının izini sürerken, camda renk ve anlatım ilişkisini inceleyerek bunu kullanan sanatçılara yer vermektedir. Rengin biçime yüklediği anlamlar... more
Menurut hasil penelitian penggunaan energi, dalam hal ini listrik pada bangunan gedung menunjukan bahwa jumlah energi listrik yang dipergunakan untuk keperluan pencahayaan ruangan menempati urutan terbesar kedua setelah sistem tata udara.... more
Una breve indagine a largo raggio sulla natura del colore.
Presentation on colour history, theory, perception and future...presented at the University of British Columbia Grand Rounds Lecture Series.
Reflective essay completed for Postgraduate Diploma level - Master of Arts degree in Interior Architecture and Design
Therefore if this lamp was manufactured to worldwide adopted standards in place since the early 1930’s where 1000 hours is the optimum with a reasonable life rating compromise between lamp cost, verses electricity cost, cost of replacing... more
Este artículo busca proporcionar nuevas perspectivas para una lectura reflexiva de la Teoría de los colores de Goethe, que permitan su puesta en valor más allá de la reconocida polémica con las ideas científicas de Newton, a partir del... more
Lanthanide ions display intense photoluminescence under UV light. When incorporated in glass they are used not only in technological applications, but in artworks as well. Luminescent soda-lime silicate glasses with compositions similar... more
The thesis of this paper is that Thomas Aquinas offers an alternative model of abstraction (the Active Principle Model) that overcomes the standard objections to abstractionism and expands our view of what an abstractionist theory might... more
CHROMOSCALE presents a novel framework that integrates numerical systems with color representation through a unique chromatic approach based on cyclic orders. The concept revolves around the relationship between different numerical bases... more
The purpose of the following experiments and this conclusive report is to obtain an appreciative understanding of the properties of light and how paraxial rays interact with a variety of optical mediums. The first phenomenon to be... more
An exploration of Goethe's 'dark spectrum' and its relevance to current research.
Abstract Les saints, tant vivants que dans l’au-delà, forment un sujet actuellement très apprécié des études concernant l’Antiquité tardive. Dans le domaine iconographique, l’ensemble le plus magnifique de saints est représenté par les... more
Nul ne doute plus aujourd'hui du rôle majeur qu'ont joué les couleurs et l'or dans la structuration des sociétés grecques antiques, au long des siècles. Tout suggère une passion grecque pour la couleur étendue à tout type de production... more
In this article, I argue that Goethe's way of science, understood as a phenomenology of nature, might be one valuable means for fostering a deeper sense of responsibility and care for the natural world. By providing a conceptual and lived... more
Cognitive Linguistics, which primarily deals with the conceptual structures of human mind via their language manifestation, opens new prospects in study- ing binary oppositions. Despite numerous researches of this phenomenon, lots of... more