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1. Honeybees are positively phototactic when they leave a feeding place and start to fly back to the hive. The strength of this natural phototactic response in individually marked bees was measured without interfering with their foraging... more
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      Colour VisionComparative PhysiologyBiological SciencesBlue Light
The study of colour has become familiar territory in recent anthropology, linguistics, art history and archaeology. Classicists, however, have traditionally subordinated the study of colour to form. By drawing together evidence from... more
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      ClassicsPerceptionColour VisionHistory of the Senses
Patients suffering from AIDS develop ocular complications, the most frequent being HIV retinopathy. It is however not clear, if functional visual impairments can be observed as early indicators of ocular complications, before clinical... more
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      Colour VisionColor PerceptionVisionVisual Impairment
We investigated colour vision impairment in 45 male workers occupationally exposed to toluene (mean value of toluene concentration in ambient air = 119.96 ppm) and in 53 controls. Colour vision was evaluated by Lanthony-D-15 desaturated... more
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      Colour VisionNonparametric StatisticsOccupational MedicineToxicity
SUMMARY Male glow-worms Lampyris noctiluca find their bioluminescent mates at night by phototaxis. There is good evidence that location of mates by lampyrid beetles is achieved by a single spectral class of photoreceptor,whose spectral... more
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      Colour VisionEnglandColor PerceptionBiological Sciences
Illumination invariance remains the most researched, yet the most challenging aspect of automatic face recognition. In this paper we investigate the discriminative power of colour-based invariants in the presence of large illumination... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringComputer Science
Leningrad and Moscow of the 1920s were alive with artists, writers, scientists and craftsmen who sought a new language of communication. New institutes were established for new collaborations. A universal language was to traverse the... more
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      Art HistoryColour ScienceColour VisionColour Music
Honeybees Apis mellifera were trained to distinguish between the presence and the absence of a rewarded coloured spot, presented on a vertical, achromatic plane in a Y-maze. They were subsequently tested with different subtended visual... more
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      Colour VisionComparative PhysiologyComparativeBiological Sciences
The issue of whether there is a motion mechanism sensitive to purely chromatic stimuli has been pertinent for the past 30 or more years. The aim of this review is to examine why such different conclusions have been drawn in the literature... more
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      Colour VisionMotion perception
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      Colour VisionLocalizationPositron Emission TomographyMedicine
Based on the measurements of 1063 flower reflection spectra, we show that flower colours fall into distinct clusters in the colour space of a bee. It is demonstrated that this clustering is caused by a limited variability in the floral... more
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      MathematicsColour VisionColor PerceptionBees
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      Colour VisionLife historyComparative PhysiologyComparative
spectral sensitivities of each of the zebra finch's single cone classes. This resulted in males that effectively had no UV (UV−), no short-wave (SW−), no medium-wave (MW−) or no long-wave (LW−) plumage reflection. Females preferred UV−... more
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      Colour VisionMate ChoiceAnimal communicationBiological Sciences
Colour is visual identification or perception of a property derived from spectrum of light by human eyes. When a beam of light from sun or light source passes through a glass prism, it dispersed in to seven colours of rainbow. Sunlight... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringAgricultural Engineering
The aim of the study was to obtain normal values for the colour-arrangement test, Roth 28-hue desaturated. In 146 healthy non-smokers colour vision was tested monocularly. The subjects were divided into four age groups: 0-19, 20-39,... more
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      Colour VisionAdolescentColor PerceptionVision
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      Colour VisionBiological Sciences
Colour and knowledge-Thoughts on a history of perception or evolution of colors In his book The Appearances of Colors (1911), David Katz states that the causes of the existing distortions within the science of colors are primarily "the... more
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      Human EvolutionEpistemologyPerceptionColour Vision
The most commonly used method to examine the ability of the visual system to discriminate colours and detect colour vision de®ciencies is based on pseudoisochromatic plates, such as the Ishihara plates. We describe a computer-based method... more
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      Information SystemsColour VisionDisplaysVisual System
Sharks are apex predators, and their evolutionary success is in part due to an impressive array of sensory systems, including vision. The eyes of sharks are well developed and function over a wide range of light levels. However, whilst... more
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      Colour VisionMultidisciplinaryVisual DesignSharks
American Director Wes Anderson's films are an interesting case study on the use of representation and visual language as elements capable of implementing the narrative underlying the film plot. His films, in fact, are constructed... more
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      Visual StudiesArchitectureFilm TheoryColour Vision
Alpine flowers face multiple challenges in terms of abiotic and biotic factors, some of which may result in selection for certain colours at increasing altitude, in particular the changing pollinator species composition, which tends to... more
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      Colour VisionBeesAlpine EcologyInsect Vision
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      AestheticsColour VisionPaintingColour and Light
Purpose: To evaluate a customized, portable Farnsworth-Munsell 100 (FM 100) hue viewing booth for compliance with colour vision testing standards and to compare it with room illumination in subjects with normal colour vision... more
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      Colour VisionAdolescentKoreanLighting
A forced choice paradigm was employed, similar to that of a recent experiment conducted by Hubbard (1996) using paired greyscale patches and pitch intervals, which provided evidence of a universal mapping of lightness value relative to... more
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      Experimental PsychologyMusicMusic EducationMusic Technology
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      Colour VisionLocalizationPositron Emission TomographyMedicine
A systematic look at colour on the four worlds of the Qabalistic Tree of life, it's historic evolution and meditational use, especially in terms of energy circulations between Da'ath and Yesod in the Body. Presentation to Servants of... more
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      Colour VisionChristian KabbalahColour and LightLurianic Kabbalah
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      Colour VisionMaurice Merleau-PontyColour TheoryMerleau-Ponty
Colour is visual identification or perception of a property derived from spectrum of light by human eyes. When a beam of light from sun or light source passes through a glass prism, it dispersed in to seven colours of rainbow. Sunlight... more
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      EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringSoil ScienceSocial Sciences
Bu araştırma camın plastik ifade olanaklarına ilişkin rengin cam sanatındaki kullanımlarının izini sürerken, camda renk ve anlatım ilişkisini inceleyerek bunu kullanan sanatçılara yer vermektedir. Rengin biçime yüklediği anlamlar... more
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      Colour VisionContemporary ArtGlassModern and contemporary crafts (Art)
Presentation on colour history, theory, perception and future...presented at the University of British Columbia Grand Rounds Lecture Series.
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      Colour ScienceColour VisionColour TheoryColour and Light
Praca prezentuje wyniki badania dotyczącego czynników ryzyka zaburzeń snu wśród pracowników agencji reklamowych. Przebadano 100 osób (55 kobiet i 45 mężczyzn) z działów obsługi klienta, kreacji i wdrożeń. Zastosowano kwestionariusze:... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive ScienceNeuropsychologyMemory (Cognitive Psychology)
Colour harmony has been an important factor for colour planning. A general consensus has been reached in the definition of colour harmony, as suggested by Judd and Wyszecki [1] that 'when two or more colours seen in neighbouring areas... more
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      Colour VisionData Collection
(Colour illustrations for CD-ROM version you can see after black-white variant) Colour combinations in the costume of peoples in the Iranian World reveal their traditional character: red, white and blue, with rarer use of yellow, black... more
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      Colour ScienceColour VisionIranian ArchaeologyIranian Studies
CHROMOSCALE presents a novel framework that integrates numerical systems with color representation through a unique chromatic approach based on cyclic orders. The concept revolves around the relationship between different numerical bases... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistoryModern HistoryCultural History
The optometric profession in the UK has a major role in the detection, assessment and management of ocular anomalies in children between 5 and 16 years of age. The role complements a variety of associated screening services provided... more
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      OptometryOphthalmologyColour VisionEvidence Based Medicine
In the present study, we have described and compared both the number and the types of the mistakes that were made during reading of the Ishihara plates by 3,926 students attending the secondary schools in the province of Cosenza... more
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      AnthropologyColour VisionSecondary SchoolGenetic Disorder
Understanding perception of colour is challenging because what we see is not always what is there, which is a phenomenon we call illusions. Here we review the nature of colour vision, and the problems facing most current models and... more
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      Colour VisionOptical physics
This is a review of studies that have investigated the proposed rehabilitative bene®t of tinted lenses and ®lters for people with low vision. Currently, eye care practitioners have to rely on marketing literature and anecdotal reports... more
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      Physiological OpticsColour VisionExperimental DesignColor Perception
Over a century ago workers such as J. Lubbock and K. von Frisch developed behavioural criteria for establishing that non-human animals see colour. Many animals in most phyla have since then been shown to have colour vision. Colour is used... more
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      Colour VisionAnimal BehaviorColor PerceptionBiological Sciences
Cognitive Linguistics, which primarily deals with the conceptual structures of human mind via their language manifestation, opens new prospects in study- ing binary oppositions. Despite numerous researches of this phenomenon, lots of... more
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      SemioticsSemanticsColour VisionCognitive Semantics
Nachbilder, nicht komplementär Augenexperimente, Sehlüste und Modelle des Farbensehens im 18. Jahrhundert »Ich ergriff endlich selbst den Pinsel, ob ich schon sonst in der Malerkunst ganz unerfahren bin, und verfertigte mir mehr Bilder... more
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      Colour VisionColour TheoryTheories of VisionHistory of colour
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      PhysicsEducationColour ScienceColour Vision
Color constancy is usually measured by achromatic setting, asymmetric matching, or color naming paradigms, whose results are interpreted in terms of indexes and models that arguably do not capture the full complexity of the phenomenon.... more
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      PsychophysicsPsychophysics of visionVision ScienceColour Vision
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsColour ScienceColour Vision
This research deals with Audiovisual Design language elements, elaborated as an audio/visual/verbal system that simultaneously transmits all its elements, emphasizing their relationship and their transversal composition in time and space.... more
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      Colour ScienceColour VisionGraphic Design3D visualisation
It is quite obvious color management is very difficult for color-blind people. Moreover, in the case of a color-blind artist the problem worsens, especially visual artists. Difficulties arise if the artist tries to express "real" colors... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryColour VisionPainting
Aim: To investigate changes in colour discrimination as a result of chronic hypoxic exposure induced by extreme altitudes (above 8000m) during an expedition to Mt.
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      Colour VisionBritishColor PerceptionAnoxia
Grating patterns can cause discomfort and perceptual distortions. Individuals who experience discomfort and are susceptible to these distortions generally show weaker accommodation than those who are less susceptible. We measured the... more
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      Colour VisionAccommodation
The paper discusses the venerable philosophical experience of shared experience, for example, when we seem red how can we know another person has the same experience? It is argues from modern neuroscience, as well as findings in the... more
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      PhilosophyColour VisionAnimal BehaviourAnosmia